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What Zelda Game Would You Like to See on the 3DS?


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Something new. I don't understand the big clamoring for a Majora's Mask remake. Unlike Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask doesn't have any reason to be remade, at all. OoT had two major reasons:

1. It was a critically acclaimed title, best game of all time, and was the most famous Zelda title. Remaking it for the anniversary makes sense. Not for Majora's Mask though. It's just another game, so if they remake it then they should remake the entire series, which clearly is a pointless endeavor; we'd never see a new game. Not for like 10 years.

2. Ocarina of Time suffered from one major flaw that was easy to fix: its graphics. They looked okay for their time but by now they're quite dated. Taking the most beloved game in the series and making it look gorgeous just makes sense. Majora's Mask looks far better by comparison, and it's no where near as beloved. Any other "flaws" Majora's Mask might have, like the time cycle or difficulty, are key components of the game, bad or not, and there's no way they'd be changed in a remake.

There's no reason to look to the past for games on the 3DS. That's just holding back the hardware, which is capable of new experiences and is wasted on old ones. People are just fangasming over the idea of a remake without thinking about the relevance or value of one logically. <_<

Ocarina of Time 3D didn't even effectively use the 3D technology. They should make a new Zelda game that is made for the console. I want to see what new ideas and experiences they can come up with, not dwell in the past with old titles that still stand fine on their own. OoT 3D made sense, but no other remakes do. We need a new game, a new experience, and new ideas. So the Zelda series can move forward. :)

If you think about it, the Zelda series has been stuck in a rut for a while, never coming up with many new ideas and just reusing the same formula. Skyward Sword seems to be changing that, but there's no reason for them to not do that on all fronts. Making more remakes would just be more of the same, except worse since instead of new games with the same style, it's just pumping out the same old games. Not changing is something the series has been criticized for, and while I don't think it's necessarily always bad, I think getting lost in a tide of remakes is different; far more extreme and problematic.

^ This, this right here. I've been always trying to say this but now someone else did and couldn't be more correct.

More remakes seem a bit pointless. God knows when we'll get another Zelda. Just because they get other companies to work on remakes doesn't mean a thing at all. It still takes time and money from Nintendo. And they are pretty much busy with other things too. Even if they do get other companies, you just know where not getting Zelda games yearly. Ocarina of Time 3D just hit the shelves about a month ago. Yet people want to see another remake after they have just complained about getting a remake that was not intended for them. Ocarina of Time 3D was made for that newcomer of the series. Now it's their turn to experience a master piece they missed out on. But this time in a better way. Anyway back to the point, another remake so soon means the longer we have to wait for a brand new Zelda on the 3DS.

Personally I would love to see either a new four swords with much nicer and brighter graphics that takes advantage of all of the 3DS's features. Or a brand new 3D adventure. Maybe even in a Wind Waker style done a bit better with an actual over world instead of a sea or tracks to travel through, or just a completely new style. Any of these work fine with me and I would like to see these games down the road. Let's hear it for two more new Zelda titles in the 3DS's lifespan.
Last edited:
Nov 26, 2008
I would love to see new games as well as remakes on the 3DS. I am a very big supporter of Majora's Mask 3D for this and only this reason. Majora's mask had so many glitches and i mean so many, such as the game froze up every once in a while and you can mess the whole game up with a few other glitches.
Majora's Mask has next to zero glitches that matter. Having played through it a few times, I've never experienced any problematic glitches, only cool ones like the invisible Great Fairy Sword or Hookshot glitch that I intentionally reproduced. I think you're mistaking the original game for the crappy version on the Collector's Disk. That version is widely considered to be terrible because it has glitches the original game doesn't have. I don't know what version you play, but I seriously cannot imagine it being the original N64 release, which had no major glitches.

Not to cherry pick but...that argument is invalid, Nintendo has thought of that. Do you think they stopped Skyward Sword for Ocarina of time 3D? No they got another company to do it, and that's probably what they're going to do if they wanted more remakes made.
As Turo already said, that's still time, attention, resources, and energy from Nintendo, and that's a company that could still be working on original Zelda titles, original entries in other Nintendo series, or original games of their own. Either way, we're talking about a significant detraction of time and energy from new titles in the Zelda series. That wouldn't be as much of an issue if we're only talking about Majora's Mask, or only about A Link to the Past (I'd rather see a remake of that than Majora's Mask); it's mainly this whole "OMFG LET'S HAVE REMAKES ON THE 3DS". :bleh: There's no reason for it to become a regular thing. I still maintain that there's no reason to remake MM though.

I would love to see Wind Waker or Majora's Mask but i would rather a new freshly made Zelda game for the 3DS since usally every nintendo platformer has a new fresh Zelda game the only Nintendo console i can think of that does not have a Zelda game is the Virtual Boy since it had a short life span.
Thank god that there wasn't a Zelda game on the Virtual Boy. I mean, it would have been made by Nintendo themselves if there was one, not by another company so it wouldn't have been like the CD-i games. It would probably have been a good game. But that still means we would have to play it on the fricken' Virtual Boy. @_@


Jan 24, 2011
probs russia
you know. ever since i heard f the 3DS, all i have ben thinking about is majoras mask 3D, and a 3D continuation of spirit tracks...
but a fangirl can only dream.....


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
you know. ever since i heard f the 3DS, all i have ben thinking about is majoras mask 3D, and a 3D continuation of spirit tracks...
but a fangirl can only dream.....

Something after Spirit Tracks would be welcome to me by all means. It doesn't have to happen, as there's already pretty much a trilogy for the AT, but having one wouldn't hurt, either. Just no MM 3D. As much as I'd love that, new games are what's needed.

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