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What made 2016 such a bad year?

Oct 2, 2016
I for one loved this year. Sure a gorilla died but it was a gorilla. Sure there were terrorist attacks but those happen every year. The only thing that annoyed me was the election process but that's because everyone was whining. So tell me, what do people have against this year?
Harambe, Hillary coming so close to winning, lots and lots of forum drama

tbh actually if you subtract how close we were to Hillary being president, and the anxiety that came with it(for me at least), it was a great year

also I was permabanned from my second favorite forum, I've lost pretty much all the internet friends I had(although I made new ones. Aka @karu and @Moonstone. thx guys~) I started getting migraines for the first time, I learned that I'll need glasses but that's kind of okay because they look cool and it's better than being completely blind I guess, my gender dysphoria has gotten worse, and lots of personal things have happened(mostly online) that ended up giving me depression. but idk that's not the year's fault. It's still one of my favorite years.

also, THEBESTEMOTES were removed and that is not okay

you know what? I've made new friends and also nuclear war was averted(maybe?). This is a good year
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Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Jeez, I feel bad to break this to you guys, but we are still in 2016, we still have a month or so left! Just get a calendar ok. Unless you are one of those people who don't use anything made by the Egyptians. Which means you don't use paper or gum or mummification .
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Angel of Darkness
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Jan 31, 2010
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Angel of Darkness
Literally nothing.
Every years has some good things and some bad things, so 2016 is just another year
You spoke wise words my friend. I'll give you a cookie!

Nothing really. Every year has good and bad things. For me personally it was a good year. Not great and not bad either. For anything else, yes, some things happened I didn't like, but it's not like I had any say in it.

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