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Majora's Mask Worried About MM3D Now


Legen -wait for it- DARY!
May 11, 2014
I think we will get MM3D once the WiiU makes more sales. With the new Smash Bros coming out and Mario Kart 8 I highly doubt we will see MM at least for another year. I do think we will get it though! :)


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I can sorta see the reason why people want MM in particular to be remade. Mainly because many of our N64s are aging, which makes them prone to game freezes. The collectors edition for the GC freezes a lot too. So out of the three ways to play MM, two of them aren't well functioning at this point in time. Also, with WWHD, I can see why MM fans would feel ripped off over not getting their game remade. But...that's sorta the problem too.

Wind Waker HD didn't sell that well. It still hasn't reached 1m yet. Consider that the original Wind Waker sold better than Majora's Mask and you can see why MM3DS doesn't look profitable to Nintendo. Nintendo really doesn't have time to waste. They're losing money as it is and don't want to lose more. If we were still in the 7th generation, an MM remake wouldn't sound so bad. But times have changed. Nintendo can't really afford to invest in a project that doesn't look profitable.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
That won't have an effect on MM3D. The real issue is the lack of demand.

Demand for MM3D is ALLLL i hear here at ZD, to where im almost sick of it..... but still want it. and it will take no time from nintendo. Grezzo did an awesome job with OoT3d, so i dont see the logic in not letting them have at MM3D!


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Demand for MM3D is ALLLL i hear here at ZD, to where im almost sick of it..... but still want it. and it will take no time from nintendo. Grezzo did an awesome job with OoT3d, so i dont see the logic in not letting them have at MM3D!

ZD is a niche. The entire online fandom is. The reason for them not making MM3D is that that when you consider the sales for OoT3DS, WWHD, their original titles, and then compare it to MM, there's no reason to suspect this title would make a significant profit worth investing in. And considering Nintendo's current situation, it'd be a bad business move to make MM3DS.
I agree with Darkest Link, I don't see why Nintendo would want to do this. Yes, it would please the small but very vocal group of people who actually want it, but from a business perspective it would count as a loss. Even if they already have the base code from OoT3D, it still takes a significant amount of investment, both financially and monetarily, to remake MM with the improved graphics. And with the way Nintendo is going, that's not a smart move in the long run. They need to focus on creating new games for their franchises (or even better, creating all-new franchises for the younger generation to latch onto like we all did for Mario and Zelda and whatnot) than remaking older games that a small but vocal fanbase are clamoring for.

And really, why does Majora's Mask NEED to be remade? The game still looks really good. It can still be played in its original format just fine, those who want a remake already own a version of it, why is a remake necessary?

Id, I guess it just seems cool, I would like a remake and all, but I see your point I sort of what to see a new game before a remake. The whole remakes thing is cool, at least for OoT it was, but I was a bit confused as to why they made a WW remake when the game wasn't even that old compared to other games in the series. Don't get me wrong, WW HD was cool, but I think it was a bit to early for a remake of WW. MM 3D might happen, it might not, who knows...


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
ZD is a niche. The entire online fandom is. The reason for them not making MM3D is that that when you consider the sales for OoT3DS, WWHD, their original titles, and then compare it to MM, there's no reason to suspect this title would make a significant profit worth investing in. And considering Nintendo's current situation, it'd be a bad business move to make MM3DS.

Yeah but thats just the Zelda Cycle we have spoken about lately! back in the day, no one really cared for MM cuz it was weird, sad, hard to grasp the masks and three day cycle, and people were still playing OoT like it was crack. But now the whole Zelda fanbase seems too thing that MM is the best Zelda game ever! so i think there is a lot more demand for MM3D now that people understand the game and dont see it as the Red Headed Step child they used to think it is. do you not agree? Ahhhh your DL, of course you dont, but im sure you see where im coming from, i just know you have a logical way to debate the issue.... which is why i like theses discussions, been a while since me and you had it out LOL!


May 18, 2013
Those who want MM3D, specciall the operation Moonfall people are getting some attention from the general gaming audience, so even if they are "niche" they may not be niche for too long.

I dunno, this is coming from someone who doesn't care for remakes in general.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012

Again, the online fandom is a niche and any argument you try to assert based on your experience with it is going to be riddled with error.

"Everyone loves MM now!"

Yeah, I heard that same argument with Wind Waker. WWHD still bombed.

Triforce Hermit

Praise the Sun
Mar 2, 2013

Again, the online fandom is a niche and any argument you try to assert based on your experience with it is going to be riddled with error.

"Everyone loves MM now!"

Yeah, I heard that same argument with Wind Waker. WWHD still bombed.

WWHD bombed because the Wii U has bombed. 3DS is doing a lot better and has more consumers who will buy a copy of MM3D


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
WWHD bombed because the Wii U has bombed. 3DS is doing a lot better and has more consumers who will buy a copy of MM3D

OoT 3DS sold half of what the original did and MM is significantly less popular than OoT. In a realistic scenario, MM would just break the 1m mark.

Even Nathanial Rumphol-Janc admits the demand for MM3DS is small, dunno who else could possibly explain this more.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
OoT 3DS sold half of what the original did and MM is significantly less popular than OoT. In a realistic scenario, MM would just break the 1m mark.

Even Nathanial Rumphol-Janc admits the demand for MM3DS is small, dunno who else could possibly explain this more.

Majora's Mask is significantly more popular than it was when it was first released though.
Sep 23, 2013
United States
OoT 3DS sold half of what the original did and MM is significantly less popular than OoT. In a realistic scenario, MM would just break the 1m mark.

Even Nathanial Rumphol-Janc admits the demand for MM3DS is small, dunno who else could possibly explain this more.

Last I checked, MM is pretty popular nowadays compared to back when it was first released. Just because the remake isn't happening doesn't mean it won't likely be made at all. Nintendo's just not sure if it'll be profitable enough.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I'm not saying it won't be remade at all. I just doubt it'll be made on the 3DS. If it's remade, I'd assume it'd be done next generation or the generation after when Nintendo's situation is looking nicer and they can afford to do this.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Yeah, I heard that same argument with Wind Waker. WWHD still bombed.

you realize how premature that remake was though, we were able to play it on the Wii, a lot of us had just got to that game in the past 4 years, and other than the depth of the characters, and the better texture, WWHD is in no way better than the original, only for graphics junkies. what im getting at is the same goes for MM!

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