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Breath of the Wild The Sheikah In Zelda Wii U

Mar 22, 2013
Now, we all know the race known as the Sheikah but who the heck are they. A lot of people want to know about their origins and I am one of those people. We learned that the eye was a logo but when the royal family betrayed them they added a single tear. Or maybe they are supposed to be mysterious.


Nov 13, 2014
I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be mysterious.

And the eye with the tear thing, that's non-canonical. It only said that the Royal Family betrayed the Sheikah in the OoT manga, which isn't canon. Therefore that's not really true.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Linkfan99 said:
And the eye with the tear thing, that's non-canonical. It only said that the Royal Family betrayed the Sheikah in the OoT manga, which isn't canon. Therefore that's not really true.

Just because something is noncanonical doesn't mean Nintendo can't integrate it into a future game and make it canon. This would make for an interesting backstory or at the very least sidequest.

My desire to find out more about the Sheikah tribe has yet to be quenched. As with the Demon Tribe, Skyward Sword was a missed story opportunity in this respect. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't skim over the race once more.


Gwoh hoh hoh!
Personally, I'm not sure. In a way, they might be supposed to be mysterious and never explained; kinda like the Valar in Tolkien's mythology, or things like that. For example, while watching Star Wars for the first time, I was really disappointed when the midi-chlorians were explained; they just took away the mystical power known as the Force and replaced it with some random evolved mitochondria.

From another pov though, it would add to the particular game's story, and might also please many fans. It would also make the Zelda mythology more complete; however, this is not necessarily a good thing, because Zelda is a game series, not a fully developed world like what Tolkien invented.

Therefore, I'm not quite sure. Personally I am rather against it, but if they do it well, why not?
Mar 15, 2013
They sound to me more like a cult or some secret order, not a tribe.

Anyway, I think that they should stay mysterious. That way it would leave the players to use their imagination and lead them to their own conclusions. They should be something like the real world secret services. The least you hear about them, the better job they did.
Jan 2, 2012
Personally, I want them to involve Sheikahs more in future games, especially considering how much of a staple Sheik is. Perhaps they could have a co-op with a second player being a Sheikah (or Zelda transformed to Sheik). They were talking of rethinking Zelda being single player, so I think it's a possibility.
I'd like to know about them but really doubt they will and even if they feature heavily in ZeldaU i can bet and probably win that we'd still be no further forward in knowing who, what or why they are there. Unless Link gets integrated into the shiekah tribe and made one himself we're not going to know anyhting, at some point they'll turn up in a game, act cool, make us make threads about how we'd love to play as one but i dont think the mystery will be revealed anytime soon, they've ran with the mysterious thing too long to pull the veil away now.. but then again that is what aonuma said about the timeline...

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