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Which Games in the "Zelda" Series Provide a Death Count?


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
I know LttP does, too, but it might only be in dungeons. I can't remember. It goes through how many times you died in each area in the credits. Then again, I have the GBA version w/ Four Swords, so I don't know if it does that in the original.
Dec 11, 2009
LoZ and AoL do not just count deaths, but also how many tries it has taken one to get to the point in which they are at. So, if a person is at, say, Dungeon 6 in LoZ, and has 19 deaths, and also had times where he played through 6 sittings without dying, but then later quit and saved, then the count at the file screen will be "025."

ALttP only counts deaths, or at least I know the GBA port does. The deaths counted are the ones where you actually see the "Game Over" screen. If you have a fairy with you and you die, your death count will not go up. How it works on the original SNES cartridge, I do not know.

LA counts deaths, as well as OoT and MM. I believe that's all the games that count one's deaths and tries. I haven't played OoS or OoA, so I don't know about those two.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
The only death counts I know of are in OoT and MM. And for the longest time I didn't even know they were death counts.:P

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