If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
Damn it's hot out... also I wonder if I got the right bus pass..
^Pointless spam post
^Pointless spam post

I'm starting to think that any opinion that differs from "Christianity is the one true religion" is automatically labeled as "spam" or "trolling". Almost as though people are angry that they don't agree with their specific world view.
Yeah, now that I look at it again it is really cute... but it's still creepy that someone would think of that. I don't think they even talk to each other at all during the movie?
But didn't you know following the one true god automatically gives you immunity to the forum rules? I know it's in there because I said so!
You know what I think? You should stop arguing. It isn't getting anyone anywhere and it's just a plain old bad idea. That thread shouldn't even exist. But it does, and it is showing us why it wasn't a good idea.
1-2 on Showdown tonight. Ech. Could be worse lol.
I wasn't the one who started the argument, lol.