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Voice Overs?


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I don't want voice-overs in Zelda, I am too fond of the written dialogue in the games. Don't get me wrong, I love games which do have voice-overs (Fable anyone?), I just think it would make Zelda stop being Zelda if they were to do that with these games. It adds this nostalgic charm to it.
Jun 11, 2011
I would not like the voice overs in a Zelda video game. I would rather Link keep silent. It makes him seem cooler to me.


I think it would be cool, but it could never make everyone happy. Most people will hate the voices that some characters have, which leads me to believe that it would be a bad move to add voice acting. Personally, I do want voice acting, but definitely not for Link.
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Aug 29, 2010
In a way, a lot of the Zelda character's have voices. Link, Zelda, etc. Though, by voice overs you mean speaking dialogue.

The character's random sound gibberish goes fine with the text boxes. I've kinda liked it how the gibberish sounds and text go together.

Also, speaking dialogue is probably not happening. Seeing as how the bird riding demo had the gibberish sounds and text... which really go welll together in my opinion.
Dec 23, 2009
Well they moved in that direction in TP, with the characters mouths moving along with the words. I'm not sure if I would like it, but they would have to be good actors.

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