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Ocarina of Time Which Enemy is More Intimidating?

Nov 29, 2010
1.) The Iron Knuckle

2.) Wall Master

3.) Gibdos/ReDeads

Has to be the Iron knuckle.
One reason is that you have to get pretty close when attacking it.
And that huge Axe it has makes it very intimidating.

When you see its Axe for the first time you say, i must be very careful.

Its ok if you have bombs,then you keep it at a distance,but when you have to get very close using the Master sword you see just how imposing and intimidating he is.


Hrmm.. for me I used to get real creeped out with the re-dead, I just really hated it when they jumped on you and would eat you. (Or w/e it is they do)

But it's not that intimidating I guess.

In the temples with the wall masters I guess I just used to run through the rooms with them in it as quick as possible until I realised it was just a hand... :|

Then the Iron Knuckle was sometimes just a B***** to beat... On the off days. Nothing real scary about it...

But I don't think they are all that intimidating. :)

Goron Link

Keep on Roll'n
Apr 1, 2011
Death Mountain
WALLMASTERS TO THE TOP I hate them so much i know you can avoid them but i always am scared of them when i played OoT for the first time
( I was 6) I REALLY peed my pants. Ya.... nice to get that out.
Apr 12, 2011
Iron Knuckle is the most intimidating.

Wall Master is just creepy and very annoying.

ReDeads were really creepy and I was scared of them when I was a kid. I hated having to get the hookshot or the song of storms.


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
IronKnuckles, no contest....hate those guys...they are just hard to beat for me and not to mention the damage they do...but, yes, I'd say Ironknuckles are waaaay more intimidating than Wall-Masters or ReDeads...to me, anyway... :/


Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
Despite the selections, I choose the Stalchild. They have no end and they make it impossible to walk around Hyrule Field without getting mauled by one.
Or two.
Or twenty.


I think the re-deads are terrifying. A mix between a rapist and a zombie should never have been in a zelda game (they ate your brains while raping you from behind.... who wouldn't be terrified by that?)o_Oo_Oo_O


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Out of those that you listed, the Iron Knuckle is the most intimidating.

The other enemies are really easy to beat and are usually optional. Plus, you have to fight a few Iron Knuckles as a child, and that, in itself, is rather hard. Child Link is so much weaker compared to his older self.


"Frocobo says die!"
Apr 2, 2011
Fricking wall master, I have been scared for life of them because of wind waker. Plus, they got me ALOT in the Forest Temple.

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
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Despite the selections, I choose the Stalchild. They have no end and they make it impossible to walk around Hyrule Field without getting mauled by one.
Or two.
Or twenty.

You know... If you wear the Bunny Hood at night, the Stalchildren won't attack you... It's true. Try it.

On topic...

I think it was the Stalfos or the Iron Knuckles. They're pretty big, and powerful(well, sort of), so they intimidated me a bit during my first playthrough.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
Its ok if you have bombs,then you keep it at a distance,but when you have to get very close using the Master sword you see just how imposing and intimidating he is.

If you have enough bombchus you can stand on the opposite end of the room and just keep launching them at him. Send the bombchus at a fast enough pace and you'll kill him before he gets to you. I sometimes like doing that to the dual IK's in Ganon's Tower to watch them do a synchronized death animation lol.

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