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Tears of the Kingdom What Are You Doing in TotK?

May 21, 2023
Exploring the royal hidden passage a bit, surprisingly lengthy but I don’t think I’ll find the beginning area here after all. I could have sworn I’d heard it’s supposed to be here.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Soooo...Just finished my first temple. It took me a while because I kept on returning to the surface to explore.
Colgera was super fun to fight. It gave me a bit of Morpheel vibes though but 1000 times done better! At least a boss I would love to fight again! And the cutscene with Tulin's ancestor was so freaking cool! I love Tulin! The perfect Rito warrior! This game is on it's way to become my alltime fav. I love it so much. The flashbacks are cool too and I like what they did to Zelda. Giving advice through time to Link and their allies.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Got the Fire Temple done, and man. I got that sense walking into it whenever I walk into a dungeon like "Oh man, this place is really big and complex and idk if I can figure it out," but I know that I'm going to and it's going to be so satisfying, I haven't really had that in BotW or TotK yet.

Also got the last geoglyph and ofc the wrapping up of that quest. Would like to hunt down Impa and see what she has to say about it but she wasn't in her hometown so idk where to look.


Well well well
Jul 5, 2017
With Final Fantasy 16 out next week, I decided to go ahead and beat the main story. What an incredible ride it was from start to finish. Hands down one of the best sequences I’ve ever played. Getting to it was a real pain in the ass, but it was so worth it. Hoping for some great DLC.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Did the lightning temple, fantastic dungeon, possibly my favorite in the game (so far). That was also my last regional phenomena, so I went ahead and did the main quest portion after that and woah. That's all I'm gonna say because spoilers but woah.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Turned right around from the desert to the 5th sage quest, after this I plan to explore the desert, then the sky islands. I also intend to knock out a lot of the side adventures, then I may consider wrapping things up.

Post-reigonal phenomena quest spoilers:
The way the blood moon cutscene is just, silent after you defeat puppet Zelda is a neat touch, and makes that scene creepier somehow.
May 21, 2023
I got all the lightroots in the depths, fairly certain I’ve got all the shrines in the sky as well, really overcoming some fears though tbh being up high in a game isn’t quite the same as in real life - only real exceptions being coming across the dragons, something about them and their scale. Is easier now I know I can land on them. The Depths on the other hand, well…not as bad as I thought they would be, but still not great running out of giant bloom seeds and my flying vehicles never worked right. Other bosses are fine but refighting Colgera down there, just reminds me of some of the sea life in Subnautica…and why are there so many??? I skipped a few towards the end.

Kinda went crazy trying to find where the last shrine is meant to be on the surface, counting both them and the lightroots…somehow I keep counting 119 even though I’ve got them all. But I’m fairly certain of where the shrine is now, will have to do it and the last 5 or so proving grounds I’ve got left.

I’ve got some outfit sets I want to finish, some sidequests left as well…but I’m at around 130 hours and really don’t want to have to wait through another work week to finish it. I’ll see what I can get done today but want to move on to some other games, much as I’ve enjoyed this one.

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