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World of Warcraft


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
I'm just curious... and though many FPS fanboys would cringe at this very thread, does anyone else here play WoW? When/how did you start? What do you do nowadays when you play the game?

Despite the connotations that it has of addiction and social abomination, the game really is enjoyable. Theres a reason why it lasted 8 years and still counting, I personally began two years ago during Wrath of the Lich King.
My friend, who is on this very forum, gave me a good push in the right direction. Though many claim to do the same thing, I'm a casual player who really doesn't invest a lot of daily time into it.

So am I truly alone on this subject? xD
Dec 21, 2011
I never played WoW. Instead, I played an MMORPG called "Runescape", but I quit playing that a while ago.

I never got into WoW because all my friends played Runescape at the time so I just sort of followed the crowd lol.
Apr 16, 2010
Eh, it doesn't intrigue me very much. World of Warcraft looks alright, but I just don't get into online games. I tried Runescape once because a few of my friends had it, and I played Club Penguin for a few years; but I'm not much of a PC gamer. I prefer to play on a console with a controller and on my TV.


Dec 3, 2008
I used to play World of Warcraft a slightly unhealthy amount back when The Burning Crusade expansion had just come out. Healed raids with my Troll Shaman. Good times. I stopped playing shortly after Wrath of the Lich King came out, not because it was a bad expansion but mostly because I was bored of the game and didn't want to pay a sub fee anymore.

I tried playing Cataclysm for a month a few months back, and it just wasn't the same. While some of the changes they made are fun or convenient, it was still the same game that I got bored of a few years ago.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I played it for the second half of January and the first few days of February, and while I thought it was okay, it got boring fast. I don't understand how my brother can play it so much. All you do is try to level up and get better equipment. It's still better than Call of Duty, though.
I've heard many good things about this game, but most of the people I know who play it say it greatest downfall is how addicting it is. I haven't played any MMORPGs before--the primary reason being the fact that I really don't think my computer can handle it. World of Warcraft is one of those games that are on my gaming bucket list, though an opportunity to play it is probably a long time away.

If there is still a large community playing when I'm able to join in [which I'm sure there would be], I'll definitely try it out... for now, I've learned to live without knowing what it's like to have World of Warcraft in my life. --Probably after I begin playing, I won't be able to enjoy life without it, if it's really as addicting as they say. xD


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
I've heard many good things about this game, but most of the people I know who play it say it greatest downfall is how addicting it is. I haven't played any MMORPGs before--the primary reason being the fact that I really don't think my computer can handle it. World of Warcraft is one of those games that are on my gaming bucket list, though an opportunity to play it is probably a long time away.

If there is still a large community playing when I'm able to join in [which I'm sure there would be], I'll definitely try it out... for now, I've learned to live without knowing what it's like to have World of Warcraft in my life. --Probably after I begin playing, I won't be able to enjoy life without it, if it's really as addicting as they say. xD

The addiction is a turn off for many, so many infamous videos about people nerd raging over it. :lol:
It's like reading a really good book, you don't put it down just because someone simply asked you, but it's not like your life can't function without it.

Should you ever be away from home one day, and look in your pocket for a hearthstone to teleport back, you know you've been playing too much. ;)


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I played World of Warcraft frequently about 4 years ago. I played for exactly a year, and my whole goal was to distract myself from the world around me, as I was going through something at the time.

My favorite aspect of the game was exploration, and the story of the different races. I particularly enjoyed playing as an Undead character because of their unique story, nature, and history. I also met a lot of people I enjoyed chatting with about nothing in particular. I played the game until I reached level 80 and cleared all of the single-player content. I really didn't like joining Guilds or raiding, I mostly just preferred to grind my way through, get achievements, etc.

I did end up getting bored after exploring the whole map and reaching level 80, though, because of my particular play style. So I cancelled my subscription after a year or so.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
I've never played World of Warcraft and I'm not that big a fan on MMORPGS. I've watched my cousins play and to be honest, it looks very confusing. Plus I'm not willing to pay every month for the same game.

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