In the last few years we've only seen cheap wannabe Ganondorf villains and when he actually does show up, it is in the very end. I'd like to either have a completely new villain that is something different than the classical evil sorcerer who wants the triforce. Maybe something more personal to Link like a rival who becomes more & more evil to freshen up this aspect of the story? If not this then I'd rather see the infamous Ganondorf villain again but nobody else. No minions that lead up to Ganondorf, no semi-villains that do his dirty work... just Ganondorf who is there from start to finish and written in depth instead of being jammed in towards the end.
I agree, the wannabes never live up to the real Ganon and they have mistreated the pigman himself in quite a few titles, mistreated as a character e.g given no fleshing out of personality and just popping up for fan service. Unfortunately that's how most non Ganon/dorf villains are treated in Zelda. Only effective ones being Majora and Ghirahim. Yuga was great but had such little screen time before becoming a fabulous purple pig.
I have said I wanted Ganondorf to be villain. It's been 8 years since he was a main foe. I think having him as the obvious villain early on in the story (and this is made clear by Nintendo before the game comes, rather than them bigging up some new buttmunch) is the right way to go, there could be other characters on his side, but they should be obvious lackeys or disguised as allies until their sinister allegiance is revealed, all big villains should have intelligent underlings because if they want to conquer the world they need those to enforce their will. In Wind Waker there were few people to oppose him, he could have killed them all with his bare hands if he so desired, therefore he would not need intelligent servants to do his bidding. I imagine the Hyrule of this game to be more civilised, with many people to control after the world takeover but of course I can't know yet, I am just guessing.
Whatever they do, I want a well developed (preferably Ganondorf) villain, not some ''Blaargh! I'm evil, kill me!'' type. And not ''I'm a cool new villain!'' only to have Ganon hijack the plot.