Well, yesterday I learned that this girl happened to get a boyfriend. Even after I told her not to screw with that kinda ****. Well, whatever, I can't control people.
I went to sleep and I had a dream. Pretty lucid dream. I was at my old job with my uniform and I was sweeping...except that I wasn't an employee and I knew I wasn't. But, I was sweeping **** up and I happen to notice the girl in a group of faceless people (faceless because I couldn't only see the girl). I ducked around because honestly...I'm done talking to her both IRL but more importantly in the dream. I went to a backroom which somehow led to a ride. I dropped the broom and went to the line, and I saw my bros pass by. Weird, because I saw shiny brown hair - the hair of the girl. I tried to ignore it, and sat on top of a railing. I looked out to the ride I was waiting to get on, noticed some pillar things and people hanging off of them like silly people (i.e. me) would do. I tossed my head from right to left and said "idiots...someone is going to get hurt." which is the complete opposite of my personality; I love to do dangerous things. Anyway, I looked to the left and saw that same shiny brown hair, and I noticed the girl was at the front of her gate and I was at the front of mine.
I woke up after that. Needless to say, my brain is telling me that I'm jealous, but I really don't give a damn. lel.