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What Keeps You with the Zelda Series to This Day?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I searched the first 100 threads in WoZ and didn't find a thread similar to this; if you found one mods, well you know what to do ;)

Over the past few moons I've been silently thinking to myself, "why am I still playing the Zelda series? All I do is whine and complain about that newest 3D entry and rave over a happening that happened 13+ years ago!". I've even considered ditching the series entirely for more pleasing pastimes such as Call of Duty, Dodgeball, eating and even trying out totally new games! But, the thing that keeps me with the series is simply the magick of elder games in the series. Yeah, call me a fanboy if you want, but I am basically in love with the older games. They were done so well, in my opinion, that I can just replay them almost infinitely and still get massive heaps of enjoyment out of them.

It might be due to me not having expectations at the time, or maybe that I'm too forgiving as a person for older works of art. But toss MM or OoT, the Oracles or even AoL (essentially any game ST and backwards) at me and I'm 101% certain going to be happy!

What keeps YOU with the series? What keeps you from being so bored that you just quit? :>
May 3, 2012
Well first off I have been playing Zelda games for like 25 years and playing the original game is one of my earliest memories. Every time a new game comes out its an A+ title and now there are so many games you can go back and replay them. Playing Skyward Sword really got me back into it and I'm replaying the games and finally gonna finish TP and TWW, almost done with both. I now own a version of every game except Phantom Hourglass and FSA, I just got Links Crossbow training off ebay for $10 new the other day.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
I can't really explain my love/obsession with the Zelda series. Zelda, and videogames in general were always enjoyed by my whole family; it was the one time we didn't fight as much. There's just something magical about this franchise that keeps bringing me back. I don't know how to describe it, but it's been apart of me for so long, I can't imagine me being at a point where I am seriously bored with the series, or decide to drop it all together.


What's Life Without Adult Humor?
Jan 13, 2012
I keep playing, because I just really like the games, and I don't think that will ever change :3
That, and well, at least with Majora's Mask, I love the feel of the N64 Graphics.
I know OoT was also for N64, but I have seen that played over and over again by friends, before I even played myself, and MM was my first N64 Zelda game for N64 that I played myself, AND BEAT. I only messed around with OoT for a bit, until I got stuck in one of the temples, then I never really played again... until much later :sweat:
I'm still with it because it feels like a part of me, i've played it all my life before i even knew what it was. Aside from SS, the Oracle games and maybe more so than not, the DS titles, i've enjoyed every Zelda game i've played. And i know that Nintendo still havent told the story yet that can set the world on fire once again like they did long ago and if any title can do it, its Zelda

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Ocarina of Time was the first videogame I ever purchased (or more accurately ever purchased for me seeing as how I was a mere toddler) along with Super Mario 64. Nostalgia definitely plays a large role in why I continue to play Zelda games. They're also great adventure games with broader, looser bounds than most in their genre. I'm someone who enjoys letting his imagination spawn crazy ideas left and right and Zelda largely appeals to that impulse. More magic, dragons, and time travel please.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Well, the Legend of Zelda has a wide variety of reasons that I, and maybe others by that same extension, might stick with the series after all these years. For starters, I believe that nostalgia is a huge contributive factor to my persistence. I love being able to replay through some of the games every now and then, because memories from my childhood are constantly being reawakened—recollections that are both good and bad. The entire independent nature of Majora's Mask is something that I anticipate each time I pick it back up; something good to remember. Naturally, I also dread going through some segments, since in my first experience I had such a hard time getting through it. Retrieving the Sols from Zant's Hands and the Imprisoned sequences come to mind in that respect. Either way, though, it's fun to reminisce on youthful memories.

Another motive I have for replaying Zelda games are the lessons that I can learn simply by doing things for people. Most of the time this isn't something that I'd be considering, seeing as games are rampantly about the protagonist taking care of their own business, on his or her own agenda. But Zelda is different in that regard, allowing its main character, Link, to deviate from his quest at will and help a troubled individual out. And in payment he would oftentimes receive a reward of some kind for his good deeds. This is especially true of Skyward Sword, which used Gratitude Crystals for the first time to sincerely show how appreciative a person was.

Finally, this concluding point sort of opposes the second explanation, but still goes hand-in-hand with it. In each title, Nintendo has implemented Link as a means of connecting the players with the character that they're playing as. They give the fans full power over what they do, in most cases, without making the story interfere with that independence. So this point covers the freedom that I experience as I travel through the respective worlds. The developers have tried to maintain that part with the formula through the years, while altering it only when necessary to the plotline. Thanks to how easily I can relate to Link, I become immersed in the worlds, feel as if I'm right there in the adventure, roaming the open worlds and vanquishing foes that cross my path.

I could go on and on about this. But that'd take out all the reasons that I love playing the games.
Jul 11, 2012
The series has just always been there. When I was a kid Ocarina of Time was one of my first games. The Zelda games have just always held a special place in my heart.


Smash is Life
Sep 23, 2012
Beijing, China
I think many of us, as I've seen above, have Ocarina of Time to thank for this. OoT was also my first Zelda game, and I loved it. My second game was the GameBoy version of aLttP, and I also loved it. Having played amazing LoZ games first, I fell in love with the series, and could never let go of it. Even with disappointing games like PH couldn't make me lose my love for the series. I SO FREAKING LOVE ZELDA.


