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Breath of the Wild Timeline: Where is the game going to go?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Time for some timeline theorizing. Soon we may get even more information but based on what we know now (Which isnt much) I ask, where is this game going to go in the timeline and where isn't it going to go?

I'm going to give my theory on where I think it will go and please share yours as well.

So here is where I think it is going:

Unified timeline: Pre OOT

Why here? This game is likely going to feature the Sheikah in a big way. Link has his Sheikah book which features in the official art ans promo teaser, not to mention there is a great big technological Sheikah symbol on Nintendo's E3 website. I'm going to assume they aren't just for show and that they indicate the sheikah are something major in the game itself.

Why Pre not Post OOT? The Sheikah are basically extinct in OOT and after, with only a few individual members ever being seen. in the Adult split we never see them again so I doubt there. It could mean a re-emergence of the Sheikah or their artifacts but for them to actually feature in a big way it seems unlikely.

We see impa in the decline timeline and Impaz (It is also possible Madam Fernandi is Sheikah) in the child timeline. So it could be either of those right? Possibly but I imagine not. It is stated they were once a tribe not a duo or a singular unit but a group and this doesnt appear to be the case in either the child or decline timelines. The only place that is feasible for them to appear as a group based on what has been shown is pre OOT where they existed as a proper tribe.

So where pre OOT? It could be Pre SS, with link first getting his green garb in that entry, the blue Tunic Link could indicate this is before the hero in green ever became an established thing and instead Hylias chosen hero wore blue. We know nothing of the Sheikah before SS, with Impa being the first ever we see timeline wise. However it is possible and even likely they existed before SS. What suggests this is the appearance of a sheikah looking timeshift stone in Lanayru, indicating perhaps they were responsible for the technologically advanced society there. This new link with the techy arrow and that tentacle terror we have seen, as well as the circuit like pattern around the glowing Sheikah eye on Nintendo's E3 website, suggest that the advanced society could be at large during the new Zelda.

Why isn't it Pre SS? This ain't the Legend of Hylia. This is the Legend of ZELDA. I'll eat my pompadour if this is Pre SS. The technology appears to be ancient in the new game, perhaps dormant for millennia. This game is almost certainly post SS as far as I am concerned.

Where does it go then in the timeline? I recon this takes place just before OOT and will show the sealing of the interlopers (in Japan they are merely described as sorcerers, the sheikah are proficient in magic and could also be called sorcerers) spoken of in TP. Aounuma has stated the connection between the two games in his development series for TPHD so again with the sheikah appearing it's not likely to happen post TP with the tribe basically gone.

The ancient technology and sheikah symbol on the website bears a striking resemblance in colour and pattern to those found in the twilight realm. Indicating a group of sheikah were the evil sorcerers in TP that were banished. There is a sheikah eye on Zants throne and also on the fused shadow itself, further backing up the Sheikah were behind the attempted takeover of Hyrule mentioned in TP.

The tribes banishment explains the absence of this kind of technology in future games but it's presence after SS shows that they have had a long time to develop it so it's likely to be closer to OOT than SS in the timeline.

So there we go. That's my theory for now. It may change as more details emerge. What do you think and where do you think the game will go.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
I actually think they could do a re-imagining of the series. I think the current timeline is so discombobulated that they could easily just start over and make a game that is detached from the timeline entirely.

If it is going to be part of the existing timeline, I feel that the technology we've seen means this is going to be the "latest", most recent, entry. Mechanical enemies means modern technology. I get what you're saying about the Sheikah, but I think there's a conflict between that information and the technology on display.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I actually think they could do a re-imagining of the series. I think the current timeline is so discombobulated that they could easily just start over and make a game that is detached from the timeline entirely.

If it is going to be part of the existing timeline, I feel that the technology we've seen means this is going to be the "latest", most recent, entry. Mechanical enemies means modern technology. I get what you're saying about the Sheikah, but I think there's a conflict between that information and the technology on display.

The technology we have seen appears to be ancient rather than a new development. If you look at the beamos it's had things grow on it and it looks degraded which suggests to me it's not really a new thing but an old tech that has resurfaced from the olden days.

They could reimagine the series. And I think that would actually be a very good thing. But I'll believe that when I hear it from Nintendo.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
I actually think they could do a re-imagining of the series. I think the current timeline is so discombobulated that they could easily just start over and make a game that is detached from the timeline entirely.

If it is going to be part of the existing timeline, I feel that the technology we've seen means this is going to be the "latest", most recent, entry. Mechanical enemies means modern technology. I get what you're saying about the Sheikah, but I think there's a conflict between that information and the technology on display.
In Skyward Sword:
We had working robots off of what may be the exact same power source(as all of these things share the same blue hue), there were working electric vehicles, defense robots, automatic doors, electric swords, and so much more.

