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Was Skyward Sword too Long?


Talk Zelda, talk Zelda
Jul 1, 2011
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Now before I say anything, I just want to say that I love Skyeard Sword with all my heart. It is really a grate game and it is my favorit Zelda game to date. Now I was just wondering, did anyone elas feel the the Legend of Selda Skyward Sword was a bit to long. I felt that the game was dragged on for a little bit. Because frist you needed to find Zelda which was three dongeons in the game, then you needed to get the flames which was another three dongeons, then you had to get the song of the hero. Now like with a grate Zelda game that we all know, ocerina of time was not this long. In that one all you really needed to do was get the stones, and then awaken the 7 sages. Now that was a nice quest, but in skyward sword it seemed that link had a little too much to do.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
No, SSS wasn't too long. However, some of the subquests themselves were jokes and artificially lengthened, such at the Song of the Hero portion of the game. Skyward Sword however, it really did need the length or else people would complain. I would be happy without some parts of the SotH portion of the quest and perhaps without Zelda herself, but the game really needed the length to be seen by many as the next definition of Zelda.


Jan 19, 2011
I found it to be perfect, nothing felt like it was just making the game longer. It was very well paced, and balanced, overall...

(I'm guessing English isn't your first language, but could you make a little more effort with the spelling :P)


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Honestly I did lose interest at points in the game- most notably during the later Imprisoned battles and the Faron and Lanayru parts of the Song of the Hero Quest. Some parts of the game didn't really add much to the experience, and I think they would have been better off eliminating some segments of the main quest in favor of more sidequests. Maybe four more gratitude quests (to a round 100 crystals) or another lively island or two in the sky like the Lumpy Pumpkin. I would have liked to see more optional things and less required things.
Dec 19, 2011
I felt that Skyward Sword was the perfect length for the game and to me it flowed smoothly throughout the entire game.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Some parts of the game didn't really add much to the experience, and I think they would have been better off eliminating some segments of the main quest in favor of more sidequests. Maybe four more gratitude quests (to a round 100 crystals) or another lively island or two in the sky like the Lumpy Pumpkin. I would have liked to see more optional things and less required things.
This as well. Skyward Sword wasn't too long, however the parts that felt artificially lengthened and tacky could have better placed with something such as sidequests or maybe even repeatable, optional missions. Of good note, the only parts that really felt artificially lengthened were the forced, required segments such as Song of the Hero.
Sep 2, 2011
There is no such thing as ''a too long game''. As a fan of Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog I realised how important it is to have a long game length,it makes the game more enjoyable and that's one of the reasons why I like Final Fantasy games (they take forever to beat),as for Skyward Sword,I think its not too long and its not too short,but if you ask me,1000 hours to beat the game and I'd still be happy(Very happy :))
Sep 24, 2011
Not that it was too long, but it was filled with things that actually felt like filler. The beginning was amazingly slow, and I really didn't start to enjoy the game until after the Skyview Dungeon. Things picked up a lot after that, but slowed back down with the Song of the Hero quest which definitely had a feeling that it was added just to add length to the game. The three "Imprisoned" fights also felt like filler that didn't need to be part of the game. Fighting Ghirahim 3 times also seemed incredibly repetitive even though the final fight was a lot different. The game could have been shortened and been just as good.
Dec 19, 2011
yeah i do kinda agree, because you would finish it after the flames which in its own way was lengthier than just those three dungeons. but i do love having longer story plots because i hate when the story jst ends and you finish the game quickly, i like having more variety
Dec 22, 2011
I didnt feel it was too long, but Fi made it seem like a year because of all the jibber jabber :)

Majora's Cat

How about that
Sep 3, 2010
Is it just me or can people complain about absolutely anything?

That was exactly what I was going to say. Stop complaining, Skyward Sword was a fantastic game. I thought that the game was an appropriate length, possibly longer than Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time. I have no idea how a video game being lengthy can detract from the experience, unless it's filled by unnecessary fetch quests and a whole boring, lackluster gameplay segments. SS didn't really have any of those, as the entire game leaves no room for breathing.

I don't understand how Link can have TOO MUCH to do. It's a good thing, dammit.
Sep 24, 2011
That was exactly what I was going to say. Stop complaining, Skyward Sword was a fantastic game. I thought that the game was an appropriate length, possibly longer than Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time. I have no idea how a video game being lengthy can detract from the experience, unless it's filled by unnecessary fetch quests and a whole boring, lackluster gameplay segments. SS didn't really have any of those, as the entire game leaves no room for breathing.

I don't understand how Link can have TOO MUCH to do. It's a good thing, dammit.

SS didn't have unnecessary fetch quests or lack luster segments? The first 4 hours of the game are lack luster and acquiring the Song of the Hero is the epitome of an unnecessary fetch quest.


Defender of Hyrule
Oct 14, 2011
there were some points that were unnecessarily drawn out a tad but that was about it. i completed it quicker than i did TP

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