Don't be. Nobody gives two ***** about me anyway.
Oh really? Then explain why Blackkirby responded. Explain why I respond right now. Explain why Vee responded to a few of your posts earlier today. If people truly didn't cared about you, they would simply ignore your existence. But we don't. Maybe some people in your personal life do. But we don't. If that isn't enough for you then you must really be insufferable in the real world, because of your negativity. Know this: people don't like to associate themselves with negativity. Okay? Even a group of murderers can be bonded together if they have positivity with each other. What they are doing is so wrong but if they can smile with each other, they will work together. But if murders are constantly rude, never smile and always grim and doom and gloom, they will have no partners.
my message is tha tpositivty goes a long way, into the deepest of darknesses, and creates a Light even if only for a moment. stop being so negativity and things will look up for you. I learned this and you should too.