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Which Anime Are You Currently Watching?

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
I just started watching shadow house, it’s interesting so far. I like the drawing style.
I plan on watching the demon slayer movie later tonight.. I’m pretty excited.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
Right now I am watching My Hero Academia, it had a slow start to me but I'm really enjoying it now.


Staff member
ZD Champion
kinda dropped Dr Stone and Angel Beats and plan on coming back to it at some point

was watching Dusk Maiden of Amnesia and honestly it's pretty bad so far
I expected something like supernatural/horror/detective show but it's mostly ecchi slice of life with a ghost nonsense

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
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Only new anime I'm watching this season is The Aquatope on White Sand. It's pretty neat so far, and the animation is gorgeous.

Still continuing to watch My Hero Academia (kind of, waiting for the season to finish or actually get interesting before I continue), Edens Zero, and To Your Eternity.


Rayyan Watts
Aug 2, 2021
United States
I discovered My hero academia past sunday, and binged watched since all available episodes (which i never did in my whole life for any anime or tv series)...Now i am waiting weekly to watch it in simulcast (which i also never had to do before)....I would really appreciate if anyone has any suggestion for any anime that i could watch and really enjoy. What is for you the closest anime to My hero academia?I didnt watch that much animes in my life, so that you know: i of course watched death note completly. I saw the first season of Hunter x hunter, some 300 episodes of One piece, nearly finishing the availabe episodes of fairy tail. I also really enjoyed Assination Classroom but not as much as My Hero Academia...and that is basically it. I always liked animes without being a huge fan either, but maybe My hero Acadmia just changed that for me...Do you have any idea about what i should try next? I am open to all suggestions but would like to find something for which i could catch up to simulcast quite quickly. view: animefillerlist
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