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Time in Skyloft?



Back in Nov (the 21st, the day after the game was released ) i ran into some guy who said he beat just the main quest in less that 24 hours. At the time he told me the game wasnt even out for 24 hours! I dont think he is telling the truth. So now im on a quest to see if its possible. Im playing Hero Mode without sidequests in 24 hours (well a total of 24 hours NOT IN ONE SITTING I do have a life ya know). I assume he had access to a walkthrough therefore if i need it i will use it. I beat the game already (about 72 hours). So my question to everyone is ... Do you think i can do it? Do you think he could have done it?
Feb 21, 2012
I've done a normal & hero mode minimalist run under 15 hours each (in-game clock).
So it's definitely possible to finish the game in just one sitting within a 24-hour period.


Dec 3, 2008
Don't forget that it's very much possible to get the game long before it's street release date. Many stores leak the game early, so he could have either bought it from one of said stores, or downloaded it off the internet due to the fact that it was leaked early. It's definitely not unheard of to have games as much as two weeks before it's street date.

As for beating the game in under 24 hours, I think it's probably possible. If you don't go for many side quests and such, even without a walkthrough you could probably do it around 20 hours or so. I finished the game in I believe 32 hours doing some side quests, and not really rushing through it all that much. I'd say it's doable.

The Joker

<span style="text-shadow:2px 2px 4px Purpl
Nov 24, 2011
At Amusement Mile
I think it's possible. You just have to not get distracted and not screw up as many times as I did lol.
I never understood why players like to rush through games so much, I enjoy taking in the whole experience so I take my sweet time.

But then again I am an odd case in that I also re-read all the text, talk to everyone and watch all the cut scenes every time I play. Even games like OoT which I have beat a gazillion times, I still do all that. For me a game is a break from reality so I immerse myself in the story even if it's one I've seen before.
Jan 20, 2012
I think it is possible if you memorize the game, and now every single shorcut, and come prepared to different areas with everything you will need.
Avoid pointless characters and don't stop to smell the roses.

Challenging yes. Possible yes.
Feb 6, 2012
I think it's very well possible... He likely could have downloaded a leaked copy from the Internet, or knows (or even works) in a game store and grabbed himself an early copy.
It could also be possible that he had a press-release copy, but I doubt that's the case. The game itself is fairly easy, so it's not hard to know what to do. Not only that, they let you play it at Nintendo World Store before release, so he likely could have gotten himself used to the game and already knew what to do and where to go.


he could if he is extremely lucky and maby you can but hero mode is really difficult
Dec 19, 2011
Its likely possible... However I would likely never do it... Just don't think I would really enjoy it... :P
Apr 4, 2012
I never understood why players like to rush through games so much, I enjoy taking in the whole experience so I take my sweet time.

But then again I am an odd case in that I also re-read all the text, talk to everyone and watch all the cut scenes every time I play. Even games like OoT which I have beat a gazillion times, I still do all that. For me a game is a break from reality so I immerse myself in the story even if it's one I've seen before.
Thissssss. It took me like 56 hours to beat SS on my first playthrough. I like taking my time with all games, not just Zelda, so beating SS in 24 hours just seems like overload! Although I DO think it's possible, I would never try it myself since any time I do a Zelda playthrough, I like to complete it 100% :]


I would probably find it impossible for myself from getting sidetracked or from just having trouble with the fighting of monsters like Bokoblims or Technoblims

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