This is the first game in the timeline, and all of this technology is from the distant past. So it looks like in Zelda U, all of the technology is resurfacing.
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Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
The technology we have seen appears to be ancient rather than a new development. If you look at the beamos it's had things grow on it and it looks degraded which suggests to me it's not really a new thing but an old tech that has resurfaced from the olden days.

True. But then, there are "energy" arrows. They don't look to be magic arrows. They look to be powered with technology. I guess that could be ancient technology that has been "rediscovered".

What I was going off was the octopus enemy. It is mechanical, which we really haven't seen in other Zelda games to date. Goht (in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) is the only real mechanical enemy we've ever had. That's where I was basing my theory.

They could reimagine the series. And I think that would actually be a very good thing. But I'll believe that when I hear it from Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

In Skyward Sword:
We had working robots off of what may be the exact same power source(as all of these things share the same blue hue), there were working electric vehicles, defense robots, automatic doors, electric swords, and so much more.

This is the first game in the timeline, and all of this technology is from the distant past. So it looks like in Zelda U, all of the technology is resurfacing.

I guess that's true. I didn't think of that.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
True. But then, there are "energy" arrows. They don't look to be magic arrows. They look to be powered with technology. I guess that could be ancient technology that has been "rediscovered".

What I was going off was the octopus enemy. It is mechanical, which we really haven't seen in other Zelda games to date. Goht (in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) is the only real mechanical enemy we've ever had. That's where I was basing my theory.

They could reimagine the series. And I think that would actually be a very good thing. But I'll believe that when I hear it from Nintendo.








~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
True. But then, there are "energy" arrows. They don't look to be magic arrows. They look to be powered with technology. I guess that could be ancient technology that has been "rediscovered".

What I was going off was the octopus enemy. It is mechanical, which we really haven't seen in other Zelda games to date. Goht (in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) is the only real mechanical enemy we've ever had. That's where I was basing my theory.

They could reimagine the series. And I think that would actually be a very good thing. But I'll believe that when I hear it from Nintendo.

We have the missile firing Mechats from SS along with the beamos and armos.

In TP the armos appears to be powered by a similar blue energy to the Zelda NX beamos.

In WW we have Gohdan which also appears to be powered by similar tech.

I assumed the arrow was rediscovered ancient tech, converted to a useful purpose by the Hylians of the era of Zelda NX.
Last edited:

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
with link first getting his green garb in that entry, the blue Tunic Link could indicate this is before the hero in green ever became an established thing and instead Hylias chosen hero wore blue.
The only issue I have with this is, I thought the reason the hero wore green was established in SS. The hero became a knight and the color that year just happened to be green, so then being chosen by the goddesses, the hero came to be associated with green.
They could reimagine the series. And I think that would actually be a very good thing. But I'll believe that when I hear it from Nintendo.
I almost think that's what they're doing. Like it will still fit on the timeline, but it will be a kind of reboot, or reimagining, and that's why we haven't seen a title yet. The title is just "The Legend of Zelda" but I'm more than likely wrong on this, just an idea.
I believe Koloktos was powered by a different source. I think it was by Ghirahim's dark magic.


Jul 1, 2012
Yeah technology progression isn't exactly linear in the Zelda series. You can put this down to all the devastation caused by evil, which usually sets Hyrule back a few hundred years with the Great Flood being the biggest example. So realistically, this title could be anywhere and I don't think technological advancement necessarily means it's the most present game on the timeline. However, I do think it gives us a few clues.

First the actual technology shows us that this game can't within a hundred years or so of a few games which show signs of a developing land ravaged by evil. So we can straight away rule out the first two games of the series having any link since these games are pretty much set within a post apocalyptic Hyrule and are even placed within a time known as the 'Era of Decline'. I think it's a safe bet to also rule out anything post Decline Timeline and what I mean by that is right after the hypothetical scenario that "Link Died". So the Imprisoning War and A Link to the Past as well as A Link Between Worlds and the games that take place in alternate/foreign worlds (Oracles/LA/TH). These events are all tightly linked within a time frame of around a couple hundred years or so and Hyrule is very much within a developing state after removing from the end of Ocarina of Time where essentially Ganon got the Triforce. It's not exactly the time for Hyrule to advance and is probably the most war torn era in the entire lore.

I've seen the Adult Timeline thrown about once or twice and I just don't see it. The character is clearly Link so this isn't pre-Great Flood and it's not Hyrule post-Great Flood either since we can clearly see that this is still very much a country and not a bunch of Islands segregated by an ocean. The easy answer is to say this is New Hyrule, but I think that's a cop-out and I hate the idea of this land not having a rich history of war or conflict and of heroes and villains. Logically it makes sense. New Hyrule has no Ganon to contend with and look at the technology already present in Spirit Tracks, which is amazing given the time since Wind Waker. So this sets the perfect time for a peaceful era where technology can flourish. My only problem is that look at the geography of the new Zelda game and you can make out landmarks from previous Zelda games. It's not fully reliable, but it's something. So I'd say no to anything on the Adult Timeline and I'd also rule out anything within a hundred years of Ocarina of Time as well.

