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What's Your Bad Habit?


~The Wolfos Furry~
Aug 24, 2013
My bad habit is eating the inside of my cheek. When I'm bored or just plain hungry (and I have no food around me) I'll just eat the inside of my mouth. It's a very bad habit of mine. I'll sometimes keep chewing the side of my cheek until it bleeds. Not a very good habit when you want the inside of your mouth to be clean! :lol:

From 5-12 years old I used to suck my thumb (not my fault, my mom lost my binky) My dad got me to break that habit my putting pepper on my thumb. Bleh!

So, what's your bad habit or habits?
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Feb 23, 2011
I squint my eyes an awful lot because of my poor eyesight. I really need to renew my prescription eyeglasses now that I have health insurance. If I don't, then I'll develop those crinkly lines on the side of my eyes from all the squinting.

Another bad habit I have is biting my finger nails. It actually used to be a lot worse, but then I got over it, and now it's back. I tend to do this while I'm squinting.

My last bad habit (for now) is folding my arms all the time. Humans communicate via body language, and folding one's arms is apparently said to give off bad vibes. This tied with the fact that I seem to have a 'stoned-face' expression all the time makes people assume the most negative things about me.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I bite my nails... a lot. I've bitten them so short that they actually started bleeding several times. I've tried to stop, but everytime they get long, I just bite them down again. I wouldn't say it's the most polite thing to do when people are talking to you, but I just can't help it!

One habit that I thankfully grew out of was biting the collar of my shirts. Mostly, I would just bite a little bit, but I actually bit the collar off on a couple of them. I was constantly buying new shirts because of this. I'm really glad I don't do that anymore because it was an expensive habit.

One thing that annoys me about myself is that I can't sit/stand still. I always have to be moving something, usually my hands. If I'm not moving them, I start fidgeting them. I even do that while thinking about what to type in the next sentence. It causes me to annoy the hell out of people by tapping on surfaces. It probably comes from the fact that I'm both a piano player and a drummer, so I need to be constantly doing stuff with my hands. I even move them around in bed.


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
This probably sounds stupid.

Ever since I started drumming, I've sometimes been "drumming" on random objects- hitting my hands upon them in rhythmic succession- out of habit. Worry not, I am able to hold myself back in public so that I do not become a nuisance. I still feel like it is a bad habit, though, and I think it's caused me to become worked up if I hear somebody drumming nonrhythmically (is that a word?).

I also used to have a habit of flipping my pencil in the air as I'm writing... er, thinking about what words I will make appear on my paper.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
I bite my nails a lot. A lot less then before, but it's still here. I'm working on stopping though. Just so hard to do.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Ever since I started drumming, I've sometimes been "drumming" on random objects- hitting my hands upon them in rhythmic succession- out of habit. Worry not, I am able to hold myself back in public so that I do not become a nuisance. I still feel like it is a bad habit, though, and I think it's caused me to become worked up if I hear somebody drumming nonrhythmically (is that a word?).

And then people around you get annoyed as hell, right? =P I know all too well what that's like!

I also used to have a habit of flipping my pencil in the air as I'm writing... er, thinking about what words I will make appear on my paper.

I do this too, though I think it is also a habit that developed from being a drummer. I used to do it in class all the time, and drive my teachers nuts! Not complaining though, because it allowed me to become good at stick tossing! :P


Unwanted ZD Member
Strangest and the bad Habit I do.. When I am scared or nervous I tend to hit people... not hard (well maybe sometimes) more like a light smack or something.. Its pretty bad..
and I also sharpen my nails by picking at pencils wood
But also like everyone else I bite my nails.


~The Wolfos Furry~
Aug 24, 2013
Ever since I started drumming, I've sometimes been "drumming" on random objects-

All I could think of was 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 from Doctor Who where The Master talks about this constant drumming in his head.
That's also one of my other habits(tapping 1, 2, 3, 4 over and over) although I don't consider it bad.

I also used to have a habit of flipping my pencil in the air as I'm writing.

And that made me think of The Doctor flipping his Sonic screwdriver in the air. When I'm thinking of what to write, I'll tworll my pencil in my hand. I don't consider that a bad habit either.
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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I don't know if it could be called a 'bad habit', but, my sweet tooth. :P I'm horrible for buying loads of nice sweets, or candy as I guess some people here would call them, and just eating them right then and there. I can't buy some and then put them away and leave them for later. So I'll go shopping and buy a tonne of them or spend the day baking fairy cakes or cookies, and they won't last till tomorrow. Or very few will.

Self control. I needs.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
I don't know if it could be called a 'bad habit', but, my sweet tooth. :P I'm horrible for buying loads of nice sweets, or candy as I guess some people here would call them, and just eating them right then and there. I can't buy some and then put them away and leave them for later. So I'll go shopping and buy a tonne of them or spend the day baking fairy cakes or cookies, and they won't last till tomorrow. Or very few will.

Self control. I needs.

Hopefully you don't get fat.

I crack my knuckles a lot. I'm trying to fix it now though.


Have a Punderful Day!
Apr 28, 2013
Unfortunately, I unconsciously grind my teeth. I don't even realize I'm doing it until people point it out because it annoys them so much. And then I'm always wondering why my jaw hurts. It's really annoying...

I also happen to doodle caricatures of people I know, but I don't consider this a bad habit. They end up being hilarious to look at.

Don't get me started on the procrastination.
Polishing my 3DS nonstop... does that count? Like, 95% of the time while I'm playing, I'm polishing something on it. It's my baby, what can I say?

I also have a really bad habit of dissecting my skin. It's called dermatillomania. I usually have to wear long sleeves so I don't completely destroy my arms. It does sort of pose as a health risk, for constantly having open wounds somewhere on my body, but so far, I haven't gotten anything worse than an occasional staph infection. I know I need to stop. Constantly stimulating my skin to heal like that is probably increasing my risk of various skin cancers, not to mention if where I'm picking is close enough to my hairline, I will start pulling my hair. There are certain things I like finding in hair roots that gives my OCD a weird satisfactory feeling. Like I'm pulling my hair out through the inflamed skin and the tubing is still there. Satisfying. I get really feverish about it, too. I will not stop until I've gotten what want out of my skin. Whether it's some obscure blemish--which in my case, it actually isn't normally anything visible...--or even when I'm plucking my eyebrows. If there's an eyebrow that won't come out, I will dissect my skin until I'm a bloody mess just to remove what I wanted to. If people elbow me to stop while I'm having an episode, I will totally flip out. It's not a good habit to have, and it doesn't hepl that I have some genetic form of dermatitis that gives me a few more things to pick at. It's usually pretty mild, though. I've gotten better. My case of dermotillomania is not as bad as most, so while it is a concern, it's probably something I can change if I tried hard enough.

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