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What do you wish Zelda did more of?

Jul 2, 2022
Ordona Province
Sometimes a game introduces a mechanic that is really exciting and fun and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing with it. I am currently replaying Twilight Princess and I'm reminded of my gripe with the talking animals. I always thought it would be cool if the mechanic was featured more prominently throughout the whole game and maybe integrated into puzzles and dungeons.
What are some things in your favorite games that you got a taste for and always wanted more?


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
As I have said possibly dozens of times at this point, one of the only parts of Twilight Princess that I didn’t completely hate were the sword skills (they were in MC first but TPs variant was the first one not to suck major ball and chains). The idea of a progressive moveset tied to a single item is terrific, and for a second there it seemed like it was gonna become a recurring mechanic since it was in 2-5 singleplayer games in a row depending on who you ask, but nope.

I get why they weren’t in SS, but they would’ve been perfect in BotW as it could’ve actually given you a reason to prefer one weapon type over another, in addition to actually giving the player the reason to explore that the game sorely needed.

Uh well I can't believe they never brought back drawing on maps from the DS games despite every Zelda game since then having access to a touch screen
Man, my absolute favorite part of Skyward Sword were the touch-based minigames.
Jul 2, 2022
Ordona Province
As I have said possibly dozens of times at this point, one of the only parts of Twilight Princess that I didn’t completely hate were the sword skills (they were in MC first but TPs variant was the first one not to suck major ball and chains). The idea of a progressive moveset tied to a single item is terrific, and for a second there it seemed like it was gonna become a recurring mechanic since it was in 2-5 singleplayer games in a row depending on who you ask, but nope.

I get why they weren’t in SS, but they would’ve been perfect in BotW as it could’ve actually given you a reason to prefer one weapon type over another, in addition to actually giving the player the reason to explore that the game sorely needed.

Man, my absolute favorite part of Skyward Sword were the touch-based minigames.
I never really thought of it for BOTW but you're totally right it almost seems made for that game. I'm one of the people who hate weapon durability and a mechanic like that might make the varied weapons interesting without it.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
Being able to talk to animals was such a cute feature in Twilight Princess. I agree it should've been used more. And I'd love if they brought it back in future Zelda games. It was adorable chatting with the squirrels and kittens. And don't even get me started on hidden (aka cat) village <3 <3 <3

Also I loved that you could pick up both dogs and cats too. BOTW is severely lacking in that regard. You can't even pet the sweet dogs near the stables. Hopefully in BOTW 2 they'll add a few mechanics centered around animal interaction or something.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
As much as I love the map drawing, I really don’t think it would’ve been helpful in any of the 3DS games since 3/4 of them had overworlds that were made a good 10-20 years prior to the advent of the touchscreen and therefore wouldn’t really benefit in any way from it, and the 4th one was TFH so who cares?

It would’ve been kinda neat in BotW, but then you’d only be able to use it when docked and the pin system served any purpose that drawing would’ve as, once again, the overworld wasn’t really designed with it in mind. Why bother designing this massive overworld to accommodate drawing on a map when most people wont be able to use it half the time?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
an alternative 2 player mode like w/ the tingle tuner from wind waker
I don't mean a whole new peripheral like how that did it, but some way for another person to aide in the game, along the lines of the co op mode in super mario galaxy 2 but more involved
Jul 2, 2022
Ordona Province
Being able to talk to animals was such a cute feature in Twilight Princess. I agree it should've been used more. And I'd love if they brought it back in future Zelda games. It was adorable chatting with the squirrels and kittens. And don't even get me started on hidden (aka cat) village <3 <3 <3

Also I loved that you could pick up both dogs and cats too. BOTW is severely lacking in that regard. You can't even pet the sweet dogs near the stables. Hopefully in BOTW 2 they'll add a few mechanics centered around animal interaction or something.
Yes exactly! I was so disappointed that you couldn't really interact with the most of the animals in BOTW. I also would like a mechanic where you can make the wildlife more comfortable around you, maybe a certain playstyle makes wild animals less afraid of you progressively or something. Sometimes I just hang out with the dog in Ordon Village because it's so cute and it's nice to interact with it in even a limited way. Something like that would be cool.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Being able to talk to animals was such a cute feature in Twilight Princess. I agree it should've been used more. And I'd love if they brought it back in future Zelda games. It was adorable chatting with the squirrels and kittens. And don't even get me started on hidden (aka cat) village <3 <3 <3

Also I loved that you could pick up both dogs and cats too. BOTW is severely lacking in that regard. You can't even pet the sweet dogs near the stables. Hopefully in BOTW 2 they'll add a few mechanics centered around animal interaction or something.
Befriendable wolves :goron:


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
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One mechanic I really liked was the masks in MM. Not necessarily the transformation ones, but the effects one. Most quests in other games are solved by either bringing someone a certain item or by hitting something with different tools until something happens. Basically the same wash rinse and repeat interactions. But with the masks, each one would bring a different response and only some would trigger certain events. It's not like dungeon items where you get it, use it to finish the dungeon, and then use it for mostly other dungeons and explorations. Most masks were completely optional to obtain and just gave the quests and characters more depth. It also created multi layered quests, where you need to get the mask and then use it to do something else. It was a super cool thing I don't think most people realize the usefulness of in the overall accomplishments of the game.

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