So basically the only two Timelines I think this game will be set on is the Child Timeline and the Pre-Split Timeline. A prequel to Skyward Sword is not going to happen (Locke's theory explained that Link from SS was the past Link by virtue of a time paradox), but a game taking place during the Era of Prosperity could be a possibility. This was the Era where Hyrule was established and the Oocca were most likely present as well and we already know of their prowess in technology. However, I just doubt this because we see Hyrule in the Era of Prosperity during the beginning of the Minish Cap and it doesn't exactly seem all that different to other Hyrules. Plus we only know of one conflict during this era pre-Minish Cap and that was the Hero of Men and all that stuff. I just don't see Zelda U happening during this relativity peaceful Era. Not to mention the Era of Chaos basically destroyed Hyrule before, so it was still in the rebuilding stage.

I could go on for a while, but I think this game is either going to take place a few hundred years after Skyward Sword or a few hundred years after Twlight Princess. Both are great times for peace which allow for technology to advance and both are large enough gaps for a tale to be told. Imagine seeing the Era of Chaos play out with the possibility of the Interlopers post Skyward Sword? And they could pretty much do anything after Twilight Princess.
Nov 14, 2015
Between Majora's Mask and Four Swords Adventures. The Great Bridge of Hylia's presence is just too important to ignore. We've even seen it ingame. image.jpeg


Jul 1, 2012
Can't be Adult Timeline because we have a ruined Temple of Time, which rules out that this setting is New Hyrule and it's obviously not post flood or pre flood (post flood would mean water and there was no Link pre flood). The ruined Temple of Time also rules out anything pre Ocarina. Remember that the Temple of Time was built after the Era of Chaos to guard the Master Sword (seen in the trailer) and it wasn't opened again until the events of OoT.

This leaves pre and post Twilight Princess and anything after the Adventure of Link. The strong Sheikah influence could point at this being related to TP though. We see the last of the tribe (supposedly) in Twilight Princess, so this could explain why. Though an apocalyptic setting does seem more fitting for a game taking place after Zelda II.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Can't be Adult Timeline because we have a ruined Temple of Time, which rules out that this setting is New Hyrule and it's obviously not post flood or pre flood (post flood would mean water and there was no Link pre flood). The ruined Temple of Time also rules out anything pre Ocarina. Remember that the Temple of Time was built after the Era of Chaos to guard the Master Sword (seen in the trailer) and it wasn't opened again until the events of OoT.

This leaves pre and post Twilight Princess and anything after the Adventure of Link. The strong Sheikah influence could point at this being related to TP though. We see the last of the tribe (supposedly) in Twilight Princess, so this could explain why. Though an apocalyptic setting does seem more fitting for a game taking place after Zelda II.

I dont accept that there was no link pre flood. The legend said no hero appeared which means the land of Hyrule was not saved and if this game is pre WW it would not be saved either, but it does not mean that the peoples lives were not saved by the actions of link. In WW Ganon said his tribe was sealed and the key to the seal was the master sword. The only one who uses that is Link which means he must have been the one to put the seal on. We know seal Ganon speaks of is not the one in OOT as once he escaped imprisonment he did enough damage to warrant the need for divine intervention, this was him at full power.

Aounuma did say about this game being connected to TP so I would say the Child timeline is the greatest likelihood for a placement now.


Jul 1, 2012
I dont accept that there was no link pre flood. The legend said no hero appeared which means the land of Hyrule was not saved and if this game is pre WW it would not be saved either, but it does not mean that the peoples lives were not saved by the actions of link. In WW Ganon said his tribe was sealed and the key to the seal was the master sword. The only one who uses that is Link which means he must have been the one to put the seal on. We know seal Ganon speaks of is not the one in OOT as once he escaped imprisonment he did enough damage to warrant the need for divine intervention, this was him at full power.

Aounuma did say about this game being connected to TP so I would say the Child timeline is the greatest likelihood for a placement now.
Using the logic of "Legends aren't accurate" can be applied to every Legend opening up every possibility. What if the Gods didn't create Hyrule? We can't base stuff off "what if". Thing is, most likely this Legend is accurate because they clearly reference the Hero of Time and they say a hero never came. If another Link was present and saved people then the legend would have spoke him. Why would this legend remember a hero hundreds of years ago, but not one closer to the present? That makes no sense.

We also have a really good reference to these Legends, the King of Red Lions who was the King before the Great Flood. These legends aren't something just passed down by hearsay, we have a living being who was there and who saved Hyrule. There is no mention of Link. It's even called the Era Without A Era, I think it's pretty clear what happened. We could speculate all day on the validity of legends, but I think this one is definitely one of the more accurate ones due to the fact our companion was actually present.

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