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What is Your Favorite Method of Transportation in a Zelda Game?



As the title asks what is your favorite way to get around in a zelda game?:hmm: I just fine with walking or riding Epona:)
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Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
either horse or train, i loved the horse riding in TP the most ( it felt really smooth and there was a wide range of combat for it ) plus the train in Spirit Tracks was really cool, if a bit slower than i imagined :/

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Geeze, uh... Epona is the best way. You get all the thrill of walking, plus it takes less time. Not to mention the thrills of using swords, bow and arrows, and the boomerang. Sure you can't go everywhere but it's the most fun.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
Epona. I love seeing that horse. She can be very useful in the games she's in, as it is of course faster than walking.
One of the things I enjoy doing in Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask is simply running through the fields collecting things, viewing the scenery, and running over monsters.


Me personally I love Epona. But I like walking the best! lol


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
I prefer horseback transportation. I couldn't possibly imagine going anywhere in TP on foot. That would take at least 10 minutes to walk from Faron Woods to Zora's Domain. I don't have that kind of time. Epona is a big time saver and is enjoyable to ride too. I think horseback was implemented the best in TP because you could actually use items, such as your sword on Epona. I wasn't a fan of TWW's lengthy, boring sailing and I thought the worst thing about ST was the train engineering, because it eliminates adventure and freedom.


Apr 18, 2010
Warp songs. They're the fastest ways to travel and so convenient. I don't have lots of patience to go on foot all the time... It might take 10 minutes to go from Clock Town to Woodfall in MM -_-. Also, the warp songs on ocarina are pretty nice, sometimes I played the song just to listen to it (the Serenade of Water in OoT is my personal favorite) =)

If there weren't any warp points... well, my secondary choice would be Epona. She's pretty fast, too. And I loved shooting 'them' on Epona XD


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I really don't have any preferred method of transportation. They all have their perks and neither outweighs the other in my opinion. Warping in some of the Zelda games could definitely be useful depending on where you were going. Horseback transportation could help you get from one place to another fast if you didn't have the option to warp close to it. Walking let's you observe all the secrets that are around.

Like I said, I don't really prefer any of these perks over the other. They all are very useful in different ways and in different places. Horseback is better for some areas and situations while walking is better for others. Warping and whatever else goes the same way as well.

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