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The Switch is DOOMED


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Not everybody uses Amiibo...

The Switch release felt extremely rushed. Nintendo shipped out a very limited supply of consoles and accessories to "test the water" so to speak, trying to push one of the year's best games (BotW) as well as one of the year's worst (1,2 Switch). Disgruntled consumers also started complaining about the Joycons disconnecting, dead pixels, and screen scratching from the dock. But this is all commonplace for a new console. That's more of a genuine issue than "the consumers are dumb for supporting X company by purchasing a console with few release titles" but Nintendo has effectively been righting these wrongs by replacing defective units and releasing a steady flow of content. Aka, doing what the Wii U couldn't.

Arguing that the Switch is underpowered compared to current gen systems is convincing enough, but I think that their move to make a hybrid portable home console was meant to draw in the handheld crowd as well as the basement dwellers players at home. Mobile gaming is a huge market in and of itself, and it's a wonder how many of the App Store/GooglePlay titles haven't migrated over yet. As far as competing directly with the Xbox Done and Playstation Bore goes, Nintendo have pretty much given up on that endeavor, instead hoping to catch lightning in a bottle like they did in their Wii days (ten years ago...). It's sad that the Switch isn't even powerful enough to keep up with the base PS4, and if the next console can't even do that with Sony or Microsoft's then I'll probably retire from their chicanery.

Also, I bought a Switch to play games on, ya know something the Wii U didn't have. Not because I'm stupid or anything. >_>;;
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~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Not everybody uses Amiibo...

No they don't. It was but one example of a way Nintendo milks its consumers.

The Switch release felt extremely rushed. Nintendo shipped out a very limited supply of consoles and accessories to "test the water" so to speak, trying to push one of the year's best games (BotW) as well as one of the year's worst (1,2 Switch). Disgruntled consumers also started complaining about the Joycons disconnecting, dead pixels, and screen scratching from the dock. But this is all commonplace for a new console. That's more of a genuine issue than "the consumers are dumb for supporting X company by purchasing a console with few release titles" but Nintendo has effectively been righting these wrongs by replacing defective units and releasing a steady flow of content. Aka, doing what the Wii U couldn't.

Arguing that the Switch is underpowered compared to current gen systems is convincing enough, but I think that their move to make a hybrid portable home console was meant to draw in the handheld crowd as well as the basement dwellers players at home. Mobile gaming is a huge market in and of itself, and it's a wonder how many of the App Store/GooglePlay titles haven't migrated over yet. As far as competing directly with the Xbox Done and Playstation Bore goes, Nintendo have pretty much given up on that endeavor, instead hoping to catch lightning in a bottle like they did in their Wii days (ten years ago...). It's sad that the Switch isn't even powerful enough to keep up with the base PS4, and if the next console can't even do that with Sony or Microsoft's then I'll probably retire from their chicanery.

Also, I bought a Switch to play games on, ya know something the Wii U didn't have. Not because I'm stupid or anything. >_>;;

Their move to a hybrid console would be a great idea. The problem is they have said they aren't replacing the 3DS with the Switch. Which means most hand held gamers won't be forced to switch over and therefore won't be switching over.

Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
If the Switch continues to not have any 3rd party games, it may be doomed after all.


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Well, their launch titles were less than satisfying... (Everyone just bought BoTW on their Wii Us) but soon, we'll have Splatoon 2, Marion Odyssey, and Arms (Is that out yet?).

Those (By that, I mean Splatoon 2) all will definetly get consumers. People buy consoles for new games more than anything (The only reason I'm getting a Switch), and new games are coming for the Switch.... Just, maybe they should have released them faster, or the Switch slower.

Now, Nintendo was being smart, by only having a few Switches actually available at launch, becuase that way, they could sell it to stores for more, but they were also dumb for doing that, because all of the people that have been trying are now finding it impossible to get a Switch for 300 dollars, and aren't buying Switch games because they have given up on getting a Switch.

The Switch issues are easily fixable, and at LEAST there aren't many Switches in circulation at the moment, so Nintendo has time to fix these problems.

Nintendo has always been known to make revolutianary advancments in their consoles (First motion sense console, first portable console, ect.), and the Switch delivers on that level, BUT in many other aspects, they failed.

They could've at LEAST given 1, 2, Switch with the console.

I think Nintendo needs a better marketing team...

Sure, they could've done better on a lot of stuff, but as long as we idiots buy their stuff, we, and them, will be set for a long time.


A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
Switch is anything but doomed:

You may not personally like the direction that Nintendo is taking. But to say that it isn't doing well isn't true at all.

