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What Game(s) Are You Playing at the Moment?


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Still playing Xenoblade, this is like my 5th playtrough in a row and i'm still not tired of it.

Rathering some sweet weapons and armors thnx to the japanese wiki. One Banzaii for google translate!


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Okay let's see. I passed the entire Gears of War Trilogy a while ago. It was a really awesome, epic, kick a**, but emotional ride. Gears of War 3 was a perfect end to a perfect trilogy. Now I'm not going to spoil anything for those who haven't played it yet, but I have to admit. I almost cried when I was playing Gears 3. I know any true Gears fan would of too. Well anyway, I'm still playing my Gears 3.

I also finally got to passing The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker not too long ago. I didn't 100% it only because I couldn't get all the figurines but, I will do that on my second playthrough whenever I get to it.

Oh and I also passed Green Lantern Rise of the Manhunters about a week ago. Eh it was fun... Other then that, I'm looking for a new game to start and settle on. I don't know why but I have a habit of not finishing games as of late. I guess Spirit Tracks, Dead to Rights, and GTA TLATD will have to wait.
Jun 1, 2010
I generally only like playing through one game at a time, but lately I have mostly been watching a lot of Science fiction (watching through the Star Trek shows for the first time)

Right now I am playing through Spyro: Year of the Dragon, having played through The first two already. After this, I will probably play through Enter the Dragonfly, A Hero's Tail, and Shadow Legacy, if I can get ahold of them. And then I may play through The Legend of Spyro series sometime in the future, probably not until I play through Skyward Sword though.
I actually do this quite a bit. I don't usually play games one-by-one, but rather in chronological order.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
Well im still playing Xenoblade..this game is too addicting.

Besides that, i'm playing Guilty Gear XX Accent Core. The game was in the discount and its not a bad game. I still like the sprite based arcade fighting games.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
A friend is letting me borrow Okami.

I've only played for an hour but I can see why this game has high praise.

I really like the animation.
I generally only like playing through one game at a time, but lately I have mostly been watching a lot of Science fiction (watching through the Star Trek shows for the first time)

Right now I am playing through Spyro: Year of the Dragon, having played through The first two already. After this, I will probably play through Enter the Dragonfly, A Hero's Tail, and Shadow Legacy, if I can get ahold of them. And then I may play through The Legend of Spyro series sometime in the future, probably not until I play through Skyward Sword though.
I actually do this quite a bit. I don't usually play games one-by-one, but rather in chronological order.

So off topic but so have I. Not the the first time seeing the vast majority of the episodes but I have been watching them all. Almost done with TNG then I'm off to DS9. I like ST a lot.
ANyways I have barely been playing games much, mostly just NFL Street 2 on the PS2 with my friend.
Jul 31, 2011
I'm playing way too many games right now:

Link's Awakening DX (3DS)
Pokemon White (3DS)
Ocarina of Time (3DS)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

I used to try to only play one game at a time, but I guess that is out the window.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Here goes,

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy X
Mega Man X3
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Dead Island
CoD Black Ops(single player)
Fruit Ninja(iPod touch)
Battlefield 3 beta
and..... Metroid Prime.

Plus, in November, I'll have Skyrim and Skyward Sword. :P


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Sonic and the Black Knight for now, in anticipation of Skyward Sword. It's the only game I have access to with controls similar to SS's.

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