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OoT-N64 Why is Ocarina of Time Considered to be the Best Zelda Game?


The Blade of Evil's Bane
Dec 21, 2011
Temple of Time
I bought the N64 specifically to try the "greatest game of all time" and was kinda disappointed. Its a great game, I'm not gonna lie, but it does have its flaws and it gets old at some points. unlike Skyward sword, which is by far OoT's successor and the king of all Zelda titles to date.
Dec 10, 2011
Sorry yeah I almost was sure I wasn't understanding what you meant. I should have guessed you didn't mean nonlinearity. But I would like to provide you with some info on OOT's nonlinearity. It actually is the most nonlinear 3d game. The rules for completing the adult dungeons are: Forest before Water; Forest, Fire, and Water before Shadow; Forest and Water before Spirit; Ice Cavern before Water; Bottom of the Well after Forest. By following these rules there are 60 different orders to complete the dungeons and minidungeons (7 only counting the dungeons). So Forest can be 1 or 2; Fire can be 1,2,3, or 4; Water can be 2 or 3; Spirit can be 3,4, or 5; and Shadow can be 4 or 5. This even excludes the possibility of entering a dungeon for the item and not finishing it (getting the bow from Forest but then finishing Water first, or in the child portion of the game getting the bombs and completing jabu jabu before dondongo's cavern). I think this counts as nonlinear because it is totally possible without any glitches to obtain the quest items in crazy orders like Kokiri Emerald, Zora's Sapphire, Goron's Ruby, Light Medallion, Iron Boots, Water Medallion, Forest Medallion, Spirit Medallion, Fire Medallion, Shadow Medallion, Lens of Truth. Allowing yourself to enter the dungeons for the item and leaving allows you to complete the adult temples in 18 different orders. Including the child dungeons and minidungeons there are potentially 274 different orders to complete the game within the main quest alone.

Thanks for clearing that for me and on a side note you can also do the same thing in ALTTP easily with completing the first part of Desert Palace and getting the Power grovel and then completing the Tower of Hera first. Another example is getting the Titan's Mitt in the Village of Outcast and the Fire Rod in Skull Woods Dungeons without completing the levels first and this lets you have access to Misery Mire and Turtle's Rock first. So essentially its the same as OOT with sequence breaking but as for Link's Awakening I can't say the same for it.

Also I understand now that you weren't being inconsistent because that's not what you meant at all. Sorry for my confusion, and my intentions in the above paragraph are just to inform you and not to argue that OOT is the "most faithful game" (whether to LoZ or ALTTP it doesn't matter really).

Its okay and I also messed up on my side too with getting LOZ mixed up with ALTTP LOL. I should try this sequence breaking out to just try it.
Dec 22, 2011
it simply changed the world of gaming people were so used to cheesy 8-bit gaming with little story and littledirect quest which oot changed. Oot changed it all with an amazing strait forward quest that starts amidiatly with aout a torturous tutorial, so you get thrown into the action. Now there were tons and tons of new charecters actuall charecters, not just the same graphic with a tad color change, this made the game even more interactive. Oot also brought about a whole 3d world that was organized and programed perfectly. now its all a matter of preferance, but for those of us who grew up with the game theres no way you'll get it out of our top 3.

bone dragon x

i think OOT is rated best because it was when everyone was playing games its what made zelda what it is today if it wasn't for OOT zelda wouldn't be as big as it is today.


Because it had a terrific story line and great graphics for its time and a lot of people generally enjoy the gameplay and the unique style puzzles and dungeons
Jul 25, 2011
In the US
Maybe it is the problem that I did not play OoT when I was little that I don't see why it is a great game. I think the storyline is okay not my favorite and I didn't care for the intro either. I am not saying that it is a horrible game I do like it but I don't consider it the best Zelda game.

I don't really care about numbers or that it is the highest rated Zelda game that doesn't tell me that it is a good game. I played MM and do not consider it to be the best Zelda game it is my favorite but is not the best Zelda game.
Dec 19, 2011
The game is just so well rounded for one, and the fact that it brought 3d gaming to a whole new level is what makes the game so great.

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
I think its because it holds a lot of memories for most people.

That is only the case with older gamers that have been fans of the franchise since before Ocarina of Time. I did not state this before, but will now: Ocarina of Time's popularity would wane if its only followers were those of the last few generations of gamers. It's this new generation, myself included, that keeps the legacy of OoT alive. No matter how many people would like to think that the game is only good for the nostalgia it brings to gamers, I think that the title holds its own even to this day. Like I always say, that is the measure of a great game.

Maybe it is the problem that I did not play OoT when I was little that I don't see why it is a great game. I think the storyline is okay not my favorite and I didn't care for the intro either. I am not saying that it is a horrible game I do like it but I don't consider it the best Zelda game.

I don't really care about numbers or that it is the highest rated Zelda game that doesn't tell me that it is a good game. I played MM and do not consider it to be the best Zelda game it is my favorite but is not the best Zelda game.

Majora's Cat said:
Ocarina of Time is not the most technically impressive Zelda game. It is not the grandest Zelda adventure anymore. The dungeons are not the most creative and the story leaves much to be desired.

I don't believe that Ocarina of Time is still technically the most refined and enjoyable experience either. it really depends on your own definition of the word "best". Some people think that new games are better than old ones because of the upgraded graphics and several years of polishing up on gameplay mechanics. These people are correct.

Some people think that old games are just as good as new ones, and that innovation and the game's performance at the time weighs in when it comes to which games are superior to others. These people are also correct.

It's all really a matter of opinion, which is why I like to take both sides into account. When deciding where Ocarina of Time resides in my list of the best Zelda games (in my head, of course), I like to figure out where OoT stands when it comes to changing the entire industry and how large of an impact it left on gaming, and actually how fun it is to play the game compared to newer titles.

Ultimately, Ocarina of Time has been universally accepted by gamers as "the greatest game of all time", but that title largely factors in its brilliance for its time. I believe that OoT is also the greatest in that sense, but several Zelda games and games outside of the Zelda franchise have bested the N64 classic in other areas. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time stands strong as the defining video game of the last 20 years. Proof of its greatness is the fact that it is still superior to many marvelous games today.
Nov 28, 2011
It is because Ocarina captured a new essence of adventure - as well as showing off the benefits of a full 3-D world - that it was mind blowing in its time. It keeps its status mostly because of nostalgia, which is annoying because older players always get butt hurt unless a new Zelda game is just like Ocarina (and then we get a crap game like Twilight Princess). I think by this point Ocarina is famous pretty much for being famous. It was incredibly popular in its time and it still is because people think that the fact that it was the best means it will always be the best. I like the classics, but I think it is a slap in the face to the gaming industry (and to the idea of progress in general) to say that nothing will ever be better. Ocarina is a great game, but I definitely don't think it is the best.
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