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Which Zelda race would win in a war?(MM v.)


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
2)Wrong! There is a Goron in TP that survives under water. You can see it and yet you never see a goron die under water that is not link. Furthermore a Goron child in TP is trying to hold his breath underwater, however he realises he doesn't need so as he can breath under water anyway. It is likely Goron link cant use the full abilities of the Gorons such as the ability to breath under water, which is the only reason he dies.
3) The reason I have suggested Hyrulean Gorons is because some people believe Terminian Gorons can't breath under water. I don't agree but fine. The thing is I know Hyrulean Gorons CAN breath underwater. Therefore they have a major advantage over the Terminian Gorons if you believe they can't survive under water.

That's because you never see a goron stupid enough to test something he knows will kill him. If they CAN breathe underwater, why don't any Terminian Gorons go INTO the water? On Darmani's grave it explains to Link not to enter water, because deep water's lethal to all Gorons.

And you have no proof that Hyrulian Gorons breathe underwater. TP gorons do, but in TP all the races have changed considerably. Possibly even the ability of Gorons to breathe underwater. But we're talking about the HeroOfTime's era here. So anything you see in TP cannot be proven AGAINST something stated/proven in-game during that era.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
That's because you never see a goron stupid enough to test something he knows will kill him. If they CAN breathe underwater, why don't any Terminian Gorons go INTO the water? On Darmani's grave it explains to Link not to enter water, because deep water's lethal to all Gorons.

And you have no proof that Hyrulian Gorons breathe underwater. TP gorons do, but in TP all the races have changed considerably. Possibly even the ability of Gorons to breathe underwater. But we're talking about the HeroOfTime's era here. So anything you see in TP cannot be proven AGAINST something stated/proven in-game during that era.
It is for gameplay purposes that those instructions are given. Link can't change masks under water so if he went into certain bodies of water as a goron he would not be able to get out, the game would go on forever of until you physically turn off the console with link stuck in a pool somewhere.
There are 2 actual Gorons that are known to be able to breath under water. The child came across this knowledge by mistake which means Gorons may all have the ability but simply do not risk it.
There are NO Gorons apart from Goron Link who does not possess all the abilities that Gorons have who are shown to die in water.
2 can
1 cant
This means that Gorons are more likely to have the ability than are not.
Hundreds of years have passed between OOT and TP. Yet Gorons have no natural predators and appear to be prosperous. Evolution would therefore not take place or happen at a pace that wouldn't be noticed.
The logical conclusion is that Gorons have always had the ability and that it was unknown to them.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
The fact is. It was inscribed on Darmani's grave and Darmani came from a line of heros. Now if Goron heros cannot survive under water why would a regular goron be able too? Also Evolution could still have occured in the form of them being able to breathe underwater. As you say it is hundreds of years Since OOT so Evolution could have happened.


Challenger Approaching!
Jul 17, 2014
It is for gameplay purposes that those instructions are given. Link can't change masks under water so if he went into certain bodies of water as a goron he would not be able to get out, the game would go on forever of until you physically turn off the console with link stuck in a pool somewhere.

No matter why Nintendo gave them this disability, the fact is that they have it in MM, and TP gorons are a totally different story.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The fact is. It was inscribed on Darmani's grave and Darmani came from a line of heros. Now if Goron heros cannot survive under water why would a regular goron be able too? Also Evolution could still have occured in the form of them being able to breathe underwater. As you say it is hundreds of years Since OOT so Evolution could have happened.

How would Darmani know if he could breath under water? Did he drown during his life and then write that inscription? No.
The truth is the guy never tried it. He is probably passing down an old wives tale of the Gorons. Plus as I said before. Link had to die in water as a Goron because in certain bodies of water he would never be able to escape if he fell in.
Link likely does not possess the full abilities of a Goron anyway even when wearing his mask.
Evolutions like that don't just happen to a race. The traits which aid survival for a species are passed on and those which hinder a species cause members of that species with those traits to die, therefore being unable to pass on their unhelpful genes and traits.
Unless an event happened where all Gorons were flooded and most died except a couple with a rare mutation allowing them to breath water, who then repopulated the goron race with water breathing babies, then I doubt in the course of a few hundred years all Gorons could develop that ability.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
No matter why Nintendo gave them this disability, the fact is that they have it in MM, and TP gorons are a totally different story.
Its the same series. Any new games that contradict what has been said retcons the old. TP is what the creators wanted the Gorons to be like. By having them breath water in TP they are showing us that Gorons not being able to survive in water was an old wives tale.

