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The Stand Sign Ups


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Because I loved your first char for me, I'll just copy Wind for this.

Name: Jessie "Wind" (and a last name that I am too lazy to think of)

Age: 17

Clothing: A black sleeveless shirt (sleeves very clearly torn off) and black worn out jeans.

Appearance: Skinny and pale. Wind has a short blonde Mohawk (not spiky, just a line of hair) that is blonde with streaks of yellow highlights. He has long, toned arms and legs.

Personality: "Tough" (as in tries to be, but not really), selfish, rash

Also, haven't really welcomed ya back Arch. Great to see ya, even though it won't be permanent.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
@Himura Kenshin Yeah, what His Majesty said. You create a character and I take care of the rest.

And Doc, so good to see you! :) I haven't spoken much to any of you since I returned, thought peeps were upset at me, and I understand if you are. But don't take what I do to heart, I tend to bull**** all the time. I might say I leave forever but this site has been so great to me since I joined that I often find myself remaining here. I am thinking about leaving once I collect some stories, but really, I also feel stupid leaving such a great place behind. No, right now I don't know what to do, either I leave for good or stay and help this site continue to grow some.

Ok, enough of that. You still want to keep the Punk? lol your choice, but feel free to change his looks if you want.

Over the time I spent away, I did learn some things that were messing up my stories badly...and I do mean badly. You will probably see the difference when I introduce this story again. Just keep a good eye on the dialogue; that's all the tip I'm going to give you.
Thanks. The words Id be fine with would probably be:
Heck,Frik/Frikin,Darn,Crap,Crud,Dagnabbit,...those are pretty much all I can think of.
Pretty much any euphuism

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Thanks. The words Id be fine with would probably be:
Heck,Frik/Frikin,Darn,Crap,Crud...those are pretty much all I can think of.
Pretty much any euphuism
That's fair with me. I will replace any bad words with some of those, or make up some of my own. Trust me, I can sometimes come up with weird things to say. XD Anyway, I'll check the chapters well before posting them.
Okay thanks,sound good.
Sorry,my religion is sortta iffy about that stuff and I think it looks unattractive.
And I do enjoy seeing euphemism people come up with.:)
*edit*:effing is fine too.
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Kylo Ken

I will finish what Spyro started
Aug 10, 2011
Name: Makoto Shishio

Age: 27-ish

Gender: Male

Clothing: Blue, Purple, or Violet robes

Appearance: His skin is covered in burns, so his entire body is wrapped in bandages, with and iron band around his head.

Personality: Evil, ruthless, crafty

Other: Shishio is extremely coldblooded and darwinistic. His philosophy is that the weak exist only for the benefit of the strong, and he shows this by murdering the weak and rising anarchism to weed out the weak in society. He's a sociopath with no empathy, mercy, or compassion, and he has ambitions of national dominance.


*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Himura, can he be a bad guy then? I could use him for those purposes, for sure. Also, yes, he's accepted. And good news...more peeps are signing up for it. :cool:


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Name: Tatl
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Clothing: Gamer t-shirt and grey sweatpants, and brown combat boots. Glasses. No sense of style at all.
Appearance: Short brown hair with blue streaks throughout, grey-green eyes, pale, short, not thin but not fat either.
Personality: Kind, blunt, eccentric.
Other: Is not good with being the decision-maker, but can and will handle crowds and take charge in other ways. A good second-in-command, but not a good leader.
Soldier/Citizen: CAN'T DECIDE. If citizens aren't gonna be boring, then citizens.

*M i d n a*

Æsir Scribe
Aug 18, 2009
Yay, Tatl. :D

Citizens will remain there and take the actions they performed, however, it will be a bit different. Instead of a Wal-Mart, I might do something else as a setting. So you can turn into a soldier instead, it is up to you. Doc is already leaving his punk lifestyle behind for that of a soldier. If you remain the citizen, you will probably still be related to Axle.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Name: Tristan "Doc" (because I want my username in their!) Triassi

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Clothing: A gray coat, fully buttoned, that covers a white long sleeve. Simple gray pants and combat boots. Also a pack of medical supplies on his right belt.

Appearance: Short brownish blonde hair that is kept much shorter on the sides than the top (top is brushed up and to the side). He stands at 5'11'' and is in good shape. Strong and well defined facial features.

Personality: Disciplined, a bit cocky, loyal


Other: Joined the military at 18 and quickly obtained the skills to become a field medic. Due to his work, was nicknamed "Doc".

(May come in and add a cool pic like everyone else seems to be doing if i can get onto my laptop soon)
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