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A Link Between Worlds Why Do Just the Lorule Dungeons Get Their Own Unique Songs and is Moldorm Easier?


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
With the exception of Hyrule Castle, and perhaps Desert Palace(it's in Hyrule, but only accessable after youve been to Lorule...idk) the dungeons in Hyrule all have a new and less annoying version of LttP's light world dungeon theme. Get to Lorule, and every dungeon has a different song. Would you have liked Eastern Palace, House of Gales, and Tower of Hera to not share a song? They could've still used that song for one of them, if I were to pick, I'd say use it for Eastern Palace. House of Gales could have a windy sounding song and Tower of Hera could have a mountain or tower sounding song.

I know in LttP, there's only two dungeon songs. But I don't know if a Lorule dungeon has the dark world dungeon song because I'm still staring at Moldorm's ugly face in my LttP file. Which brings me to my next topic. Moldorm is so much easier for me in ALBW, I didn't even get knocked off at all...anyone else have the same experience?


The Anti-Social Kid
Jan 22, 2014
It's called a throwback, Nintendo loves them.

EDIT: Moldorm is a joke thanks to the hammer which can stun him, and since you're required to get it in order to proceed in the Tower of Hera, there's no way you can miss it.
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Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
I love the remastered version of ALttP's Light World dungeons' music is already pretty cool. Although, putting a new spin for the House of Gales and Tower of Hera would ALSO have been pretty awesome, so, hmm......

As for Moldorm, yeah I was very much disappointed by him. I know a lot of players were annoyed that you had to start the battle over in ALttP if you fell off and that he bounced you back so far, but that's exactly why I liked him! I like a good challenge!
Jan 1, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Yeah, it would've been nice if those three dungeons all had different music. I find the music in ALBW is pretty good, so more would definitely be even more awesome. I wonder why they decided to do it that way. (Of course it's a throwback, but all three the same? Eh, I dunno.)


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
A bit off topic, but the chanting in Desert Palace's song makes it sound like something from the Legend of Spyro trilogy. I know it's a huge coincidence.

And yep. The remake of the light world dungeon theme is nice. Much better than the original. Moldorm in LttP...is evil. Absolutely evil.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
b/c it wasn't if we already had enough recycled stuff from link to the past anyway

well at least it wasn't the dark world dungeon theme,that track gets SO FREAKING repetitive and annoying,its not even a good tune
Jun 14, 2011
I have to disagree about all Lorule Dungeons having unique songs. After listening to the songs very carefully, I could hear parts of the Thieves Hideout Theme in them. Swamp palace for example sounds very similar to that theme while other songs have parts of it with some original music. The Dark Palace theme is probably the only Lorule Dungeon that has a unique song to it, the rest I like to think are variations of the Thieves Hideout theme.

As for Moldorm being easy... Try fighting it on ice!!
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Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
I have to disagree about all Lorule Dungeons having unique songs. After listening to the songs very carefully, I could hear parts of the Thieves Hideout Theme in them. Swamp palace for example sounds very similar to that theme while other songs have parts of it with some original music. The Dark Palace theme is probably the only Lorule Dungeon that has a unique song to it, the rest I like to think are variations of the Thieves Hideout theme.

As for Moldorm being easy... Try fighting it on ice!!

True, but they're still different even if they share a melody. They're not exactly the same song.

And Moldorm...on ICE?
Jun 14, 2011
And Moldorm...on ICE?

I'll put this under spoilers.

In Treacherous Tower in Lorule's Death Mountain, the very last enemy on the advanced level is Moldorm on Ice. Not a pretty battle and it's the Purple Moldorm as well.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I think Moldorm is very very easy to defeat in ALBW. I hated that damn thing in ALttP. Everytime I got kicked off and I held my sword and kept on stabbing. He was definitely way harder than his ALBW form

Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
1) I never really paid attention to the music in ALBW, but I would assume that the Lorule dungeon soundtracks would sound somewhat like the originals. they are probably just drastically altered to make Lorule seem like it is not related to the Dark World.

2) Wait, the hammer stuns Moldorm? I never realized that. My tactic was to spam the spin attack until I defeated him. Even with this basic strategy, Moldorm went down so fast that I barely even took any damage and never fell off the platform. In ALttP, I vaguely remember having to walk up the stairs, take damage, fall off, and repeat for the longest time. The new version was nothing by comparison.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
I didn't mind the music for the first three dungeons. They're the MacGuffin dungeons anyway, so they end quickly. On the topic of ending quickly, my first death was against Moldrom, yet in Hero Mode I didn't even get hit :|. Make of that what you will.

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