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What Annoyed You Today?

Jan 23, 2022
what annoys me today since just last night is that for no reason, my eyes are puffy looking mostly at the brow section. I heard it happens if you're allergic to something going on or if you have a thyroid thing going on or whatever.

my eyes right now look a little like I was in a boxing match or something.

Earlier today I I poured cold water on a bathroom wash cloth and put it over my eyes while I took a short nap. It seemed to help to make the swelling go down but I can still see my eyes brow area is still a little puffy looking. it totally freaked me out last night. as a precaution I'm laying off food that have high salt and even giving the soda/pop a break til my eyes aren't so puffy looking anymore.
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Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo (I have my card)
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
Ashai’s Classroom
what annoys me today since just last night is that for no reason, my eyes are puffy looking mostly at the brown section. I heard it happens if you're allergic to something going on or if you have a thyroid thing going on or whatever.

my eyes right now look a little like I was in a boxing match or something.

Earlier today I I poured cold water on a bathroom wash cloth and put it over my eyes while I took a short nap. It seemed to help to make the swelling go down but I can still see my eyes brow area is still a little puffy looking. it totally freaked me out last night. as a precaution I'm laying off food that have high salt and even giving the soda/pop a break til my eyes aren't so puffy looking anymore.
I use lavander baby wipes, then I carefully use 1% hydrocortisone on my eye lids.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Was gonna start my Etsy shop today but I'm having a stupidly hard time of it. I should be able to list my items through Printify automatically, but it's not linking to my Etsy account. Then I spent forever trying to make a new listing on Etsy but just kept getting stuck on the required information I don't have like what zip code the items are shipping from and stuff. Literally spent a couple hours trying to figure this out and just kept getting more confused and frustrated. It's a really stupid thing to get upset about, but eventually I couldn't stand working on it anymore. Decided to draw for a bit instead, then my internet died (it does that sometimes) and my music shut off. It was too quiet so I stopped drawing and now I'm stress eating a bunch of cherries. It should be simple and not a big deal but instead I don't even wanna think about it right now.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Had a rough day.

First, somebody tagged the pedo bassist I fired a long time ago to an ad a good friend of mine posted in a local music Facebook group, so I had to warn my friend out of respect. That wasn't the annoyance, I will always look out for people I like and care about. The annoyance was seeing ****nuts's ugly mug again. Every time I forget he exists, he tries to worm his way back out of the ugly hole he crawled out of.

All told, my buddy was warned, and thanked me for giving him the heads up. Looks like everyone is starting to catch on and Dip****'s being blackballed from every group and venue.

All's well that ends well there.

Second, I had a show. Except, we didn't get to play because I had one of the wheels on my speaker cabinet fall off, making my $3200 amp head take a hit face first straight onto concrete, so a new amp and speaker cabinet might happen sooner rather than later. Still, eating $3200 right to the chin is something I'm salty about. On top of that, our awesome bassist's bass amp went on the fritz, so we couldn't even play the show, which annoyed me. I reacted about as you would expect, which is to say, not well, and I hate getting angry, as I feel like an asshole because I say things I don't mean on impulse, and I can't say ADHD or autism helps with that at all.

Third, I just got back from the ER, as I sprained some muscles in my foot really badly. So badly I couldn't move my toes, so I was in agonizing pain.

Fourth, I love my cats, but Emma's a glutton and tried eating Sam's food, which, I'm a little protective of him because he's sweet and sensitive. After his neutering, the anesthesia made him foam at the mouth because he had an upset tummy. Learned from my vet that he's sensitive to medications, so I get a little protective of him. I love all the cats as if they were my kids, but... I dunno, I'm rambling.

I'm on really strong painkillers, and about to fall asleep.
Apr 20, 2023
I ran out of my drinks, and now only have tap water.
My cans of sprite and my orange and mango juices don't last as long as I wish.
Jan 23, 2022
I ran out of my drinks, and now only have tap water.
My cans of sprite and my orange and mango juices don't last as long as I wish.
I drink tap water, skim milk, and unsweetened green tea to stay "healthy" but rest of the time I cant just give up on my 12 packs of Mello Yellow and Vanilla Coke and Cherry Dr Pepper

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