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TOP 10 Metroid Prime Trilogy...


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012

Welcome Metroid fans to my TOP 10: Metroid Prime Trilogy LOCATIONS/AREAS :squishy:

I basically wanted to share it with the Metroid fans. Yes, the topic is a bit strange, but i'm sure that the true Metroid Prime fans will like it.


We can discuss it if anybody wants

Thanks for watching!
Last edited:
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
Very interesting list. The Prime series has no shortage of memorable areas, and you did feature quite a few of them. Just thought I'd give my personal opinion on each of them.

Temple Grounds:
- I did like how the Federation ship was there, and how you got to scan through the entire horrific ordeal that they went through. Very catchy music, although I think we backtracked to this area a little too much. It was nice that it had so many paths to all the different areas, which made it a true over-world. Don't think I'd put it in my top 10 personally.

Bryyo Fire:
- The fuel jel atmosphere was something that was pretty unique, and kept it from being a clone of the Magmoor Caverns. The puzzle solving with the ice missiles was somewhat enjoyable as well, and the deep chorus as the music was okay. I would put Magmoor Caverns over it though.

Torvus Bog:
- Ahhh, I was hoping you'd put the Torvus Catacombs on the list somewhere, as it would probably place in the top 5 for me. Nothing ever really stood out to me about the Torvus Bog though, as I always think it's a chore to go through. The Catacombs were a much more memorable experience to me.

- I have to say, I loved this world. Metroid had never seen anything like it up until that point; we'd always had the water and fire levels, but not some kind of floating culture level. the Metroid testing facility really creeped me out, and stand as one of the more horror-esque moments of the series. It'd definitely be on my top 10 too.

Agon Wastes:
- Somewhat of a generic starting world, and probably my least favorite out of your list. I don't know, but I just never found too much in this world to be all that great. We get introduced to the dark world dynamic, but that's about it. It's actually one of my least favorite levels in the series.

Bryyo Cliffsides:

- I don't think it's nearly as good as the Bryyo Fire caves, but it still does have a unique atmosphere of its own. The abandoned culture and colossi made it stick out, and it did a good job of introducing how the Leviathans are screwing with the world.

Phendrana Drifts:
- YES. I loved this place when I first went through it in Prime, and I still do to this day. Like with Skytown, a snow level had never been done in a Metroid game before. Not only that, but Retro went the extra mile with the presentation and music. Truly one of the most beautiful areas in Metroid.

Tallon Overworld:
- One word: atmosphere. I think this area does it the best of any in the series. It truly feels like the beginning of the 3D Metroid era; gentle rain, main theme going on, waterfalls and grass... It's hard to explain, but this might be my favorite area of the entire series just because it FEELS so awesome. Excellent choice.

Sanctuary Fortress:
- Probably my favorite area in Echoes, just because, again, the series had never seen anything quite like it. A fully armed fortress, equipped with dangerous weapons and an awesome boss. It's pretty huge too, which really makes it worthy of "final level" title. It would be in my top 10 for sure as well.

Chozo Ruins:
- Hmm, can't say I agree with it being the number one spot, but I can see why you would think so. The Chozo were quite the enigma for us outside of Japan when the first Prime came out, and this world did an excellent job with the passive story-telling, and the tragedy that is the extinction of the Chozo. Worlds like "Great Poison" really put some tension in the story-line, something that Prime in general did an excellent job with.

Good video though! I personally would've put the likes of Torvus Catacombs, Magmoor Caverns, Pirate Homeworld, and Phaaze on mine, put your list was still pretty neat.


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012
Well I honestly didn't expect such a compete answer. By Torvus Catacombs you mean the Submerged Temple? Well I count it and the Torvus Bog, as 1, so it is technically on the list. Why did I pick up Agon Wastes? I like it because it is really well made, despite looking plain and boring, it gives you the feeling of being in a true lonely and "desperating" wasteland. You don't feel comfortable while being here. You know it is as safe as any other area, but the atmosphere is specially oppressive. A Dark Sky with Lightnings, and a completely devastated place, which used to be a nice field, and now it is a dark and gloomy wasteland. The atmosphere is really well made.

Yea and thanks for watching. And sorry my bad english...


