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What Do You Think of Twilight Princess Now?


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
i haven't finished SS yet but, so far (just entered Fire Sanctuary) i'm leaning towards TP being the better of them


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Personally, I'm starting to think of TP as gaining higher ground, but it's still at the bottom of 3D Zelda games in my opinion. As I play and see more of Skyward Sword (I mean, past the first couple of playthroughs), I'm starting to think that TP is getting closer and closer to being better than SS...because all I'm seeing now is that Skyward Sword is Twilight Princess version 2.0, but that doesn't make tooo much sense so I'll leave that alone.

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AlwaysNamedLink said:
I still think it's the most disappointing Zelda of all time.

You have taken the words right from my mouth. I thought it was a dissapointment before, and after playing some Skyward Sword, I look back at Twilight Princess and all I can say is, "You know, you had the potential to be this awesome. If it weren't for your many flaws, you could have been this great." Twilight Princess's flaws don't amount to much on their own, but there are too many of them. Adding them all up is where the dissapointment is found. Twilight Princess's greatest flaw is in it's huge loss of potential. Now, I haven't finished Skyward Sword yet so I can't give an honest and full opinion on it now, but I will say this: After playing up to the first dungeon I already loved it more than I could ever love Twilight Princess.


one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
I love TP, from graphics to sidequests, to an awesome storyline, it's one of my favorites! definitely in my top 10. I can't think of anything wrong with it! then again, I don't think i can compare it to other wii zelda games, as i have YET to play SS.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Well, SS is a bit dissapointing that is kind of like TP. I haven't finished though, but I think personally TP is better than SS is. All the other games aren't dissapointing except for a bit of SS. SS does bring my attention, but a whole lot when I start playing it. Reminds me like I'm playing TP again.


Jun 20, 2011
In a tree house.
I still love TP, its still my favorite game of the series. Skyward sword comes in a close second though. I really like the art-stlye and how seriouse link looks in TP. TP is probably my favorite game ever.


shoegaze girl
Feb 22, 2010
New Albany, Indiana
Disappointing? What's wrong with you? If you want disappointing, go and play Spirit Tracks.

Anyways, I absolutely love Twilight Princess. It is my absolute favorite Zelda to date. It got me into Zelda, and I'd probably be a completely different person if I'd never played it. I'd probably be one of those morons who sits around playing Modern Warfare 3 all day (nothing against CoD, it's one of my favorite game series') if I'd never played this game.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I've been thinking about Twilight Princess a lot lately and I really want to play through it again. The game was really amazing. I loved it's style, it the most the realistic and the most gritty. If you're going to make something dark, realism is the way to go. Twilight Princess was epic, you had a massive overworld to explore and some really great dungeons. The story was also one of my favorite from the series. Twilight Princess was essentially Ocarina of Time made darker and massive. I'm actually one of the few people out there that was pleased with Ganon's introduction. I was a bit disappointed at this Zant guy being the one to take Ganon's place so I was very excited to see that he was in the game after all. TP Link is also easily my favorite Link. He was the most mature, he was serious, he had his own job, he even showed real skill. In a way he was like Superman, farm boy turns hero.

Now I know Twilight Princess had it's flaws just like any other Zelda has, but it was still an amazing game just like any other Zelda game. I still can't decide If I like Skyward Sword more than Twilight Princess.


Not all those who wander are lost...
Oct 8, 2011
40 lights off the Galactic Rim
I have always loved Twilight Princess. It is easily one of the best Zelda games of all time. I like Skyward Sword better and consider it a far greater game; nevertheless I have always loved TP and still consider it a fantastic Zelda game.
Feb 25, 2011
I said it in the past and i'll say it again, Twilight Princess is the worst Zelda game i have played
it just abuses the formula. it did not offer anything new and exciting rather then it's visuals, that at least to me, are weak, blend and boring.
The fact that the game trays so desperately to be Ocarina of Time, just make it unoriginal. the story was fine, the level design was average (besides the third and forth dungeons which where great), the overworld was big, yet very empty. and the game just lost steam in it's last third. the sty in the sky was a cool concept, i agree, but it just didn't deliver.
But perhaps what was the worst thing, it lacked the magic that makes Zelda spacial, that feeling of true wonder when you get to explore the great sea in Wind Waker, when you realize that Skyward Sword has Robot Pirates the travel in time and just wondering around in Ocarina of time. it just felt bland..
But that is just my opinion


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
I said it in the past and i'll say it again, Twilight Princess is the worst Zelda game i have played
it just abuses the formula. it did not offer anything new and exciting rather then it's visuals, that at least to me, are weak, blend and boring.
The fact that the game trays so desperately to be Ocarina of Time, just make it unoriginal. the story was fine, the level design was average (besides the third and forth dungeons which where great), the overworld was big, yet very empty. and the game just lost steam in it's last third. the sty in the sky was a cool concept, i agree, but it just didn't deliver.
But perhaps what was the worst thing, it lacked the magic that makes Zelda spacial, that feeling of true wonder when you get to explore the great sea in Wind Waker, when you realize that Skyward Sword has Robot Pirates the travel in time and just wondering around in Ocarina of time. it just felt bland..
But that is just my opinion
I don't know where all of you who blame TP trying to "copy" OoT are coming from. Honestly, TP is somewhere in the middle when it comes to my favourite Zelda list, and there sure are some things wrong with it (long and tutorial-like intro, too empty overworld, too easy enemies and bosses etc.) but out of all of them, I think it "trying to copy OoT" is the least valid complaint.
This is Zelda, what do you expect? Of course you'll always find similarities to older games. The only thing similar to OoT is that typical
"Rather peaceful beginning - minor plot twist - collect three pearl/pendant things - get the Master Sword - major plot twist (something happens to Zelda) - beat more dungeons - face off Ganon"
formula, which by the way was introduced in aLttP - and yet I see no one complaining about OoT "copying" it, TWW "copying" and to some extent SS "copying" it. In my own opinion they should change this formula a bit, even more than they changed it in SS but why, in some peoples' opinions, is TP the only one not "allowed" to use it!?
Let me see how it "copies" OoT:
- Is there a sword skill system in OoT?
- Is there an ice mountain region in OoT?
- Is there something comparable to Midna in OoT?
- Can you transform in OoT?
- Is the Temple of Time a dungeon in OoT?
- Are there items like the Spinner, Ball & Chain, underwater bombs etc. in OoT?
- Is there a major sub-antagonist character like Zant in OoT?
- Can you time-travel and grow up in TP?
- Do you have to get the power of sages in TP?
- Can you play Ocarina songs with many effects, like making it day/night in TP?
...and the list goes on
I think TP has made enough changes to the formula to stand out as unique, just because they're not as drastic as in WW with the flooded world they are there.
Sep 21, 2011
I loved Twilight Princess. It had realistic graphic, epic scenes, & gave alot more understanding with the timeline. It gave its own story to it & had a bunch of references to Oot so it could tell you that the game comes after OoT. Idk why some people don't lik it. I feel the same way about TP as i did when I beat the game a couple years back: Its a AWESOME game that wasn't at all trying to to OoT.


Superficies Rex
Sep 18, 2011
Twilight Princess is my most favorite Zelda game, I doubt it will beat Skyward Sword though (I haven't played it yet, Can't wait for CHRISTMAS!!!)

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