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Wind Waker or Twilight Princess?

WW or TP

  • The Wind Waker

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters
Wind Waker.

Brilliant presentation, succinct story, charming characters, brilliant and brave design. Memorable, unique at its time and its enjoyable even now.

Twilight Princess isn't bad at all though but it feel derivative if you've played OoT before hand, it feels desperate. A blatant attempt to catch sales. Basically OoT part 2.

Wind Waker is its very own special beast.
Oct 2, 2016
New York
Oh god. Like comparing apples and oranges.

TP was definitely more accessible from the start for me, and of course the bosses and dungeons are amazing and yada yada yada whatever everyone else says about it.

But when I played WWHD I finally got into it. It was a really incredible game. Not the same kind of fun as TP, but a different kind of fun definitely.
Oct 19, 2016
WW, hands down. TP is amazing, don't get me wrong, but its release was plagued with delays and the whole wii port situation was kind of a mess with the sloppily tacked on motion controls. WW is just so charming and unique and full of life and color, whereas TP often felt kind of dismal and dead. I agree with Spirit that it felt a bit derivative of OOT. The new wolf mechanics were a lot of fun, though. Both games have some pacing issues here and there. Still, WW will always be the more memorable and classic game to me.


Though Twilight Princess holds a special place in my heart, it being my first Zelda game, I am going to have to go with Wind Waker. My love for music in the Zelda world was awakened by this game; I love the cartoon art that is displayed and the story line is priceless. TP just didn't give me that sense of adventure as WW did, and WW has a lighter feel to unlike TP that had more of a dark feel.

I love both games but WW wins, for its music and its art.
Oct 2, 2016
TP gets the vote from me. It was my first 3D Zelda game since I didn't have a GC or N64 to play the others on. Aesthetically it still is the most beautiful to me because I prefer this type of art style. The characters and story were phenomenal. The character development from Midna was really well done and I felt really sad when she had to leave. SHE NEEDS TO COME BACK. :(. Best designed Link still for me.
Oct 19, 2016
Wind Waker. I love the combat, characters and aesthetics even more than Twilight Princess. Both are fantastic, but you can't beat Wind Waker.
Oct 11, 2016
For me it's really a toss up, however if I had a gun to my head and was forced to chose, I'd say TP just because there are more dungeons.


i got bored and posted something
Apr 13, 2009
Pacific Northwest
TP beat WW, though. And SS did. And BotW will.


I come from the side that WW and TP kinda tie. They both offer different flavors of fun. TP has superior dungeons compared to WW, but WW's overworld feels much more fun and open without feeling empty, at least to me. I played both HD ports for Wii U recently, and I can definitely say I felt much more engrossed in Wind Waker than I did Twilight Princess.
Oct 21, 2016
I prefer Twilight Princess because it has my favorite dungeons in the series. It was also the first 3D Zelda I played (actually maybe Ocarina was, I don't remember). I like Wind Waker a lot though.
Oct 5, 2016
Twilight Princess for me. WW was lacking in full scale dungeons and the overworld was more lacking overall. Love both games, but I prefer the epic story of TP over the charm of WW.

Plus TP had great dungeon design.
Oct 3, 2016
I would have to say Wind Waker.
Twilight Princess was just too much like Ocarina of Time. I think WW was more unique and a better story and just its own game.
Feb 9, 2016
I prefer TP, even though WW is an amazing game, as are all 3D Zelda games. TP had terrific atmosphere and world, it felt desolated so restoring it to health was a satisfying conclusion.

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