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What is Your Favorite Boss in Oot?


I'm back!!
Every boss in Ocarina of Time was unique, special and fun to me, because this was my first Zelda game, so, while many people may have seen reused ideas in some bosses (like in Gohma), I saw it as an extremely fresh type of boss, being it very fun to figure out the technique to beat it. I have quite a lot of favorite bosses, which literally makes up half of the bosses in the game, although I'll only talk about three:

Barinade. Barinade is such a cool boss I can't describe how amazingly fun it was to fight him. the boomerang was new to me, and I still didn't open my mind to each way of using this item when I entered the boss room. The first portion (of four) of the battle isn't so exciting as the others: you just have to attack Barinade to his four weak spots while evading his electricity to win it. The second half made me realize Barinade wasn't so easy, as trying to attack his weak spot wasn't so easy this time. The third portion, ansd my favorite, was also crazy: this time attacking Barinade's weak point was much harder than in the other portion, and now Barinade was moving trying to hit me, which made the battle much more difficult. I would have lost without the jars in the room (which are full of hearts). The fourth and last portion was also fun, but not as much fun as the second and third portions, having to evade Barinade's electricity, who was also moving, and trying to attack it's weak spot with the boomerang to stun him, then with the sword.

Morpha. I don't understand why so many people hate Morpha. It is a very hard boss, maybe the hardest in the game, if the boss room's flaws aren't exploited. it is a real challenge to fight Morpha on the platforms, having to constantly watch if Morpha was trying to catch you, then throw you through the air. I can't say much of Morpha, as it is kind of hard to describe the fight, although I can say that, to me, it was as hard as fun, overall making it an amazing experience to play. I highly recomend not to exploit the boss room's flaws by fighting Morpha near a corner, as you'll only find a real fight when trying to defeat Morpha over the twelve, small platforms.

Bongo Bongo is the last boss I'll mention, although I won't write a lot in here because have to go to sleep. Bongo Bongo was fun for a number of reasons: first off, because you fought him over a bongo, and if you fell off it, you would touch acid and lose some health. You could fell off very easily because Bongo Bongo frequently played with his hands over the bongo. Second off, Bongo Bongo is very hard because you need to use a lot of magic in order to defeat him, and you, or at least me, always felt my magic was going to end too soon, and I wouldn't be able to see Bongo Bongo. Third off, if I remember well, his attacks weren't so easy to dodge, especially with the Hover Boots.

Well, as previously said, I have to go get some sleep. Sorry for not writing a lot =(

P.S. I know at the final of the post you can see a sad face, then a happy face, so I'm going to say: I am not bipolar.


Volvagia's is obviously my favorite boss, well yeah I do love dragons but only dragons I think are great, you guessed it I'm picky. Anyways Volvagia's design is just epic, I mean its like his skin is made out of molten lava (Or maybe it is), then there's his flaming hair which is pretty much just fire, and him being a fire-breather too. Finally that huge helmet he wears is what makes this boss my favorite, and the way how we defeat him... yeah Wac-A-Mole was my favorite childhood game and Volvagia's got that kind of game!
Oct 21, 2010
I hated volvigia when I was younger, I remember losing 8 times, (I don't know why I remember that number) to her when I finally won... After that, she has always been my fav
Dec 8, 2010
Beast Ganon because of how epic it was.

Bongo Bongo because it was fun and easy.

Twinrova because their bickering is always good for a laugh.


Ballos's Minion
Dec 6, 2010
Mimiga Village
Twinrova would have to be my fvorite battle for a number of reasons. First off, it was a very interesting and creative battle; turning one enemy's attacks onto the other enemy was fun and challenging at the same time. Second, their dialogue is very amusing. Thirdly, the part where they merge is also great. A creative battle to the end.

I also liked Morpha, mainly because it was such a relief to have such an easy boss after one of the most grueling Zelda dungeons in history.

King Dodongo was also notable, mainly for the awesome finish.
Jan 1, 2011
All of the bosses were unique in a certain way, except for Twinrova. Those two are just annoying, and just argue too much which made me laugh the whole time.

I loved Morpha because A.) Easy Boss which made me so relieved after completing the hardest, yet annoying dungeon in Ocarina of Time. B.) Most water bosses are pretty easy, except for Gyrog in Majora's Mask. I just want to make sushi out of him. -_-


Bongo Bongo. The first boss (if you do Shadow before Spirit) and one of the only bosses to have a real introduction beyond a text mention and to be introduced before you even enter the temple. Awesome cutscene. Then the boss fight itself is the the most fun and unique fight in the game, like fighting on a giant drum is just amazing.


my favorite was either Volvagia or Morphia. I like Morpha just for the idea of controlling the water and stuff. I liked how the camera shot came from behind & you excpected this giant monster there but its just the water like from the Abyss. I like Volvagia like other people said, I like dragons and btw why is he/her named "Volvagia" anyway, it sounds like something else. the battle was difficult though, I always found it hard to know when to get a hit in.

I also liked Ghoma cause even though it was the first and easy i like spiders.

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