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Game Thread Welcome, to Bok-Chan-Samas School for Anime Boys

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14134
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. funnier has been very consistent in probing me and asking people about my wagon, but it feels like other people are just blindly sheeping him, and even though I've debunked them multiple times, they won't consider alternatives.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. funnier has been very consistent in probing me and asking people about my wagon, but it feels like other people are just blindly sheeping him, and even though I've debunked them multiple times, they won't consider alternatives.

Yay for vote count threadmarks!

Out of the other three voting you I'd say zachie and Mido are both good candidates for bussing/band wagoning.

Tbh I'd almost be okay with voting Mido instead but it seems not right somehow, if possible I'd want competing wagons.

Inb4 Mez is the only one bussing.
Can you quote it for me? I must have missed it. I saw something about him being busy on Day 1 but no concrete details.
Give me a minute and I'll look.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
@DekuNut Right now, I want to know why you specifically ended up on Jimmu, and whether or not you considered another Day 1 wagon.
I'll just explain myself again funnier. For a third time :P
I stand behind my initial vote for Jimmy. I voted for someone with a single post in the game. I think everyone can be okay with that.
The reason I stayed on there? The lack of follow-through. I left the game thread and didn't come back until I started posting in Day Two. Didn't even read the thread from that point on. It was terrible on my part, but that's what happened. I can't consider other lynches if I'm not considering the game :P

And? It feels to me like you're overthinking my position. Nobody had any reason to cast a vote my way let alone lynch me. Why are you so caught up on that? I'll admit that I was under the impression the Mafia was trying to set me up at the beginning of the Day, but nothing came of that and everybody moved on to other targets. Long story short, I wouldn't act "paranoid" if I was scum.
Well, better to overthink than undertink eh? I'd feel worse letting a mafioso go free than lynching a townie.
I'm caught up on that because I feel like it's too much. You're too defensive. Being somewhat defensive is fine, being too defensive is not. In my opinion, you've been too defensive for the position you've been in. And that doesn't read well to me.
The last sentence makes sense. You're far from a noob. But it's still worth noting IMO.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
If you had to vote for someone, who would it be?
Probably Deku, but there's not enough to go off of at the moment.

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. funnier has been very consistent in probing me and asking people about my wagon, but it feels like other people are just blindly sheeping him, and even though I've debunked them multiple times, they won't consider alternatives.
Funnier has been probing everyone (me included) nonstop and has been uncharacteristically aggressive in his scumhunting, so naturally others would follow suit. He's like a beacon of light or something. But if he turns out to be scum later on...

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Probably Deku, but there's not enough to go off of at the moment.

Funnier has been probing everyone (me included) nonstop and has been uncharacteristically aggressive in his scumhunting, so naturally others would follow suit. He's like a beacon of light or something. But if he turns out to be scum later on...

Indeed he has.

I saw some concerns you had with Deku earlier, but can you explain one more time (I feel like I'm asking that a lot) why you would vote for him now specifically? I personally consider his current posting better than what I saw on Day 1 so I'm a bit confused.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Probably Deku, but there's not enough to go off of at the moment.

Funnier has been probing everyone (me included) nonstop and has been uncharacteristically aggressive in his scumhunting, so naturally others would follow suit. He's like a beacon of light or something. But if he turns out to be scum later on...

:D I want to quote that and put it in my dig or something!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I saw some concerns you had with Deku earlier, but can you explain one more time (I feel like I'm asking that a lot) why you would vote for him now specifically? I personally consider his current posting better than what I saw on Day 1 so I'm a bit confused.
'Cause he might be trying to start another alternative lynch.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I just wanted one concrete wagon at the time for people to react to instead of several dilute wagons, since I thought people would be more likely to comment if one wagon built up as the game was so inactive at the time.

This makes a lot of sense, and I don't know why it seems like people are overlooking all the reasoning for ALIT's actions. I feel like he's been pretty good at explaining himself, and it makes a lot of sense. What doesn't make sense is the reasons that people have for voting him. Does someone wanna answer why they think he would be so obvious to save his scumbud on day 1? Especially when he could've left it up to a coin-toss to decide, which while it would have been risky if he and Mido are scum, it would have been less risky than what he did.

Why was leaving it at coin flip not an option?

I mean, the only time I see a coin-toss as an option is if the tie is between two people you think are scum, so it doesn't make much difference. Or when you have a null read on both people.

It seems like the only real candidates for a lynch today are ALIT, Mido, and Deku. Any of the three would give us pretty good information. I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm leaning more towards a Mido or Deku lynch. I was suspicious of Deku yesterday, and while he's been more active today, I still have some doubt about him. Not as much as I did, but I don't have him in my town reads. Mido has gone down on my list though. I feel like his responses haven't been as genuine and are kinda reaching. Plus his vote on seems kinda opportunistic (which he has been on ALIT about) and bandwagony. So, if I had to vote right now, it would probably be for Mido. But I'm going to wait a little while and see what happens.

Deleted member 14134

Vote Count 2.4

A Link in Time - 4 (funnier6, Mido, Mellow Ezlo, Zachie)
Mido - 1 (A Link in Time)

Not voting - 5 (Dekunut, Emiya Shirou, Storm, Minish Link, Pendio,)

Moi-moi with 10 alive it takes 6 to reach majority. The day ends Sunday September 3rd at 10pm EST.
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