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Things That Are on Your Mind


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Tonight was the most busy shift at work that I've ever seen. There were storms around our area that knocked out power all around us (but not knocking out our store), the other three McDonalds stores in our patch of restaurants all blacked out and had to close so we ended up with all of their customers on top of all the people coming for dinner due to the lack of electricity to cook it themselves. So for about two hours we constantly had no less than 20-30 cars lined up to order in our drive thru (10-15 each lane, thank goodness we have two lanes) and a dining room in which you couldn't move much due to being so packed. On top of this one of our Fry vats stopped working so we were down 1/3 of our usual capacity to make fries (which pretty everyone orders) rendering us physically unable to cook fast enough to meet demand fast enough. We did end up having crew from the closed stores come in and help out which thankfully took off some of the strain (although, without an adequate amount of fries there is only so much you can do). Despite all of this, and having to wait probably 15-20 minutes to get food after ordering not a single customer was rude or impatient and most of them were very kind and understanding. It was really odd, as that is not how they'd usually react.

Azure Sage

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Sigh...my sister is getting another surgery. Something is blocking.

Aw. :c I hope she'll be okay.

I have a presentation to do today. Surprisingly, I'm not nervous. If this was even last spring, I'd be shaking in my boots, but nope, I'm actually not that worried. I guess I've gotten a little better with standing in front of people. That's good.

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012

I'm on a crazy PP spree and look how marvelous my performance is. I am literally, literally pumped to rank up more.

Azure Sage

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The presentation went really well, thankfully. I got through my last exam really quickly, and I'm confident I did really well on it. I'll be in school for another hour or so to work on my last essay for political science. But, I'm now officially done with General Biology; won't have that class anymore now. One class down, three to go.


Staff member
I got this this morning:
Conditional Offer Advice Letter

Dear Jimmy,

I am writing to tell you that your Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS) application has been successful. Provided that you:
• complete any relevant prerequisite subjects or other course requirements,
• achieve a minimum ATAR of 69.00, and
• have the course below listed as your first UAC preference at midnight on Sunday 4 January 2015

you will receive an unconditional offer through Universities Admissions Centre to the course below in January Round 1 on Tuesday 6 January 2015.
For information regarding SRS and conditional and unconditional offers, visit www.uac.edu.au/srs.

Course: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies - full time at University of Technology, Sydney

So happy :) This is the course (which is my first preference). Usually the needed ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) to get in is 86.95, and this means that I will get in with only a 69.00.

Azure Sage

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Finished my Political Science presentation today. That's two out of three presentations finished. Now I just gotta finish the essay then I'll be all done my work for the class. All that's left now is the Critical Reading novel evaluation presentation next Monday and a last test for Abnormal Psychology on Tuesday. And then I have a whole month off til the spring semester. Can't wait for that.


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Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Some days I don't know why I even bother getting out of bed for the ennui within grows ever stronger.


Doesn't have internet
Jul 8, 2013
Saturday marks 41 days since my girlfriend broke up with me. The significance in that is that that's how long we dated. I feel like that it should be a mile stone, and I should be over her by now but I'm not. I just keep thinking that the time we've dated is going to stay at 41 and the time that we've been broken up will just keep going up, and that makes me sad.
I mean, we're still friends me and her, but do I want that? We don't talk often and when we do it hurts to talk to her like we're friends and know in the back of my mind that we'll never be more than that again. I miss talking to her on a daily basis, and I miss writing her letters. I want to feel happy when I think of her again instead of sad. I want to hang out with her after school every Wednesday like we used to. She's my best friend and I miss her.
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