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What Other Zelda Merchandise Do You Own Besides Games?



I have just weird little simple things that i found while shopping and such,
-Twilight Princess triforce t-shirt
-Hylian sheild mints (somewhat of an odd thing to have)
-Anime drawing of Link (my birthday present from a friend)
that's about it but i have almost all of the games. :)

Mr Reaper

Fear The Reaper
Aug 16, 2012
Myrtle Beach, SC
My bro got me the the Twilight Princess metal lunchbox (lol) with black and grey rubber Wii remote and Nunchuk Covers in it. Also used to have the Phantom Hourglass Zelda DS Lite, but I gave to my niece :( I only wish she would treat it better, I only gave it to her because I bought a DSi (in other words I got ripped off) and had no use for it, all she does is pictochat all day and has no games lol, but I've been hoping to find a good Zelda Ocarina, can anyone give me a link to a cheap one on Amazon or something? I've been wanting one FOREVER, it would be much appreciated.


Aug 16, 2012
At the Sealed Temple helping out Granny!
My stuff

Let's see here...
-I have the gold DS Lite that came with PH
-Almost all the Zelda mangas
-Toon Link plush
-A wooden Wind Waker(I made it myself! I don't know if that counts...)
-The Majora's Mask soundtrack
-A few random Zelda shirts
and strategy guides for Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask.
That's about it....


All I want is Wii friends
Apr 9, 2012
San Antonio
a Link pez dispenser, and I think I have an old "how to draw Nintendo characters" book with tracing paper, but I haven't seen it since i got it from the book fair in 2nd grade, so i'm pretty sure it's lost forever. (funny story, when I first got it and turned to the Zelda page, I was surprised to see TOON LINK AND ZELDA, which was something weird for me, as the only Zelda game I knew existed was OoT)
the one I have isn't really a "PEZ" dispenser it's some generic candy dispenser that you put smarties in, and the sticker on it is crooked. :yuck:

yep, that's it
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