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What if this game turns out to be an absolute nightmare?

Apr 12, 2021
What if this game bombs because of the lack of Satori to direct it (which he helped played a big role in BOTW) (1) The SIGNIFICANCE Behind the Satori Mountain || Breath of the Wild Documentary - YouTube which if you haven't seen this yet I highly recommend it!

So without further ado BOTW 2 winds up going the opposite end and the entire game is one underground Dungeon with various points you can pop out and see restricted areas of Hyrule and your job is to get out of the dungeon and shut off Link's Malice curse before he is consumed entirely! (Yes this is timed).

Also when you use the powers of malice Link will have a 'sane' meter which the longer he uses his abilities the more towards insanity he gets to where he goes crazy and it's game over with a cut scene of Link killing everybody around him. Hopefully not the same cutscene over and over again each time you lose in a different spot.

The core of the game is a complex dungeon world with various shops and you can go to the above world by climbing the Shiekah Towers or perhaps this is where you play as Zelda and she can use her spirit to transport out of the caves and temporarily explore to collect things.

I'd be sorely upset if this happened and I'd sell my Switch for a gigantic steam card which this isn't an easy decision to make as I quite love my BOTW and Age of Calamity but I cannot support companies that troll/rip people off like Nintendo has been with this 'Direct' if you can even call it that. Rant off. What would you do if BOTW2 bombs?


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
This is hypothenical, right? We don't think it would actually be like this, right?
If it was, I think I'd honestly just laugh. Being laughably horrible is better than being mediocre and boring, if you ask me.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
It won't since Monolithsoft is behind the wheel, and considering that they've helped develop several smash hit titles over the years, they've earned the benefit of the doubt.
Sep 5, 2020
Satoru was close with Miyamoto, and Miyamoto continues to watch over the Zelda series, his creation. I'd honestly start getting worried about it once Miyamoto and Aonuma are gone, the latter whom has been involved with Zelda since Ocarina of Time. But as long as the new developers respect the overall story, characters, and direction of the series, I think it should be just fine.
The only big, weird mechanic I'm expecting is Link's glowing green arm. And maybe a playable Zelda. :P Both of which I think are awesome and novel ideas.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I would be very disappointed. That's about it. It'd just kinda feel like a waste of time
Hopefully that's not in this timeline though!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
So without further ado BOTW 2 winds up going the opposite end and the entire game is one underground Dungeon with various points you can pop out and see restricted areas of Hyrule and your job is to get out of the dungeon and shut off Link's Malice curse before he is consumed entirely! (Yes this is timed).

Also when you use the powers of malice Link will have a 'sane' meter which the longer he uses his abilities the more towards insanity he gets to where he goes crazy and it's game over with a cut scene of Link killing everybody around him. Hopefully not the same cutscene over and over again each time you lose in a different spot.
This sounds awesome, but maybe not enough for an entire game.
Apr 12, 2021
It'd be like that stupid blood moon cutscene that plays way too often
Why couldn't the blood moon cutscene match your area?

I would be very disappointed. That's about it. It'd just kinda feel like a waste of time
Hopefully that's not in this timeline though!
Me too. If they throw out what makes BOTW work and go for a few gimmicks and linear experience it wil be like Skyward Sword all over again a divisive game that goes far beyond motion control issues. Emotion controls? I cannot support a company that throws what works under the bus just to be 'different' without due regards. Knowing some of the accusations are actually increasingly true I'm holding my 'breath' and wait on buying it before throwing money at it. The DLC of BOTW reminded me why preorder is never a good idea!

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