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Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
I can't believe they effectively stole a fan film idea for a full movie, pfffffffft
Um, I will say that Aragon and Gandalf do hunt for Gollum in the books but it isn't really talked about a lot or highlighted, but I am pretty sure that them hunting Gollum does happen, just behind the scenes. I think it is even talked about briefly in the Fellowship movie at one point.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Legend
Um, I will say that Aragon and Gandalf do hunt for Gollum in the books but it isn't really talked about a lot or highlighted, but I am pretty sure that them hunting Gollum does happen, just behind the scenes. I think it is even talked about briefly in the Fellowship movie at one point.
oh I knew that! I've read the books, heh.

I was just pointing out that this exact film adaption has been done in the past

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
They are really milking Middle Earth dry like Star Wars is being milked dry by Disney; its losing its allure. I do not need every off hand statement by characters turned into a movie or series:

“Kissel Run in Twelve Parsecs” -Solo Movie
“I Looked for Creature Gollum but the enemy found him first”. -Gollum Hunt Movie

…. Rolls eyes
Last edited:


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
They are really milking Middle Earth dry like Star wars us by Disney.. its losing its allure. I do not need every off hand statement by characters turned into a movie or series…

“Kissel Run in Twelve Parsecs” -Solo Movie
“I Looked for Creature Gollum but the enemy found him first”. -Gollum Hunt Movie

As a Tolkien nut, it bothers me.

A lot of these executives want to milk already successful things, which for Tolkien's Legendarium, there's only so much interesting stuff you could write about, as it's a complete history from the beginning of the universe to its end.

It seems so few are willing to take a risk on writing something new or starting something new.

They forget, however, that even Tolkien's Legendarium was rejected from publishers too, as it was risky in the beginning.

Edit: What's truly baffling, is that they don't really understand Tolkien's Legendarium. You know what would make for a wonderful romance movie? The story of Beren and Luthien, which parallels Aragorn's and Arwen's relationship. You know how many female Tolkien fans you'd garner just from that story that Tolkien wrote as a side story? SO MANY.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
As a Tolkien nut, it bothers me.

A lot of these executives want to milk already successful things, which for Tolkien's Legendarium, there's only so much interesting stuff you could write about, as it's a complete history from the beginning of the universe to its end.

It seems so few are willing to take a risk on writing something new or starting something new.
This is exactly how I feel.

Tolkien was writing a final apocalyptic part of his story that would see Morgoth unchained to come back to Arda and a final war. I’d finish that story and make it. But first they need The Silmarillion adapted to really lend weight to Morgoth’s return.

The problem is they want Gandalf (Olorin) and other known names in everything, and they could not be in a 4th to 5th Age of Middle Earth. So I doubt they will do that.. sigh..


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
This is exactly how I feel.

Tolkien was writing a final apocalyptic part of his story that would see Morgoth unchained to come back to Arda and a final war. I’d finish that story and make it. But first they need The Silmarillion adapted to really lend weight to Morgoth’s return.

The problem is they want Gandalf (Olorin) and other known names in everything, and they could not be in a 4th to 5th Age of Middle Earth. So I doubt they will do that.. sigh..
Or you know, you could do one of Tolkien's side stories, the story of Beren and Luthien, which is a wonderfully sweet romance, if tragic.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Yesss.. Beren and Luthien is my favorite tale in Sil. You could also just do The Children of Hurin instead of it in The Sil.
So what's really frustrating, is that, with so much to explore in Tolkien's Legendarium, it seems like they're only scratching the surface of it because people want to see the familiar named characters.

Yeah, we already have seen Gandalf, Aragorn, and all the other characters in the movies, good, cool, and us book nerds know intimately what happens to them, cool.

Why not explore some of the other interesting aspects of his Legendarium? Like Dagor Dagoroth, the Children of Hurin, or Beren and Luthien?

It's like they're afraid to bet on JRR Tolkien in fantasy, which is.... strange, considering he's the godfather of modern epic fantasy.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
ZD Champion
Jun 1, 2023
So what's really frustrating, is that, with so much to explore in Tolkien's Legendarium, it seems like they're only scratching the surface of it because people want to see the familiar named characters.

Yeah, we already have seen Gandalf, Aragorn, and all the other characters in the movies, good, cool, and us book nerds know intimately what happens to them, cool.

Why not explore some of the other interesting aspects of his Legendarium? Like Dagor Dagoroth, the Children of Hurin, or Beren and Luthien?

It's like they're afraid to bet on JRR Tolkien in fantasy, which is.... strange, considering he's the godfather of modern epic fantasy.
Same problem with Star Wars.. they said in Rise of Skywalker taglines, “The End of the Skywalker Saga,” like we were moving beyond them. Then Luke appears in Mando S2 and Book of Boba, and Anakin is in Kenobi and Ahsoka. I love the characters, but there was a time when they were fresh! They were new and we arn’t getting that much anymore, just either the same faces or new characters that knew them.

Back to Middle Earth, Rings of Power really illustrates your point.

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