The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
What keeps me with Zelda is it is my mind the definition of a good video game. It incorporates, action, adventure, puzzle solving, story (could be better), likeable characters, and just damn fun gameplay. Zelda games are more than just go from point A to point B until you beat the final boss. They're about the journey that you take to get there. They're about discovering the world that you been placed into and discovering all its secrets. They're about interacting with the NPC's and actually wanting to help them out. They make you feel like the smartest person in the world when you figure out a particularly hard puzzle.

I love Zelda, because It gives me so much joy when I play the series. I love that I can replay a game multiple times and not be bored. I love that I still have fun exploring places that I've already explored before. Zelda is weird in that you can never truly understand why the series is so special until you actually try it. As much as you try to explain why it is so awesome, you can't help but feel you aren't doing it justice.

I love how crazy we the fans are. I love that we come up with crazy theories and try to piece a messed up timeline together even though we know they're was never a point to make the timeline clear. I love that every game is somebody's favorite game (minus the CDi games.) I love how passionate I and many others can be over something as simple as a video game franchise. It's scary sometimes to think about my obsession.

I play new games all the time. I'm not limited to just Zelda. But if I'm ever at a lapse in my gaming, I usually fall back to Zelda as I know for a fact that I will enjoy the entire experience. Other games are great too, but they almost never hold the same replayability that Zelda does. Well that can be said about most of Nintendo's franchises, but its especially strong for me and Zelda.

I will always love Zelda. Even when I'm disappointed in the series, I still love it. I am a Zelda fanboy and proud of it.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
What keeps me playing Zelda?

Well, for one thing, it's one of the few games I know won't disappoint me- even the ones that aren't as good. I always enjoy the first play-through of every Zelda (and some I enjoy even the second, third, and even n^th time). The worst Zelda is better than most of the games that are coming out nowadays (at least, in my opinion). The story almost always gets me interested, the characters usually provoke some emotion, and most games in the series have their own unique visual style.

And, as Thareos said, I'm sure nostalgia plays a huge part.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Twilight Princess, A Link to the Past, and....uhh....Zelda.:P I love to do replays to keep me from boredom. I never get tired of playing Zelda all over again. How can you get bored with Zelda? :I That's not possible...


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
The biggest thing that keeps me returning to Zelda games is that special feeling Zelda games from Ocarina of Time onward have instilled in me, and that is the palpable feeling of awe and wonderment that comes from exploring fantastic places! To me, my most favorite video games are less about the challenge and more about the world, the characters, and everything that makes a place special and interesting. The virtual worlds are my playgrounds to run around and explore and Hyrule and the other worlds of The Legend of Zelda present some of the most unique, original, and fascinating fantasy worlds ever! From the endless sands of the deserts to the dark shadows of the forests to the stark peaks of the mountain tops, Zelda games have delivered some of the most fascinating places to explore and discover!

Because of this, I harbor a bit of a mild bias towards the so-called "toony" Zelda titles. Don't get me wrong, I applaud the innovative and expressive art style, and the look of the graphics has no bearing on how good or "bad" those titles play, but that whimsical cartoon look just doesn't capture the dense atmosphere and heavy feeling of place that the more "realistic" graphics do.

This is something that I knew Skyward Sword, for all its faults and exceptional greatness, couldn't achieve. With Nintendo's new WiiU, I expect they'll be wanting to show off its shiny HD graphics and will go for a more realistic graphics style, but knowing the Big N anything can happen!
Oct 23, 2012
I fell in love with Link before I fell in love with the game. Then I watched my dad play Ocarina of Time and then I realised that I had been watching him play Zelda games on the snes since I was little. Then I noticed that Zelda is epic from the game play, to the storyline to the music. It holds fond memories and adult Link is one hot cookie.
Oct 22, 2012
I'm going to get a little weepy here but I watched a short film called Escape yesterday (If you haven't seen I recommend you find it NOW before you're soul is banished to the gap between dimensions for missing it) and it probably explains exactly why we can't just walk away from Zelda. It's not just a game to many of us. Hyrule is our special place where are all heroes. Where nothing is too powerful to stop us. It touches you deep because you don't just play Zelda it sucks you in. I've lived in kokiri forest and ordon village, I've ran across Hyrule Field more times than I can count, I've stared evil in the face without flinching because I'm the hero who pulled the sword from the pedestal. Here's where I'm gonna be little weepy but bear with me. Growing up I had two choices for a father figure in my life, my real dad who was stumbling around, mad at me for "being on that stupid game again" and my cousin who I now know was an 18 year old with 4 year olds body. I chose Link. OoT had a more profound effect on me than I can even describe. I related to young Link, he was different from all the kids in his home town, lived in a forest (my home is surrounded by wooded areas I explored for hours as my real life Lost Woods) and just wanted to be accepted. Adult Link however was selfless, brave, determined, and strong EVERYTHING I wanted to be as a kid. The Triforce, well that was my moral compass. I learned it was important to be not only strong and brave but wise too. I thought the strength and bravery would come with age so I tried really hard in school so I'd have the wisdom to use this power and courage when I obtained it. I looked up to Link more than I really care to admit but this story is just proof that The Legend of Zelda isn't just a game to some people, for people like me it was where they could escape the world where they couldn't do anything and gave them a chance to be the hero we all have inside of us. These games have helped me through some of the roughest times of my life and without WW and OoT I would be a completely different person (not for the better I'm sure) or possibly dead as WW helped me through a period of depression and suicidal thoughts. I've said it many times and here I say it again, The Legend of Zelda is not just a game to many, I can say for a fact it has given many I know personally the strength to stare the evil of the real world down without flinching.

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