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What is the Most Frustated You've Ever Been Playing Video Games?


Ballos's Minion
Dec 6, 2010
Mimiga Village
Three come instantly to mind:

1. AoL. This game is frequently just a huge pain in the you-know-what.

2. Castlevania (NES)- HORRIBLE physics and nasty enemy placement make me happy I have completed this game and NEVER have to play it again in my life.

3. I Wanna Be The Guy- This one is nasty hard. For those who are unfamiliar, it is basically a platformer where EVERYTHING is out to kill you. The moon, for example. The traps are totally unpredictable, and even when you know what's coming actually getting past these obstacles is a whole new mountain to climb. Don't even get me started on the bosses. And yet, this game, unlike the previous two I mentioned, motivates you to keep going due to an excellent checkpoint system and a very addicting structure, as opposed to AoL and Castlevania making you want to take the disk out (I play AoL on Zelda: Collector's Edition for GC) and beat it with a hammer. I've pretty much given up on AoL for the time being- it frankly just isn't fun at all.
Jun 28, 2010
So many moments, it's hard to pick. Most of them from Okami. And not over huge things, but just *tiny* control issues I had that drove me up the wall.

There were a few rooms, particularly in the last dungeon, where I'd have to go really, really high up into a room, with all these jumps and platforms and all that, and I could not, for the life of me, get it right for one day. I just had so much trouble with it I gave up. Then I went back the next day and pretty much got everything on the first try. -_-

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