Matthew Srolis

Just a Deku Scrub
Feb 19, 2015
Deku Kingdom
I am confused Matthew, by "this would take place in Termina" do you mean races exclusive to Termina or is that strictly the location? I'm also not sure what you mean by "win" as in kill everyone else, take control, or survive.

If we're talking about anything within the Zeldaverse and just surviving the answer would most likely be the Salona who are arguably the ancestors of the Subrosians. These people are very rich, control vast networks, and can live underground, possibly in some sort of bunker.
Great question. As "win" I ment to survive in conditions were all races are mad at each other.

Matthew Srolis

Just a Deku Scrub
Feb 19, 2015
Deku Kingdom
To make this more intreasting than it already is,instead of just saying This speceis wins because of "this" and "that" let's explain the battle scenario and explain based of common knowledge who would attack first?Who could attack fatest and most stealtheist.Who has the best weaponaray.


Jul 1, 2012
This really depends on what time period we're talking about here. If you have an era where Hyrule Kingdom is in full prosperity - post Skyward Sword, Golden Era, post Majora's Mask - then Hylians would have the advantage. In any given era, there's always tribes/species, who are struggling, so the era is so extremely important to the argument here.

Let's say hypothetically, though pretty much impossible, all tribes are at full capacity at a certain time period then. (tribes that connect to each other [e.g Rito and Zora] I will group together under their main race)


I'd eliminate a few tribes straight away - the Kokori aren't warriors and are very reliant, the Minish don't have enough presence, the Anouki are too fragile and recluse, and races like the Mogma and Yeti are simply too small in numbers to be considered a viable threat.

So that leaves us with a quite a few tribes, and I'd like to focus on the main three from Majora's Mask. First I'm going to tackle the Zora tribe. Very knowledgeable, noble and civilised. However they're too limited by the constraints of their home. They obviously need water to remain prosperous, and given Hyrule is mostly land, they would struggle to conquer and end up defending. It's likely the opposing races would isolate them or poison/stop the water source. Next is another popular race, the Gorons. They are very strong, proud, and powerful, yet they lack weapons or any magical ability enough to aid them in combat. They seem vulnerable when outside their natural habitat and struggle with cold weather - a big weakness. That brings us onto the last of the trio, the Deku race. Shown they can be highly civilised and form a monarchy of sorts, is very impressive. However, they're just not exactly a big enough threat. Sure they can inflict damage in their natural habitat, but they wouldn't be able to overcome a full army that's for sure.

Give or take, I have cut it down to 8: the Hylians, the Oocca, the Ancient Robots, the Twilli, the Dark Tribe, the Demon Tribe, the Blin race and the Sheikah. Quite a lot to go through so I'm going to briefly summarise each one. The Hylians have knowledge, morality, numbers, land, and the connection to the Gods. The Ancient Robots have advanced technology and time travel. The Twilli have dark magic, a sort of Kingdom, and a certain cunningness. The Dark Tribe we know little about but they created the all powerful Majora's Mask, so who knows what else they could do. The Demon tribe, while seemingly small in numbers, going off Ghirahim, each one could be highly powerful (sort of like a clan of villains). The Sheikah are perhaps the most mysterious, but going off their duty to protect and off Impa alone, they seem like a formidable force, especially in combat. And lastly we have the Oocca...

Honestly this isn't a joke. It's something I've actually thought about before. We only see the Oocca as a shell of their former selves in Twilight Princess. Their home battered and their numbers depleted. However what do we actually know about them? First off, they are highly technologically advanced for their time and architectural geniuses. Look at the design of the City in the Sky for example. It's a giant floating city comprised of huge fans that keep it afloat (there's simply nothing like that in Hyrule). They also built huge sky cannons to travel to and from Hyrule. The biggest thing though is this quote:

Shad said:
"The common opinion is that Hyrule was created by the Hylia people, the race closest to the gods, but...truth be told, there's also a theory saying that in ancient times, there was a race even closer to the gods than the Hylia people, and THEY created it. And they, simultaneously with the birth of the Hylia people, created a new capital, a capital that floated in the heavens."

