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Yet Another TotK Timeline Placement Theory

Jan 11, 2021
The order of those parallel events isn't relevant because those stories aren't important anymore. It's all presented as myth in BotW/TotK where there seems to be a reoccurring theme regarding the falsity of legends. The implications of this along with all the newly added lore and cross references brings into question the validity of the entire timeline.
I think the timeline of a new timeline is relevant, but I do like variations on the Living Legend theory so I can roll with it.

As corny as it sounds, all those older games are just legends now, which is why I keep on hammering the point about looking backwards to no avail, when we should be looking ahead and paying attention to how future titles connect to eachother in this new era of Zelda that is intentionally set far off from those previous eras, only to confuse and fuel speculation while Nintendo could be withholding that final piece of the puzzle that makes everything make sense like they did when they created that 3rd split, except this one has actual in-game ties that support it just like Ocarina of Time.
Yeah, I understand now. You're not crafting a specific theory, you're proposing a new way of theorizing. The moral messaging of BotW/TotK: move forward into freedom. I probably was too critical of what is ostensibly a thematic theory, not a specific timeline proposal.
I wasn't addressing the why of a fourth timeline, but a when. I was saying that if a fourth split does happen, the end of Skyward Sword would be the logical place for it to happen. We already know that how ever we place BotW & TotK in any timeline (singular, three, four, or any other mess) related events still happen. Placing the games at the end of the downfall or child timelines, the Twilight realm still exists, and a crossing would still have to have happened (evident by items and Zelda's speech in BotW). Just like placing the games at the end of the Adult timeline, we have references to other timeline events. So, it's not a valid argument against a fourth timeline. It is a point in favor of a singular timeline because the referenced events are the actual events, rather than similar events that we never played through.
I think, to Turo's point, in a 4th timeline, the older games are just legends now, including Skyward Sword.

And I agree that the parallel events argument is in favor of a singular timeline: and I just argue that if you have to make a singular timeline anyway, might as well make the whole timeline a singular timeline. Otherwise it remains unnecessarily complicated.

As for the Rito thing: the Encyclopedia is explicit..."Due to the unnatural properties of the sea, it is inhospitable to the Zora. They evolve over the span of a century into the Rito." Maybe there was interbreeding with an unseen Rito race, but that is a fan-made retcon.

If you're trying to move stuff around so it's different then you are not abiding by the rules that Nintendo established.
This is true and irrelevant. Theories are designed to fill in gaps: Ryuu's Rito theory fills in the gap of "how are there Rito at the founding of Hyrule." My linear timeline theory tries to fill in "how are there references in TotK to all 3 timelines." I would argue mine intentionally retcons the established timeline, and not much else. I think it's about what you're retconning and why.

Is there a better explanation for the Rito being at the founding of Hyrule than that they already existed before Wind Waker? I think so.

Is there a better explanation for the TotK references than a linear timeline? I don't think so.

The goal is to retcon the books to preserve the games. Or at least mine is. The books have a lot of errors or leaps in logic: they aren't reliable like the games.


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
The current rules we have is what is told to us in the games and the timeline we have and the fact that Nintendo wants us to speculate on timeline placement of just these 2 games. Now unless you can provide in-game evidence or official statements about Metroid being canon to Zelda, then you're creating a false equivalence.
Easy. In OoT you can see portraits of Mario in the courtyard. Donkey Kong is in the same world as Mario, and in a certain level of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze you can see Samus' ship in the background. This evidence points to Metroid being canon to Zelda.
Jan 11, 2021
Easy. In OoT you can see portraits of Mario in the courtyard. Donkey Kong is in the same world as Mario, and in a certain level of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze you can see Samus' ship in the background. This evidence points to Metroid being canon to Zelda.
Literally so true.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
This is true and irrelevant. Theories are designed to fill in gaps: Ryuu's Rito theory fills in the gap of "how are there Rito at the founding of Hyrule." My linear timeline theory tries to fill in "how are there references in TotK to all 3 timelines." I would argue mine intentionally retcons the established timeline, and not much else. I think it's about what you're retconning and why.

Is there a better explanation for the Rito being at the founding of Hyrule than that they already existed before Wind Waker? I think so.

Is there a better explanation for the TotK references than a linear timeline? I don't think so.

The goal is to retcon the books to preserve the games. Or at least mine is. The books have a lot of errors or leaps in logic: they aren't reliable like the games.
Don't seek to rewrite the established canon. Does it make sense as is? Absolutely not. It's contradictory nonsense that doesn't work, but you work with the canon you have. Don't retcon and twist it into something it isn't, work with the bad canon you have and make something good out of it.
Jul 29, 2024
Don't seek to rewrite the established canon. Does it make sense as is? Absolutely not. It's contradictory nonsense that doesn't work, but you work with the canon you have. Don't retcon and twist it into something it isn't, work with the bad canon you have and make something good out of it.

This canon?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013

This canon?
Well, you've given me a Google Doc with no context, so at this point no.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I'd agree, if Aonuma hadn't already told us BotW takes place at the end of the timeline and TotK was a sequel to BotW. That doc

Who was in charge of creating that timeline? It's likely who ever posted that, wasn't fully informed or they made a mistake
At the end of which timeline? There are three so far.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
That's what's up for debate.

So if we know BotW/TotK are connected to the rest of the games, how would you place them based on the timeline I shared with you?
I wouldn't since there's nothing in game suggesting a placement and the events of TotK themselves just go full ham on contradicting earlier lore. Given how bad I thought TotK both as a story and as a sequel, I'm content to live with Nintendo's shuffling it off to the side on their official timeline.
Jul 29, 2024
I wouldn't since there's nothing in game suggesting a placement and the events of TotK themselves just go full ham on contradicting earlier lore. Given how bad I thought TotK both as a story and as a sequel, I'm content to live with Nintendo's shuffling it off to the side on their official timeline.
But how would they be shuffling em off, if they've already said they do connect to the series, and each other?

The timeline you posted contradicts what's already been established.

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