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Which Book Are You Currently Reading?

Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
I'm looking for book recommendations and suggestions. I'm searching for other novels similar to "Good Omens" (by Neil Gaiman and Terry Practchett), that is a love story about an angel and a fallen angel/demon who fall in love with each other and with both the angel and the fallen angel/demon being flawed and gray areas instead of extreme black and white thinking, but other than "Seven days for an eternity" by Marc Levy I haven't found anything else that's similar to "Good Omens" to that extent. If you know of similar novels with these same characteristics, could you give me the titles and authors' names, please? Give me some suggestions if you have any, I am all ears.



The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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I started Frankenstein a couple years back but ended up losing the book, I saw it on my shelf earlier and thought "Oh yeah, I was reading that," so I decided to just restart it. Turns out the edition I'm reading is a "Norton Critical Edition," meaning that over half the pages in this book are just extra stuff so this isn't going to be as long as I was thinking at first.
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
I'm currently reading:

- "Buffy the vampire slayer: The deathless" by Keith K. A. DeCandido:



As if Ring Day weren't enough to make Buffy Summers anxious (she can't even afford one of the less expensive silver bands), the Slayer has her hands full trying to figure out why an average split-level house in Sunnydale has all the vampires spooked. When she arrives at the library to discuss this new development with Giles, a package he's received from an old folklorist in Russia reveals what's going on: The stars are properly aligned for an attempt to resurrect Koschei the Deathless, a long-dead evil sorcerer. So while her classmates are busy choosing rings to demonstrate their school spirit, Buffy must figure out how to keep someone from reviving Koschei and, should she need to resort to plan B, how to kill him again.

A little investigating soon leads Buffy and the gang to the necromancer who originally killed the sorcerer, an immortal Russian sorceress named Yulia Dryanushkina, who can control vampires (which explains their reluctance to pass by her place of residence). When the crew pays Yulia a visit, she assures them that with Willow's assistance, she would be able to kill the sorcerer again should he be revived.

Neither Buffy nor Willow are particularly comfortable with aligning themselves with the necromancer, but they have no other choice when, twenty-four hours later, the vampires start behaving strangely... and half the senior class goes missing."

- And "Buffy the vampire slayer: Afterimage" by Pierce Askegren:



Sunnydale, California, hosts more than its fair share of action and horror. It's understandable, then, that news of the long-closed Sunnydale Drive-In's grand reopening with a scheduled night-long festival of classic action and horror movies is met with disinterest or disdain by Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia. Only Xander, who has been spending his afternoons on the drive-in's work crew, is eager to enjoy the rewards of his effort.

Buffy is too distracted to sit and take in a movie, anyway. A frightening encounter with a werewolf ends with its vanishing — not into the woods, but evaporating like a ghost before her eyes. Suspicious people in dated clothing and hairstyles are spotted throughout town but don't appear to be the usual vampires.

And most disturbing, a sleeping sickness begins to sweep over town, leaving those affected in a state of extreme drowsiness — or a coma.

It's no wonder no one notices the distinguished-looking gentleman of indeterminate age. His name is Balsamo. At least, that's what he's calling himself this century. But Xander simply knows him as "Boss" and has been promised a prime parking space for the upcoming evening's spectacle..."

I enjoy reading BTVS novels, especially during the month of October/Halloween season.
Jan 23, 2022
reading some poems nad stories in the Tell Tale Heart and Other Writings by Edgar Allen Poe for the rest of this month.

and re-reading the big old paperback of Tom Clancy's Executive Orders which i havent read since 1996 or 1997 or 1998.
Mar 23, 2013
I've been re-reading Children of Time. If you've ever wanted a book where half the characters are jumping spiders then I wholeheartedly recommend it. :eyes:

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I checked out arcanum unbounded from the library (I've read it before) and it occurred to me that this book would be nice to actually own a copy of, just to come back and reference from time to time, to help understand the cosmere (I am hopelessly lost when it comes to cosmere stuff)


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I both started and finished reading Howl's Moving Castle today, I enjoyed it a lot. Probably more than the movie. I liked how you can never quite expect what would happen next or what was going on. Also loved the character dynamics. Gonna be starting the sequel probably tomorrow.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
I picked up the first two books in Neal Shusterman's series Scythe at the library recently. I just finished the first today. I enjoyed it ton!

It's a dystopian series centered around the practice of gleaning, taking lives in order to keep population from growing too large. Everyone lives forever in perfect bliss without fear of natural death anymore due to revival centers and genetic therapy, so it's up to scythes to carry out what was previously nature's job and solemnly glean for the better of humanity. Citra and Rowan are the protagonists and have been selected to be scythes, a responsibility they both dread to undertake. There's a ton, and I mean, a TON of twists and turns in the first novel alone, had me on the edge of my seat. This has the very real potential to be my new favorite series, I love the complexity and nuance the in the characters' mentality and in the worldbuilding.

There are journal entries before the start of each chapter that delve deeper in Scythe psychology, the mental toll it has on them, and analysis of the delicate situation that calls for such drastic measures. The ethical implications for a supposedly perfect society are so interesting to think about. It's an imperfect situation and even in the effort to reach peace and immortality, people still have fear whenever a scythe comes by their door. And yet, it seems there isn't any other way.

I've enjoyed immersing myself into the world of Scythe and can't wait to start the next book.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I both started and finished reading Howl's Moving Castle today, I enjoyed it a lot. Probably more than the movie. I liked how you can never quite expect what would happen next or what was going on. Also loved the character dynamics. Gonna be starting the sequel probably tomorrow.
Ended up taking me longer than anticipated to start it, but I just finished Castle in the Air. It did something that's typically a bad idea in sequels, which is having a completely new main character and a (for the first half at least) new setting. It came across initially as a stereotypical Aladdin type story, but ended up being extremely unique and interesting. While at first it seems it isn't connected to Howl's Moving Castle at all until the final third of the story, it was actually being tied in all along. Very well written and I love how neatly everything falls into place at the end.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'm currently reading Wake Up With Purpose by Sister Jean. It's amazing getting insights on life from a centenarian, and every old person I've talked to in life seems to echo the same sentiment of not sweating the small stuff and focusing on the bigger picture.


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Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Fourteen by Shannon Malloy. Gearing up to watch the theatre adaptation for the second time next month.

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