So they actually built Hyrule? It's certainly alluding to that, even though it's mentioned as a theory. If this is true, then in their prime, the Oocca could build vast cities and fortifications as well as weaponry. Having the ability to seemingly warp and fly is also a big plus and having a city in the sky gives them an aerial advantage - they could attack from above. All that aside though, the Oocca are actually the race closest to the Gods and that not only symbolises great impotence, but it also gives them support and aid. They may be frail in Twilight Princess, but I think, in their prime, they were the strongest race in all of Hyrule.
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
This really depends on what time period we're talking about here. If you have an era where Hyrule Kingdom is in full prosperity - post Skyward Sword, Golden Era, post Majora's Mask - then Hylians would have the advantage. In any given era, there's always tribes/species, who are struggling, so the era is so extremely important to the argument here.

Let's say hypothetically, though pretty much impossible, all tribes are at full capacity at a certain time period then. (tribes that connect to each other [e.g Rito and Zora] I will group together under their main race)


I'd eliminate a few tribes straight away - the Kokori aren't warriors and are very reliant, the Minish don't have enough presence, the Anouki are too fragile and recluse, and races like the Mogma and Yeti are simply too small in numbers to be considered a viable threat.

So that leaves us with a quite a few tribes, and I'd like to focus on the main three from Majora's Mask. First I'm going to tackle the Zora tribe. Very knowledgeable, noble and civilised. However they're too limited by the constraints of their home. They obviously need water to remain prosperous, and given Hyrule is mostly land, they would struggle to conquer and end up defending. It's likely the opposing races would isolate them or poison/stop the water source. Next is another popular race, the Gorons. They are very strong, proud, and powerful, yet they lack weapons or any magical ability enough to aid them in combat. They seem vulnerable when outside their natural habitat and struggle with cold weather - a big weakness. That brings us onto the last of the trio, the Deku race. Shown they can be highly civilised and form a monarchy of sorts, is very impressive. However, they're just not exactly a big enough threat. Sure they can inflict damage in their natural habitat, but they wouldn't be able to overcome a full army that's for sure.

Give or take, I have cut it down to 8: the Hylians, the Oocca, the Ancient Robots, the Twilli, the Dark Tribe, the Demon Tribe, the Blin race and the Sheikah. Quite a lot to go through so I'm going to briefly summarise each one. The Hylians have knowledge, morality, numbers, land, and the connection to the Gods. The Ancient Robots have advanced technology and time travel. The Twilli have dark magic, a sort of Kingdom, and a certain cunningness. The Dark Tribe we know little about but they created the all powerful Majora's Mask, so who knows what else they could do. The Demon tribe, while seemingly small in numbers, going off Ghirahim, each one could be highly powerful (sort of like a clan of villains). The Sheikah are perhaps the most mysterious, but going off their duty to protect and off Impa alone, they seem like a formidable force, especially in combat. And lastly we have the Oocca...

Honestly this isn't a joke. It's something I've actually thought about before. We only see the Oocca as a shell of their former selves in Twilight Princess. Their home battered and their numbers depleted. However what do we actually know about them? First off, they are highly technologically advanced for their time and architectural geniuses. Look at the design of the City in the Sky for example. It's a giant floating city comprised of huge fans that keep it afloat (there's simply nothing like that in Hyrule). They also built huge sky cannons to travel to and from Hyrule. The biggest thing though is this quote:

So they actually built Hyrule? It's certainly alluding to that, even though it's mentioned as a theory. If this is true, then in their prime, the Oocca could build vast cities and fortifications as well as weaponry. Having the ability to seemingly warp and fly is also a big plus and having a city in the sky gives them an aerial advantage - they could attack from above. All that aside though, the Oocca are actually the race closest to the Gods and that not only symbolises great impotence, but it also gives them support and aid. They may be frail in Twilight Princess, but I think, in their prime, they were the strongest race in all of Hyrule.
Its too much inbreeding on the Oocca's part that I suspect caused them to become the devolved and stunted race we see in TP.

