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Which Enemy Scares You the Most?


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
The Iron freaking Knuckles in both Adventure of Link and Ocarina of Time. They charge at me and start swinging out their axes like madmen, and meanwhile I'm trying to figure out a way to penetrate their defenses. In Adventure of Link two Knuckles are stationed right before the boss fight in the first Temple; I loathe going up against them because my hearts are cut way down before making it to Horsehead. Ocarina of Time isn't as bad, but I dread them in this game since they're more reoccurring than the Stalchildren in Hyrule Field. I literally thought I'd fought twenty of them on my first playthrough, and while they might not fill me with actual fear, they are probably the most intimidating Zelda foes I've ever battled.


Why did the humans attack
Apr 5, 2012
Well, I must be somewhere!
I agree with the Silent Realm Guardians from SS. "Omgeez, omgeez, omgeez! Link! Freaking run, boy!"

An enemy that "scared" me while fighting them was the Armos also from SS. You blow at them with your Gust Bellow and they open up their mouths so you hit these crystals to shut them down. But. The whole time their stomping at you! D;

Haha so yea!
An enemy that "scared" me while fighting them was the Armos also from SS. You blow at them with your Gust Bellow and they open up their mouths so you hit these crystals to shut them down. But. The whole time their stomping at you! D;

Oooh i forgot bout those, yeah they scared me too, as soon as they came too close i put away the gust bellows and started running they were by far the angriest and scariest enemies in SS, they looked like they could and would kill you. Wonderful design though, i liked how their mouths open it was quite off putting.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
The ReDead Knights from Twilight Princess. With the more realistic graphics and their scary design, it's safe for me to say that they are the enemies that scare me the most.


Jul 13, 2008
First enemies to pop in my head were the Redeads from WW and OOT. Thinking about it hard enough I can confirm my choice there.

It's not the fact that these guys are HARD to beat but it's those few seconds you spend around them hoping you can get in a slash before they scream at you. Very suspensful. I'm not scared of a lot of Zelda enemies but those Redeads in Wind Waker just don't look nice at all.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Redeads used to scare me, but now I think the scariest ones are Iron Knuckles (hard to beat) or those weird electric snake things with the claws that come out in the hallways in Lord Jabu Jabu's Belly in OoT. I have absolutely no idea what they're called and they don't do much damage and are easily outrun, I still don't like them. But come to think of it, at one point or another I've been scared of most of the enemies, for example, Peahats. I still avoid them.
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
The ones that scared me the most at any point in my life are, hands down, the Wallmasters from Ocarina of Time. Put yourself in my shoes as a 9-year-old boy playing through the Forest Temple for the first time: the adventure is going smoothly, you've acquired keys, you've kicked butt and taken names, and now you come across this bizarrely twisted corridor. Thinking little of it, you tread onward, only for Navi to stop you at the end and tell you, "Watch out for the shadows of monsters that hang from the ceiling." You have no idea what to expect. Are you going to get eaten immediately? Chased out of the room? What? So you run forward and carelessly jump off the edge of the pillar, landing on the floor. As you regain your bearings, a shadow starts growing around your feet, and now you know this fearsome beast Navi spoke of is coming for your head.

Of course, I now know Wallmasters are easily outsmarted with a little jogging, but I didn't know that when I was little, and it petrified me. I almost couldn't beat those sections because it scared the golden sparkling crap out of me so much. I eventually ran around and let one of them fall to see what it looked like, and finally knowing what this monster was took most of the fear away. One of the things people fear most is the unknown, and it held true for me then.

Nowadays, the enemies that scare me the most are, yes, probably the ReDeads from The Wind Waker. They were extremely frightening in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, but they at least moved slowly and gave you time to know they were going to look at you. In The Wind Waker, it's almost instantaneous: one second they're staring into space, the next they're staring at you and shrieking, which paralyzes you. That doesn't mean I'm constantly frightened by them, but they've caught me off guard probably more than any other enemy I've encountered recently.
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Nov 26, 2008
The only enemy in Zelda that has really ever freaked me out was the Silent Realm Guardians from Skyward Sword. Things like the ReDeads and Wallmasters... too stereotypical for me, and not presented in situations that were actually well-crafted horror moments, in my eyes. Neither succeeds at scaring me, even when I was younger, as far as I can recall.

The Silent Realm Guardians were good for crafting some seriously tense moments. They were pretty much unbeatable, moved quickly, and were alarming foes to face as they pursued you. And I mean both guardians. The ground ones are large and intimidating, loud and fast, and are just scary to encounter. The sky variety aren't as fast, but are totally relentless and unstoppable. I've had just as many close calls with them, and they're far more unsettling for their constant scissoring motions and sounds.

I wouldn't say they ever truly scared me, but they always made me anxious and I cried out in alarm -- as opposed to fear -- many times.


Nerdy and Proud
Jul 8, 2012
Behind My Computer Monitor
well, the first time i played Oot, I was nine and a huge sissy. The dodongos in Dodongo Cavern scared me so much i almost wet myself, though I don't really understand why anymore. And when I got to the spirit temple and I saw those creepy anubises, i'm fairly certain I did wet myself.

The Silent Realm Guardians and the Armos from SS also unsettled me to no end.
Aug 25, 2012
Indiana, USA
The only enemy in Zelda that has really ever freaked me out was the Silent Realm Guardians from Skyward Sword. Things like the ReDeads and Wallmasters... too stereotypical for me, and not presented in situations that were actually well-crafted horror moments, in my eyes. Neither succeeds at scaring me, even when I was younger, as far as I can recall.

The Silent Realm Guardians were good for crafting some seriously tense moments. They were pretty much unbeatable, moved quickly, and were alarming foes to face as they pursued you. And I mean both guardians. The ground ones are large and intimidating, loud and fast, and are just scary to encounter. The sky variety aren't as fast, but are totally relentless and unstoppable. I've had just as many close calls with them, and they're far more unsettling for their constant scissoring motions and sounds.

I wouldn't say they ever truly scared me, but they always made me anxious and I cried out in alarm -- as opposed to fear -- many times.

I forgot to mention them (go figure). I'm normally not much of a scaredy-cat in gaming, so I went into the first Silent Realm not knowing to expect. Then I got caught for the first time, the industrial horror music started playing, the Guardians woke up, and I ran for my life. It was only when I picked up the next Tear of Light and returned the Silent Realm to normal when I realized just how fast my heart was beating. I somehow didn't think Nintendo could pull it off, but they did.

All this being said, perhaps you should create a Top 10 Scariest/Most Intimidating Enemies in Zelda list. The discussion seems to be heating up.
Nov 26, 2008
I forgot to mention them (go figure). I'm normally not much of a scaredy-cat in gaming, so I went into the first Silent Realm not knowing to expect. Then I got caught for the first time, the industrial horror music started playing, the Guardians woke up, and I ran for my life. It was only when I picked up the next Tear of Light and returned the Silent Realm to normal when I realized just how fast my heart was beating. I somehow didn't think Nintendo could pull it off, but they did.

All this being said, perhaps you should create a Top 10 Scariest/Most Intimidating Enemies in Zelda list. The discussion seems to be heating up.
I literally played Skyward Sword immediately after several sessions of Resident Evil 2, and they both made me equally as tense, though in very different ways. Skyward Sword manages to be one of the most frightening Zelda games for having the Silent Realms. xP

If I created a list like that, it would pretty much just consist of the Silent Realm Guardians. :bleh: As I said, I didn't really find any other enemy in the series to be scary.


poog tnalp yknuhc
Jul 11, 2012
The enemy that scares me the most is that enemy in Oot in the shadow temple I can't recall the name of it though...

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