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Ways to Annoy Non-Zelda Fans

Apr 29, 2012
My simple answer to this is staying silent for hours on end - besides short grunts and murmurs of despair - and breaking all of the pots you can find. Also, if someone asks what your doing, let your fingers spontaneously combust and say, 'you must die.'


1. If your science or social studies asks you the answer to a homework question, say "I calculate a *insert percent here* chance that *insert answer*

2. Walk on all fours at night.

3. Yell "HEY! WATCH OUT!" every time someone serves in volleyball. People keep getting hit on the head at my school with the volleyball.

4. Bring a stick and a big piece of tree bark to school each day. If a teacher catches you, tell them that you need to protect yourself on the way home cause of bokoblins.

5. Randomly walk into the woods during an outdoor gym class with the stick and tree bark. If your teacher yells at you, tell them that you already have a sword and shield and you have to save the Great Deku Tree.

6. Get people to let you see their iPods or iPhones and then use up their Apple account buying Zelda ringtones and deleting their current pictures and replacing them with Zelda pictures.

7. If you get into a fight at school and the principal finds out, tell the principal that it was Dark *insert your name here*

Hyrulian Angel

Wait seriously? Do you actually do the swimming pool bit? If you do, I give you props.

1). So when a friend tells you they are playing *insert video game*, tell them not to die since you have no fairies to give them. Add in that the redeads stole them all.
2). Walk into Walmart dressed as Tingle and try to sell people maps
3). Bring the master sword to gym and ask them when they are going to teach you how to save a princess.
4). (This is only affective if you have a ropes corse at your school) Have your friend and you both climb up to the top of the log (our school has a log with a latter on each side for doubles) with a pool noodle each. Then reinact the fight with Ganondorf.
5). Write Error on the line where your name should go on your next text.
6). Tell your friends that the undead chasedyou to school. If they ask where the zombies are, look at them strangly and reply :What are you talking about? I was refering to the redeads." Then complain that they stole all your fairies.
7). when your teacher begins to mention mythology, ask her when Majora came into play.
8). On the last day of school, tell your teachers that you hope they have a great rest of their life since the moon will come crashing to the Earth in 3 days.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Wait seriously? Do you actually do the swimming pool bit? If you do, I give you props.
2). Walk into Walmart dressed as Tingle and try to sell people maps
4). (This is only affective if you have a ropes corse at your school) Have your friend and you both climb up to the top of the log (our school has a log with a latter on each side for doubles) with a pool noodle each. Then reinact the fight with Ganondorf.
Lol no I never did the swimming pool thing. Never pushed anyone off of anywhere either.

2: That should be on that Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Walmart list!
4: Somebody should do that and record it and put it on youtube.

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