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What Made You Happy Today?

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
Jun 1, 2023
Gerudo Village
How "toxic" are we talking are we talking like are we talking like really stinky that it is basically a level five biohazard or are we talking like something that would be the subject of an ecology documentary?

Because I lived in a city where the air around downtown was so stinky at times that I felt like I was living in a biohazard zone.

It is an animated spin-off on Comedy Central. I thought the first episode was hilarious. This will possibly be part of my binge watch cycle once it gets added to Paramount Plus.
My favorite one is when a Thug threatens Chris, and his Dad be like “I will be there! you think I am playin?”:


Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
Jun 1, 2023
Gerudo Village
I cooked eggs and bacon earlier. With cheese and lots of butter. And I made some French vanilla coffee. It made me happy. Lol.


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