T T TF/HH Jan 4, 2012 It was an accident that you were kicked out in the first place, so yes, I'll let you re-join. I already sent a group invite.
It was an accident that you were kicked out in the first place, so yes, I'll let you re-join. I already sent a group invite.
T T TF/HH Jan 4, 2012 Heh heh, I accidentally kicked you out while I was kickng other people out. I'll re-join you if you send me a request.
Heh heh, I accidentally kicked you out while I was kickng other people out. I'll re-join you if you send me a request.
T T TF/HH Dec 31, 2011 You can be any main character from Mario, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, StarFox, Pikmin, or Fire Emblem. Cheack the characters list in the group to see what's already been taken up.
You can be any main character from Mario, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, StarFox, Pikmin, or Fire Emblem. Cheack the characters list in the group to see what's already been taken up.