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What would it take for BotW 2 to become your new favorite/least favorite Zelda game?

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Nintendo wouldn't DARE put motion controls in BOTW2. Even the forced motion parts BOTW were ****.

As for TP...just get rid of the Wolf gameplay and have more sidequests. TP had a decent overworld...just nothing in it.

That is absolutely something that Nintendo would do. If Skyward Sword is anything to go by, awful motion controls have never stopped Nintendo from including them.

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
It would be my favorite over Twilight Princess if they added themed dungeons to the game and not the same looking shrines and divine beasts again. Cuz I enjoyed playing it but the insides of those places got old after a while.
Jul 16, 2021
That is absolutely something that Nintendo would do. If Skyward Sword is anything to go by, awful motion controls have never stopped Nintendo from including them.

Switch being a handheld has forced them to not include them in their games thank god. They know they can't get away with forced motion when they're selling switch lites.

Requiem Of Spirit

It's a secret to everybody...
Feb 16, 2021
Most favourite: Being able to pet and tame the dogs (so they could stay with you as a follower/pet), adding a hookshot (would be useful for moving around and climbing), make the plot more integrated into the game and have a bigger focus (as opposed to relying so much on flashbacks/cutscenes of past events and focusing more on gameplay/exploring like in BotW), make the dungeons have different themes, be longer and a bit more complicated. (More similar to past Zelda games).

Least favourite: make it more sandbox/open world, give the story less focus, make dungeons too short/simple and a copy of each other, recycling everything from BotW without adding anything new or fleshing out any existing mechanics, making Link speak, and I guess if they implemented bad controls (clunky or unintuitive, or being forced to use gimmicky controls) that would make BotW2 my least favourite Zelda game.
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Sep 10, 2021

If they were to add proper dungeons, more weapons like the hookshot or even the Beetle, more villages to explore. Also, a past and present world would added to that would make this my dream Zelda game if done correctly!

Least favourite:

On seeing the latest trailer it looks as if there’s islands in the sky which will require flying to and from like in SS. Whilst it’s okay in theory I found it very tedious constantly flying around so hoping we won’t have to do a lot of that.


The Quiet Man
Mostly avoiding complacency and stagnation. Just as Breath of the Wild was a kick in the pants for the series to drop its "formula" and do something interesting again, my hope would be for any game following it to explore new feelings to evoke and experiences to provide. Being adventurous, as one might say.

Even as right now I'm learning towards assuming there will be less differences between BotW and its sequel than between, say, BotW and Skyward Sword, I'd still hope they play as much as they can with however much they're keeping. If Link Between Worlds convinced me of anything, it's that even small changes to a template can do a lot to transform the feel of the end result. My fingers are crossed.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Mostly avoiding complacency and stagnation. Just as Breath of the Wild was a kick in the pants for the series to drop its "formula" and do something interesting again, my hope would be for any game following it to explore new feelings to evoke and experiences to provide. Being adventurous, as one might say.
I think Nintendo will try to stick with this, considering the nature of botw. Not sure if it'll actually work, though. It's hard to make a direct follow up of something different, because if the first one was popular they'll want to carry that idea of why it was popular. That will usually mean more of the same, since the same worked. From what we've seen in the trailers I can tell they're trying some new stuff, hopefully it's good.
Jan 11, 2021
I want it to sort of act as the Endgame of the Zelda series, combining a bunch of loose threads into a neat little bow. FSA did something like this, it's why I adore that game. Taking the open world from BOTW and Z1, the ability and spell system from Z2 and mapping it to Link's arm, the general dungeon structure of ALTTP or ALBW, the compelling story of LA, the terrifying Ganondorf from OOT, the sympathetic one from WW, the actual one from TP, the wind magic themes from MC, FS, FSA, multiplayer from TFH, the world-ending stakes of MM with the floating castle (and hopefully good sidequests), an expansion on the concepts of Malice central to Bellum's design from PH, playable Zelda from ST, the sky theme of SS. It could truly be a culmination of the entire series.

Or it could be zonai....
Sep 15, 2021
New favourite: dungeons. More story. More enemies (redeads).
Least favourite: make it worse than BotW.
Sep 8, 2021
I have the same opinion as the other TP lovers on the site: Zelda needs cultured dungeons with their own nuances.

BotW had like one culture and everything else was copy-pasta. Because of that, BotW was the only 3d Zelda that I refused to beat. Backtracking almost made me put down SS, too, and that's just a bigger way to make copy-pasta. Another thing is their timeline placement. You guys know me and my outlandish speculations, but I have reason for them, and that reason is thrown out the window in BoTW because it's in a late, unified, timeline. There's actually still a few empty spaces on the HH timeline right before TP and after SS. I would really like them to make this a sequel to SS because it might give us some insight as to what happened leading up to the era of chaos.
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Sep 15, 2021
A shadow/dead themed area would be nice, though I don't suppose we will get that.
Still, wondering what kind of islands there will be to explore. Small ones, big ones, bigger ones? Lots of nature?
Sep 27, 2021
For me personally, I think BotW 2 is going to have a really hard time becoming my favorite Zelda game, just because I'm such a sucker for the top-down gameplay. However, I think that, if it can provide the same sense of exploration as Breath of the Wild without feeling too repetitive since we've already been around that entire map, and provide meaningful updates to game systems like combat and item management (please nerf food thanks) then it'll be in the running for the best 3D Zelda I've played if it can make me invested in the story.

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