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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I hate metagaming but I guess I will be voting for DekuNut for reasons listed below.

Vote: DekuNut

1. As stated earlier, it is perplexing how Deku jumped the wagon towards Light just because of a fairly simple statement that any one of us could have said for this game or any game in the past/future. This forced Light to defend themselves and in return brought attention to both of them as the conversation continued.
2. Upon reading the thread, I read
Seeing as Ex and Deku are two of the people who have posted the most, I don't have too much to scum read anyone else on.

And it's moreso that when Deku is town he just like, doesn't post at all sometimes. So him having this many posts already can lean on his scum meta, but he also hasn't played in forever so I'm willing to just chalk it up to excitement.

I hate metagaming because it then makes people study patterns when people are either wanting to play the game or trying to mix things up, but if this is true, then Deku leading the conversation or at least engaging more than what is allegedly normalized in their game sense, makes me think this might be the case.

3. The reason why I'm voting for Deku and not KoD for example is by means of somewhat reasonable logic. While I am a supporting of killing off people during the day because it's the only chance town can guarantee a kill, I'm going with Deku over KoD solely because by nature, people want to be mafia because of the power imbalance factor mafia-esque games offer. Through that logic, I would imagine that KoD would have been more active, especially if it means preventing being killed off because of inactivity. Either KoD is like me and has been keeping up with the


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
i think it would help your cause maybe if you tried to push someone else rather than asking for other people to do so? like who do you think is scum based on their reactions to your ex vote, maybe?
I havent gotten a chance to read it through closely. I made those comments last night, passed out, and am now writing this post from my desk at work. I'm not fantastic at making snap judgements from a quick read that was mostly intended to keep me knowledegable on how the tides were moving, and I wont get time to do the reread I need until probably after EoD, unless I can find time during top golf with my sister. Which isn't helpful to my case, but is my situation right now


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Looks like my post was cut off. The original 3rd post was meant to be as follows:

3. The reason why I'm voting for Deku and not KoD for example is by means of somewhat reasonable logic. While I am a supporting of killing off people during the day because it's the only chance town can guarantee a kill, I'm going with Deku over KoD solely because by nature, people want to be mafia because of the power imbalance factor mafia-esque games offer. Through that logic, I would imagine that KoD would have been more active, especially if it means preventing being killed off because of inactivity. Either KoD is like me and has been keeping up with the thread but has been more "inactive" in terms of posts or they really are inactive and forgot/don't want to play given the role they may have (potentially just being vanilla town).


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I hate metagaming but I guess I will be voting for DekuNut for reasons listed below.

Vote: DekuNut

1. As stated earlier, it is perplexing how Deku jumped the wagon towards Light just because of a fairly simple statement that any one of us could have said for this game or any game in the past/future. This forced Light to defend themselves and in return brought attention to both of them as the conversation continued.
2. Upon reading the thread, I read

I hate metagaming because it then makes people study patterns when people are either wanting to play the game or trying to mix things up, but if this is true, then Deku leading the conversation or at least engaging more than what is allegedly normalized in their game sense, makes me think this might be the case.

3. The reason why I'm voting for Deku and not KoD for example is by means of somewhat reasonable logic. While I am a supporting of killing off people during the day because it's the only chance town can guarantee a kill, I'm going with Deku over KoD solely because by nature, people want to be mafia because of the power imbalance factor mafia-esque games offer. Through that logic, I would imagine that KoD would have been more active, especially if it means preventing being killed off because of inactivity. Either KoD is like me and has been keeping up with the
Just to explain that, this is my first mafia game in ages, and, as Minish said, that whole last year or so of playing Mafia I was really ghosting it bad. I played more when I was mafia more out of a duty to a smaller team (not saying I don't enjoy being mafia more). Because of that last year of my playing, that's how my meta sits in peoples minds, but if you look back to my older games from, like, 2016-2018, that activity pattern didnt describe my play at all.
Also, for reference, there are no vanilla roles in this game. It's mentioned in the OP.
Feb 3, 2019
rubik (1)- lg
KoD (2)- rubik, naga
kirino (1)- KoD
deku (4)- Caps, Ex, fg, fig
lg (1)- kirino
ex (1)- Deku
fig (1)- chevy
unvote- minish, Killjoy


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Vote: KoD

Right now, I'm gonna give Deku the "Rusty Player" pass and see if he improves. The comment KoD made earlier regarding
Two people are scum here.

The first is Deku for posting such a large picture of an animal. It's nothing more than a flex for a D1 RVS.

I can't tell if he was Serious, or if he was seriously Jesting. But the following makes me thing he was serious:

The second is Kirino for their joke comment towards Ex regarding the scum role PMs.

Kirino is my major choice to vote given the topic is much more stable and serious than a large picture of an animal that Deku posted (though he's not absolved of the sus on the flex).

Vote: Kirino

Also the fact that this was his 2nd post, before going AWOL.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Vote: KoD

Right now, I'm gonna give Deku the "Rusty Player" pass and see if he improves. The comment KoD made earlier regarding

I can't tell if he was Serious, or if he was seriously Jesting. But the following makes me thing he was serious:

Also the fact that this was his 2nd post, before going AWOL.
Knowing KoD, he was probably serious. He looks at wleverything.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Naga mentioned not having internet for a couple days in another game I'm with him, so I'd like to ask Sun to maybe not modkill or replace him yet
I think he comes back on Monday? So he'll make in time for the next Day Phase
Feb 3, 2019
rubik (1)- lg
KoD (4)- rubik, naga, Minish, Killjoy
kirino (1)- KoD
deku (4)- Caps, Ex, fg, fig
lg (1)- kirino
ex (1)- Deku
fig (1)- chevy
Dec 13, 2019
I do look at everything, and I comment at my leisure and own pace as my time is precious.

I've more or less skimmed over what has been said. In general, I am more suspicious of people that pushed at Ex earlier. That said, Kirino's post switching from Ex to Deku stands out to me simply because "if not one, then why not the other." I've seen a scum Ex, I've seen a town Ex, and I've seen an in between Ex where he was town but had the potential to be mafia. How he's acting here off of just liking his role is not only not indicative of his alignment (in so far as being scum), but he's trending town more so than anything. So shame on those people susing him over simply liking his role (I'm looking at you, Kirino).

I haven't torn into Deku's posts regarding his opinions on Ex, but with Kirino switching over to Deku over Ex (while maintaining an initial impression as maybe being accurate) I get the feeling Kirino is swinging at anyone because it doesn't matter to them. More so because, when susing Ex, you see where Deku is coming from; however, you all of a sudden have a sudden revelation that Ex may be town. All of a sudden what was in the same vein of logic as Deku's all of a sudden becomes suspect? Odd.

As for myself:

I dislike Funnygurl for both liking me and being close to Fun Fun in some off-shoot variation.

If I do die, you're doing all yourselves a favor least you become trapped with me for the remainder of this game.

I'm supposed to have five posts.

I don't actually know how many posts I have nor when deadline is other than like 11 est or something.

This will be fun.

Also, for somewhat caring about why they were voting me, Killjoy, you sure had no problem throwing your vote on me as well. At least Cin Min had a better reasoning coupled with her vote.

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