I also haven't really been enjoying SS as much as other Zelda titles I've played. I feel like the game is aimed at a much broader audience than previous Zelda titles. As a child I've always felt like Zelda was this "underground" franchise for connoisseurs, very few of my friends actually ever played a Zelda game.
I actually do think OoT looked better than SS. Graphics is not all about polygon count, textures and whatnot, it's about how well you feel immersed in the world you're playing in. Nevertheless, even if you don't agree with what I am saying, there is always OoT 3D which I can definitely say looks much better than SS and I would have been very happy if SS boasted the same graphics. Clear, sharp graphics, without any of the unnecessary blooming or bleached out textures.
I remember reading an issue of NP that said that the world in SS was massive. I'm not sure what they were on about, it feels much smaller than other Zelda titles. It's too linear, there are almost no NPCs anywhere and very few monsters. It's like Nintendo didn't want people to "waste" time looking around and instead just go from A to B while occasionally encountering a few puzzles (which seems stupid because any ways you will end up "wasting" time running back to town to upgrade your gear and whatnot.)
I definitely don't think this is the best Zelda game ever, that statement feels like an insult to previous games in the franchise to me.