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Breath of the Wild What is calamity Ganon? (all data and theory)

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
This may have been a change in development since it was two years ago, like how TP was going to be on the AT but was changed to being on the CT before release, or there's a new villain in addition to Ganon.

Why would they call him Ganon if he's not Ganon?

And the monks in the shrines even refer to him as just Ganon, without Calamity in the title.

Woah! That means we now have three different people calling it seperate things... So the question is... Who is right? Are they all wrong?
Oct 6, 2016
If Calamity was not a part of Calamity Ganon's name, the word shouldn't be orange like the word Ganon when the old man talked about it...
This is what I was looking for. I only saw the video once when it first came out because I'm in China and my internet sucks. I only see texts on this site which don't show me where the highlighted part of the name includes calamity. Thanks!
Oct 1, 2016
Yes, fusing. Plenty of franchises do this. What's so confusing about it?
Plenty of franchises? I can only truly think of Dragon Ball Z. ( unless you count Yuga) but why would you fuse Ghiraham, Demise, and TP Ganon? Like are you talking traits from the characters, or legitimately fusing them in story wise terms?

Amy Lu Minati

The Triangle conspiracy
Oct 3, 2016
Ok.... I guess that makes sense. Do you think there would be a physical form to go along with it or just calamity?
Maybe when it breaks out of Hyrule Castle's seal it will take a physical form. I think a final battle against what it is right now would be crazy awesome too.


Apr 3, 2014
Why would they call him Ganon if he's not Ganon?

And the monks in the shrines even refer to him as just Ganon, without Calamity in the title.
What's the point of adding 'Calamity' if it's the same Ganon? And they repeatedly had been saying they wanted to change up Zelda. It would be weird for them to repeatedly say they want to break conventions... while keeping the exact same conventions. Also in the quote was the mention of this being a sort of new series. Whatever characteristics they are doing here might be meant to carry over, they might have 'retired' old Ganondorf so they can have a new villain to develop. This is all speculation of course, but I doubt Aonuma would want to say that stuff without backing it up, because people will hold it against him if he tries to 'play it safe' and keep stuff too much the same. They might intend to make this Ganon more of a spirit entity, rather then have a physical form, since Ganon to them is probably less 'Ganondorf' then giant destructive piggy. Although I'm curious, would people be upset if this time it isn't Ganondorf? I'm not bothered by it, but I'm wondering what others would think.

And I think the 'changes' that occurred between now and then was being able to do all of the physics-related stuff, stuff they had been known to delay the game for (to tweak) because what they want is so ambitious. I doubt they changed much from their initial intent to change stuff up, they seem quite intent to keep on it.

Woah! That means we now have three different people calling it seperate things... So the question is... Who is right? Are they all wrong?
They could be all right, but I doubt Aonuma is wrong. I think this thing is based off Old Ganon, but it's not him. In-universe, I think this might actually be the true Original Ganon, way back before Ganondorf came about and is the creature that inspired his name and anything else that came after (like Ganondorf II.) If we have Hylia in this game, and this thing is stated to be her ancient enemy, maybe this is him? Maybe he created Demise, and Ganondorf is just Demise's prominent way of continuing his master's will.

*Edit* Fun fact: 'Dorf' means village or backwater in German. Maybe (if my theory is right) Ganondorf might be from a Gerudo enclave that housed a cult who worshiped this Ancient Ganon, taking his peculiar name as a way to honor his group and his chosen 'god.'
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Oct 1, 2016
What's the point of adding 'Calamity' if it's the same Ganon? And they repeatedly had been saying they wanted to change up Zelda. It would be weird for them to repeatedly say they want to break conventions... while keeping the exact same conventions. Also in the quote was the mention of this being a sort of new series. Whatever characteristics they are doing here might be meant to carry over, they might have 'retired' old Ganondorf so they can have a new villain to develop. This is all speculation of course, but I doubt Aonuma would want to say that stuff without backing it up, because people will hold it against him if he tries to 'play it safe' and keep stuff too much the same. They might intend to make this Ganon more of a spirit entity, rather then have a physical form, since Ganon to them is probably less 'Ganondorf' then giant destructive piggy. Although I'm curious, would people be upset if this time it isn't Ganondorf? I'm not bothered by it, but I'm wondering what others would think.

And I think the 'changes' that occurred between now and then was being able to do all of the physics-related stuff, stuff they had been known to delay the game for (to tweak) because what they want is so ambitious. I doubt they changed much from their initial intent to change stuff up, they seem quite intent to keep on it.

They could be all right, but I doubt Aonuma is wrong. I think this thing is based off Old Ganon, but it's not him. In-universe, I think this might actually be the true Original Ganon, way back before Ganondorf came about and is the creature that inspired his name and anything else that came after (like Ganondorf II.) If we have Hylia in this game, and this thing is stated to be her ancient enemy, maybe this is him? Maybe he created Demise, and Ganondorf is just Demise's prominent way of continuing his master's will.
Well there is Toon Link, which I know is different, but it's his official name. So calamity Ganon could be something like that.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Being call "the" Calamity Ganon I'm am guessing an event as in a calamity.
"an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster."

As in no actual resurrection, but an event causing ganons hatred manifest as this beast, like a residual haunting of some sorts.
Oct 1, 2016
Ok this would be cool, what if calamity Ganon was just an image in Links mind caused by Ganon himself, infesting links mind, and that's why he is "waking up" but he's actually waking up in a dream.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Ok this would be cool, what if calamity Ganon was just an image in Links mind caused by Ganon himself, infesting links mind, and that's why he is "waking up" but he's actually waking up in a dream.
Oh boy, a game where the whole thing is just a dream. Like Mario 2 and LA, basically a spit in the players face saying everything they just lived through meant nothing.

Lol I kid I kid. It would still be cool.

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