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Which of the 3D Console Zeldas Is Hardest to Get 100% Competion In?

Which of the 3D Console Zeldas Is Hardest to Get 100% Completion In?

  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Wind Waker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
I would say The Wind Waker. Many of the Pieces of Hearts are obtained via random Treasure Charts that you have to do odd things to get. Also, there are many that are in very secret areas or are just difficult to get. Hunting down capacity upgrades can be a bit of a pain, too. And then there are all those Treasure Charts and Special Charts that you have to do all sorts of things to get. Oh, and then there's the Nintendo Gallery, but I don't usually count that in as 100%.

Majora's Mask is second because of some of the fairy-collecting upgrades and the fact that there are a LOT of Pieces of Heart to get.

Only thing that's hard about Ocarina of Time is the Gold Skulltulas and the mildly frustrating fourth bottle.

Twilight Princess is complete cake to get 100% in-on my very first time through the game, the only thing I was missing was a couple Poe Souls.


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
For me, Majora's Mask, absolutely. There are just a ridiculous amount of side quests, mini-games, heart pieces.............


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
In all the 3d games I've played, I've never been able to get every heart piece. In each one I think I've gotten all but one or two. In OoT I usually don't go for the shooting game in Gerudo Fortress. I'm just so bad at it and I get so frustrated that I usually don't bother to try and get that one. I don't do the frog game either unless I look up how to play the ridiculous song.

In MM, I usually don't do the shooting games for heart pieces, or the games that you need to play all three days. I just don't have the patience for it, and I get too frustrated to sit there for hours and practice the minigames to maybe get good enough at them to win.

In Wind Waker, I can NOT do the stupid mail game, where you have to get all those letters in the right slots in 25 seconds. I CAN'T do it. Sometimes I get close, but I can never get 25. I get so angry. So because I don't do that, I also usually don't bother doing Orca's sword thing either. 500 times? Come on!!! I mean sure I've done it before, but it just takes so much effort, and since I know I won't complete the last heart container because of the stupid mail game, I usually don't bother doing Orca's thing either.

As for TP, I actually have gotten all the heart pieces. Whew.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
You Fools, Windwaker is the hardest to get a 100% completion, the Nintendo gallery is a pain if you don't get all the pictures before a certain time, and eventually you lose the motivation to get all the charts. The game is so time consuming its not even funny. Ive only 100% completed it once and i don't think ill do it in the near future.
Mar 13, 2011
If you are counting the Nintendo Gallery, then it is Wind Waker by a landslide. If not, then it is Majora's Mask.
Feb 1, 2011
I voted for Ocarina of Time because of the Gold Skulltulas. I have only gotten all of them once, but that was because I was looking at a guide. :)

I haven't played Wind Waker or Twilight Princess, so I don't know how hard those are to get 100%.
Nov 29, 2010
I say MM.
Even thought its short compared to the other sd Zelda games.

Ifind it much harder than the sd Zelda games.
I find the puzzles real tough.
I like the fact they are hard though.
Ocarina of Time is pretty simple,the easiest of the 3d Zelda games.
WW is hard but in a different way as it takes a long time to do things what will all the travelling on your boat.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The Wind Waker. Everything is just so spread out, and some of the puzzles are actually kinda tricky. Majora's Mask's is pretty difficult, but everything is super-easy to remember, so I can 100% that game pretty fast. My record is 14:36 (which is rediculous, as it can take 40 hours).

Demon Link

Lots of people think that 100% means that you've beaten the game...NO. Much more than that. Wind Waker is the hardest mainly because of the Great Sea. 100% is when you have every treasure chart, every heart piece. Every item, every major rupee location, every upgrade, and i'm probably not even half way done. EVERYTHING!


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Lots of people think that 100% means that you've beaten the game...NO. Much more than that. Wind Waker is the hardest mainly because of the Great Sea. 100% is when you have every treasure chart, every heart piece. Every item, every major rupee location, every upgrade, and i'm probably not even half way done. EVERYTHING!

I don't know about every single rupee, but you're right. 100% to me is getting all the Heart Containers, upgrdes, and and beating the sidequest(s).


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
If you count opening every single treasure chest, then The Wind Waker by a huge amount. There are so many of them that it take a long time to get them all.


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
You Fools, Windwaker is the hardest to get a 100% completion, the Nintendo gallery is a pain if you don't get all the pictures before a certain time, and eventually you lose the motivation to get all the charts. The game is so time consuming its not even funny. Ive only 100% completed it once and i don't think ill do it in the near future.

I can agree it's quite difficut, but you didn't have to make it sound like such a bad thing.
Nov 7, 2010
Wind waker is not the hardest game, but when I saw 100%, and then looked to the poll, a thing slaped my memory:


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