Matthew Srolis

Just a Deku Scrub
Feb 19, 2015
Deku Kingdom
I say The hylains would be the first to hear the news brought back form trade routes from Lon lon ranch and the postman.They would probuly shut the gates and have the troops on the castle walls armed with spears.I feel like the Gordon's with there confident and angry body's would seize Clocktown.they would bring a about half of the army with them including biggaron.The Gorons would roll into battle at day knowing they need sleep at night.about one 4ths of the solidgers go onto the ground to form a blockade.all of those solidgers die due to the Gorons strength and speed of collision with them in ball form.they throw a powder keg at the clock town gate and wall and break it.The troops on the wall are able to kill around 50 of the 100 troops.the remaining 50 roll into clock town with solidgers chasing after.The only one able to cause damage was biggaron. who killed one bomber.the gorons were surrounded.due to Gorons not being one of the smartest creatures they did not surrender and charged the hylains.about 20 Gorons remained after killing enough to leave a whole open.The Gorons realizing they were outnumbered rushed away back to snowpeak,also due to needed sleep.While the Gorons where sleeping The hylains seized the opertunity and attacked the Gorons village.With no such defense as to get into snowpeak the hylains quickly killed off the Gorons due to sheer numbers.Also due to Gorons not being shown to stay up in MM.Comsequently,the hylains lost about 500 out of their 1000 troops.While this happened The dekus saw a good opertunity to attack.before King deku ordered this He checked to make sure no other threat stood that he could not handle.Out in the field he saw ikainins attacking.He took at advantage of this and played the sonata of awaking for captain keeta and fought him with his +800 troops and won.He got the captains mask and took control of the ikanin army.he now with his 1500+ troop army he attacked Clocktown won with most guards being at the Gorons now ruined village.I believe the dekus would flood most of Clocktown and make a Lilly pad transportation system.They killed off the hylains barley but still had some deku living.The geurdo killed off most of the zora but they escape to Clocktown as it is flooded this gave the zora a major advantage killing lots s of deku.But due to sheer numbers the deku win.they sent the Iranians and. Some deku to the gerudo fortress and killed them all.thats how I belive it to turn out


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Hm... How would the battle go? I'm only using the following races:

The Dekus would actually be more likely to start it. Maybe someone stole his sweet roll. I dunno. It could be anything.
Anyways, they'd attack the ranch. It's closest (minus Ikana Valley, but he probably thinks everyone's dead there). The Gorman brothers would try to help, to take out their competitors, but the Deku King wouldn't trust them, and would probably take the Garo Mask as a trophy. The ranch being run by Terminians, Clock Town would retaliate. Seeing as how we know no for sure numbers when it comes to population, I won't use that argument. But, since the Deku have less weaponry and more weaknesses, they'd be defeated quickly, and, being human-ish, they'd probably proceed to the Deku Palace. The scrubs would put up a valiant defense, but they'd be defeated because of the Magic Bean Man, who is himself Terminian, helping soldiers to sneak in.
The Ikanians would be the next to attack probably. Being ever militaristic, Igos would spy a chance to return his kingdom to its former glory and take it. Seeing as how there are near-infinite stalchildren to fight in Hyrule Field, we'll assume the same for Termina. They would have the numbers, and take Clock Town while most of the army is in Woodfall. It helps that much less is known to the Terminians about the Ikanians.
The Terminians would return home after conquering Woodfall to find their home taken, and lay it under siege. The Garo, ever willing to fight the Ikanians, would help them take it back. They would first present themselves to the leaders of the army, who would have taken the Garo Mask as well, and they'd form a strenuous partnership. The battle didn't last long though... The Ikanians would be overthrown at dawn, when they have no power, and be defeated.
There would be some peace then, but the Terminians would have a hard time trusting the Garo, being as invisible and secretive as they are. They would choose a champion who would wear the mask to attack them... But he would fail epicly, and the Garo would retaliate, killing most of the army (but sparing most innocent life). They'd also take the mask, so that there would be no chance of one of their order being summoned. After that, they'd probably leave for good.
The remains of the Deku army would go to the Goron for support. A shell of their original numbers, they would explain their cruel treatment at the hands of the Terminians, and, playing on their emotions, would talk them into helping take back Woodfall. When they attack Woodfall (the Gorons being weary, as G-King has yet to convince me), the Terminians would send alert to Clock Town, and the army would go up there in order to stop the attack. Unfortunately for them, almost all Gorons are natural-born fighters, and in their home territory. The Terminians would be defeated. The battle at Woodfall would be won by the Terminians, however, by sending the Gorons to the fish. The Gorons, wanting no more bloodshed, would not attack Clock Town, but they'd allow the remaining Deku to stay in their village.
A rogue group of Terminians, excited by all the battle, would make a deal with the Gerudo, and together attack the Zoras. If they found the overland entrance to their city, they could easily beat most of them on land. The remaining would flee to the Temple. Unfortunately for the Terminians, the Gerudo would stab them in the back, taking it all for themselves.

So, in other words, most races would survive, but Clock Town would be weak, Ikana Castle empty, Woodfall commanded by the Terminians, the Goron turned isolationist, the Deku and Zora turned refugee, and the Garo away. This would leave the Gerudo as prospering the most out of it.

But that's just a theory.
A GAME theory.
Thanks for reading.
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