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Do like me some Metroid. :) I think my most played one was the Wii one, Metroid Prime 3 I think. I really enjoyed how it controlled for a start, when most Wii shooters controlled like horse, and it was so much fun! Great game.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Ok, I'd like to add my input as well:

-Temple Grounds: I think this is a really cool area as well. I love how this game has a much more messianic savior vibe to it on top of the treacherous get-lost-in-alien-world vibe, and it's really in the forefront in the Temple Grounds.

-Bryyo Fire: Interesting take on the basic fire-level design concept, though I also prefer Magmoor Caverns.

-Torvus Bog: Actually my least favorite of the overworlds. I ended up slogging through this level much slower than any others (water worlds tend to do that for me) and a lot of the locations start looking the same after a while so I get lost very easily. Catacombs were really cool, though, so that's a saving grace.

-Skytown: SKYYYYYYTOOOOOOOWN!!!!! I freaking love Skytown! I could not be more interested in a steampunk floating city designed by ancient bird-men if they tried! I've never seen this sort of thing ever, and they executed it marvelously! My personal third-favorite location.

-Agon Wastes: It's an acceptable world with its good points, I'll give it that. It captures the desert environment very well, as well as being a good intro into the Dark World. Not a personal favorite, but there's definitely worse.

-Bryyo Cliffsides: Of the Bryyonian areas, it's my personal favorite. It introduces us to the ancient Bryyonian culture much in the same manner as the Chozo Ruins did.

-Phendrana Drifts: Oh good heavens did Retro knock this level out of the park! Never before or since have I found an ice world so utterly captivating. This level is a superb reason why I love the Metroidvania type of gaming: given the right setting and atmosphere (my word, that music! Truly the music of God!) , I can wander for hours on end and never lose the charm and wonder of exploration. My absolute favorite level in Metroid games.

-Tallon Overworld: I'm in agreement with Vergo, this is also superb atmosphere. I remember the first time I stepped out of the ship and rain was splattering on my visor, I just stood still in awe for like 10 minutes. Definitely a personal favorite.

-Sanctuary Fortress: Again, this level is really awesome, what with the very high-tech feel to it. I wish the series did more stuff like this from time to time to be honest: sometimes having a still-functional highly advanced city is fun to roam around in, a break from the ancient ruins and overgrown wildlife. And Quadraxis. Boy howdy did they ever create a penultimate boss with him. Towering robot, constant atmosphere damage to keep you running, multiple attacks to keep you guessing & punish you pretty severely if you mess up, and did I mention he's an awesome kick-butt robot?

-Chozo Ruins: This level is when I started to deeply love the Metroid franchise. Superb introduction to the Metroidvania style of play, cryptic and foreboding lore left by the extinct Chozo, awesome battles to get you used to the fighting style. Beautiful when it wants to, creepy when it needs to be, this level's got it all. Personal second-favorite.

All in all a pretty solid list. Here is my personal top 10 off the top of my head:

Special mention goes to Space Frigate Orpheon (intro level). Even though it's not very long at all, this is by far the best intro to a game I've ever played. Absolutely atmospheric, teaches you the basics of the game very fluidly, loads of lore and data logs to get you into the feel of the game (as well as connecting it to the first Metroid title), relatively easy boss with an awesome soundtrack to catch you up to speed, and then it all goes to hell when the frigate starts to explode. This is my favorite part, all you learned previously must now be put to the test in an extremely stressful situation that really gets your blood pumping. You barely make it out of there alive, you chase after a space dragon, and you set down in the very peaceful Tallon Overworld for a long-due sigh of relief. I can't think of a better way to start a game off.

Space Pirate Homeworld
Magmoor Caverns
Bryyo Cliffsides
Temple Grounds
Phazon Mines
Tallon Overworld
Sanctuary Fortress
Chozo Ruins
Phendrada Drifts


Ancient Automaton
Feb 2, 2012
I am getting some nice answers :lol: :cool: I knew there would be more Metroid Prime fans in this page


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
Okay, so I've only played Prime (and I'm about 30% or 40% of the way through, I believe?), so I've only experienced, like... four regions.

So far my favorite is either Phendrana Drifts or Magmoor Caverns. Phendrana because it's atmospheric, has great level designs, and overall does the "ice" theme perfectly. Magmoor Caverns, to me, is more fun than atmospheric. It has some awesome designs and enemies, though, and the music fits perfectly with the "fire" theme.

Shoutout to Tallon Overworld for being a great... hub? Really atmospheric and peaceful, and I like to see every part of the area unfold as you gain more weapons and abilities.

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