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Will SS Be the Last Zelda Game?

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Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I seriously doubt that they will be ending the Zelda series anytime soon. They have a very large fan base, and that's all that they need to be motivated to keep making games. Sure, they're making remakes, but so what? Just because they release a remake on Ocarina of Time and may release more doesn't mean that they're going completely dry and won't make any new ones. Ocarina of Time is the most critically acclaimed game of all time, and it's going to sell big if they do a remake. It will please many fans. It will also rake in money for the 3DS because of people who simply want to play Ocarina of Time.

I have a feeling that we're quite a ways away from the end of the Zelda series. Chances are that we'll see one with each new console that comes out and possibly even two of them. Nintendo told us that Wii 2 will surpass the Wii by far, though that's all they've said about it. I have no doubt that they will make a Zelda game for that, too. They won't just cut off the series that has a huge, loyal fan base and disappoint them.
Dec 6, 2009
Heck no! Nintendo's making money off the series, and they want to make a lot of money! + there's a lot of people who love Zelda. Nintendo would get bombarded by Zelda fans who want another Zelda if they don't make one!


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I highly doubt that Nintendo will end the Zelda series anytime soon, considering the popularity of the series and of course the enormous fanbase.


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
I HIGHLY doubt that they would stop making Zelda games. It would be a waste of a franchise. Zelda is too good and too popular to give up on.


Jun 14, 2010
Seattle, WA
it doesn't matter if the plot is incomplete, if there are new things people want, if it's the best game ever, etc. The REAL reason they won't stop making zelda for a long long time is because it gives Nintendo money. any series that is as successful as Zelda, Mario, Pokemon etc. will continue to be made for a long time.


The tree hugger of Hyrule
If there were no more Zelda games, why would we still be on this website?

Nintendo is making a lot of money off of Zelda, and if they were not going to make anymore games, they would be destroyed by hardcore Zelda fans. We would lead a rebellion in the future to declare war against Nintendo to make them make more Zelda games! We would have our plastic Master Swords in hand and our cardboard Hylian shields on our back and fight until the very last breath of Nintendo!

Just a little imagination of the future when Nintendo decides to not make anymore Zelda games:lol:
Feb 22, 2010
First of all, GETAHOLDOFYOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second of all, you should've made this a poll. Finally of all, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
No way dude! At least I hope not. I don't really see a reason for them to stop, and if they retire, then they could hire someone else. Of course, the new person might make them better or worse, we'll just have to see.
Nov 20, 2008
I see no reason why Skyward Sword will be the last Zelda game, or even why it SHOULD be the last game. Nintendo still make a lot of money of of the series, so they would not want to end it now. And frankly, fans wouldn't want it to end yet either. Nintendo is still producing fabulous games that we love (and will buy).

As for the remakes, they are just trying to make more money off of fans. As opposed to some, I have no problem with this. Ocarina of Time is a great game, and if Nintendo wants more money from it, so what? Now I get a chance to play one of my favorite games on the go without having to always be at home to play it, and some new fans that haven't experienced the game yet will get a chance to when it releases.

Take Final Fantasy for example. Their games have so much hype, and some of them don't please fans at all, but they keep making new games. Why? because it makes money. The same thing will be true for Zelda, except I hope it never goes downhill.


what if!!!!!!

Fufufufu Mixtoplix were did you get this idea from? Oh I herd that zelda is a time sage so would that mean she would be able to get the triforse before ganon?

wait would there be a time when Link comes to an end?????? they might replace link with someone elts!!!!!

wait would there be a time when Link comes to an end?????? they might replace link with someone elts!!!!!

wait would there be a time when Link comes to an end?????? they might replace link with someone elts!!!!!:(

wait would there be a time when Link comes to an end?????? they might replace link with someone elts!!!!!:(

wait would there be a time when Link comes to an end?????? they might replace link with someone elts!!!!!:( maybe ganon?


Feb 24, 2010
The general consensus seems to be no. Additionally, this thread is generating some less-than-inspiring responses, so....

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