The Switch has been selling tremendously so far, and sales are by far not slowing down. Both software and hardware sales has been in line, if it more, than the Nintendo Wii, and the Nintendo Switch hasn't even had its first holiday season.

Furthermore, with a huge array of quality games(both first and third party) coming, the Switch will continue to sell well. The Switch may not have the likes of "AAA Western Releases", but it's Square Enix, Indies, and Ubisoft support boasts quite a high profile library in the future, especially with 3rd party exclusives.
Not everybody uses Amiibo...

The Switch release felt extremely rushed. Nintendo shipped out a very limited supply of consoles and accessories to "test the water" so to speak, trying to push one of the year's best games (BotW) as well as one of the year's worst (1,2 Switch). Disgruntled consumers also started complaining about the Joycons disconnecting, dead pixels, and screen scratching from the dock. But this is all commonplace for a new console. That's more of a genuine issue than "the consumers are dumb for supporting X company by purchasing a console with few release titles" but Nintendo has effectively been righting these wrongs by replacing defective units and releasing a steady flow of content. Aka, doing what the Wii U couldn't.

Arguing that the Switch is underpowered compared to current gen systems is convincing enough, but I think that their move to make a hybrid portable home console was meant to draw in the handheld crowd as well as the basement dwellers players at home. Mobile gaming is a huge market in and of itself, and it's a wonder how many of the App Store/GooglePlay titles haven't migrated over yet. As far as competing directly with the Xbox Done and Playstation Bore goes, Nintendo have pretty much given up on that endeavor, instead hoping to catch lightning in a bottle like they did in their Wii days (ten years ago...). It's sad that the Switch isn't even powerful enough to keep up with the base PS4, and if the next console can't even do that with Sony or Microsoft's then I'll probably retire from their chicanery.

Also, I bought a Switch to play games on, ya know something the Wii U didn't have. Not because I'm stupid or anything. >_>;;
I don't think the underpowered argument is convincing however. There is absolutely no way, with current technology, that a handheld can be at the power level of a PS4, and have a decent battery life for under $1000.

As for supporting the 3DS, I must ask you this. Did Sony supporting the PS3 2 years after release drastically affect PS4 sales?

Now, the biggest thing that the Switch does wrong, and one being ignored: is that of basic features of the console. With a half baked UI, and lack of online features as of now. That is the rushed and the basic shortcomings of the Switch. But that will hardly make Nintendo doomed.
Oct 14, 2013
There is absolutely no way, with current technology, that a handheld can be at the power level of a PS4, and have a decent battery life for under $1000.
There's no way the PS4 can have motion controls as good as the Switch and a capacitive touch screen as good as the Switch for under $1000.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
There are hardly any members on ZD... And the Switch appears to have brought out some more exclusives since the making of this year old thread and therefore ending up with its sales better than what it looked like they might be.

Bi-curious what you think of the Switch now Deus.

Anyone who is still optimistic about the Switch can you tell me where all these buyers are going to come from?

Men's girlfriend's boyfriend's of course.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Bi-curious what you think of the Switch now Deus.

Men's girlfriend's boyfriend's of course.

I think it has had a strong start. It's got 17 million sold already. But it needs to keep bringing out solid releases and regularly to keep the momentum going. And also to bring out the same 3rd party games as it's competitors and at the same time not ages after.

I don't think it will outsell the PS4 but they need to keep churning out the content. Kimishima was good for Nintendo, he should have stayed on. We will have to see what direction the new president will take.


Jul 1, 2012
Good to sit here with retrospective. I think the Switch has been pretty successful - both commercially and just from a design perspective. I don’t really aim to buy one any time soon, but it has a great line up of games, a novelty that is both cool and somewhat fashionable, while really building up a reasonable rapport with 3rd party developers.
Oct 14, 2013
I don't think the underpowered argument is convincing however. There is absolutely no way, with current technology, that a handheld can be at the power level of a PS4, and have a decent battery life for under $1000.
As far as I know a PS4 level handhend can't currently exist. The technology for this does not yet exist. Not even the latest iPhones are at the PS4 level yet, but they are on their way to getting there. For me the better way of saying it is, the world's most powerful dedicated to gaming handheld, that can also be mirrored to your television.

The real innovation of the Switch though, apart from the nearly seamless portable to docked play is the use of SSD, Micro SD and carts. Platter hard drives and optical media are one of the huge bottlenecks that the PS4 has to currently deal with. They are old technology that really needs to be left in the past.

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